Snap thoughts and deck theory crafting

Snap thoughts and deck theory crafting

After 6 months of playing Marvel Snaps, here is a new year progress update. Out of a total of 331 cards, I own 213 cards. I’m missing the following cards from each series.
Series 3 96 / 104 
  1. Agatha Harkness
  2. Crystal
  3. Dagger
  4. Hazmat
  5. Leader
  6. M’Baku
  7. Quake
  8. Spiderman 2099
  9. Stature

Agatha is mainly used to farm boosters, the play rate is 195 out of 331.

Crystal looks like a good card that gives you a card draw. Not one deck comes to mind but various styles work with her.

Dagger could be a good move card not core but an option.

Hazmat’s old archetype is far more risky, on paper junk deck may be the best home for him. Not sure enough win conditions exist for that to work.

The leader is just a good card however has decreased in play rate.

M’Baku I don’t know what to think about this card

Quake looks pretty good these days I can see her working in a control deck or tech card against storms or certain decks abusing locations.

Spiderman 2099 as a move card could be good but not sure

Stature tech card against discarding that restricted by that mechanic.

The only two cards I want here that is Leader and Quake.

Series 4 7 / 23

  1. Darkhawk – Combo
  2. Echo – Tech card
  3. Havok
  4. Hit monkey – Combo
  5. Howard the duck
  6. Kitty Pryde – Bounce
  7. Knull – Destroy
  8. Lady Deathstroken- Destroy
  9. Legion – Tech card
  10. Martyr
  11. Mirage – Combo
  12. Nimrod – Destory
  13. Silver Samurai – Discard
  14. Zabu – Combo

Quite a few good cards here which have added basic archetypes too.  Mirage is normally found in Loki decks. Handful of cards I want Darkhawk, Echo, Hit Monkey, Knull, Legion, Zabu. New archetypes defining or flex cards that have powerful impacts.

Series 5 13 / 24

  1. Annihilus
  2. Blob
  3. Caiera
  4. Elsa Bloodstone
  5. Galactus
  6. Gladiator
  7. Ms. Marvel
  8. Sebastian Shaw
  9. Thanos

Annihilus is a flexible card or is another tool for the junk archetype, improving the hood/sentry combo. 

Blob can be a big card finisher or of a wider package, flexible card fits into many archetypes.

Caiera has not defined a deck but has helped improve it. Not sure what to think about it.

Elsa is no longer the powerhouse she used to be.

Galactus can be a cheeky finisher that works in junk decks but uses too many cards. One of the few big bads that splits the player base.

Gladiator has found his place with Silver Surfer just good at times.

Ms Marvel has dominated the meta finding her way into all sorts of archetypes. The easy ability to spread power across lanes makes her super strong. She has various counters but they come with trade-offs.

Shaw is similar to Glad, he good silver surfer piece.

Thanos has found a place in many different archetypes, viable in some form for a while now.

Deck theory crafting

I want to try Storm/quake due to the amount of limbo. Not sure what package I would build it around. Not climbed much these seasons so far need to find a deck I enjoy. Meta has been a rather weird one for me. Just some brief thoughts and what I’m looking at targeting in spotlight caches. Kang still sucks ^_^