Star wars force awakens – I don’t like it

Star wars force awakens – I don’t like it

Last night I watched Star wars force awakens or was it, shareholders.

Never been a massive star wars fan, always enjoyed the movies. A family-friendly movie which covers many adult themes in a light mannered way. Creating a massive franchise which impacted the pop culture for decades to come. Spawning a successful movie franchise bringing in billions of revenue. The Walt Disney Company took over the Star Wars license in 2012. Star wars force awakens was the first in new trilogies planned by Disney.

First time watching Force awakens feels like a tribute to the other trilogies. Nothing feels new, unlike every other star wars movie. Touching the same old parts of the universe with fan favourites. Not a fan of the story or structure of the movie. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is better in terms of world building. The story is better expanding on a major event from the original trilogy. Fanservice in rogue one does not feel forced unlike force awakens.  Force awakens is not a bad movie, like the prequels feel unnecessary.  Could argue that prequels are far stronger expanding the star wars universe. Many fans dislike the prequels.

The story is all over the place new star wars era is not explained. Major plot elements are ignored and never explained. The Phantom Menace everything is explained even in a new era. The current struggle is not explained by Republic or first order. 

Personally not looking forward to more star wars movies unless they change the direction and shape.