Warframe Tier list 2024

Warframe Tier List 2024


Broken-up war frames into archetypes should make any tier list easier to create.  Each frame can be seen as a tool, support, DPS, tank, crowd control and farmer frame. Many frames have similar uses with loads of overlap.

Brief description of each archetype.

  • Support – Frames which offer buff and debuffs, various bonuses which benefit the squad.
  • DPS – Damage-focused frames whose kit or parts focus on it.
  • Tanks – Frames which offer some survival tools that allow them to absorb damage.
  • Crowd control – Focus on controlling enemies.
  • Farmer – Make it easier to frame resources increase the odds or increase farm speeds.

Rating system

S = Completely broken, A is excellent, B is great, C is okay, D is playable but not okay and F freaking sucks.

Frames which fall between A and C range what you most commonly see being played. + and – just bonus ranks to help show the power levels within the ranks.

I have included some extra comments explaining my reasonings and thoughts. This year I have added a change log.

Support frames

  • S
  • A+ Wisp
  • An Octavia, Xaku
  • A- Citrine, Trinity
  • B+ Volt
  • B Harrow, Caliban
  • B- Protea
  • C Rhino
  • C- Oberon
  • D Valkyr

Reasoning and thoughts

Oberon jack of all trades master of none, armour strip is conditional, and healing is lower compared to other options with higher energy drain. Wisp lacks an armour strip but does provide healing with other bonuses. So I’m trying to compare each bonus against each other. A really good example is Caliban, damage reduction and amplified damage. Valkyr offers warcry which is weak compared to some other abilities on offer, worse still you can subsume it.

Change log

Added Citrine, Caliban

Xabu B to A
Rhino B to C
Protea A to B-
Trinity C to A-


  • S
  • A+ Mesa, Octavia, Saryn
  • A Ember, Titania, Hydroid
  • A- Gara, Protea, Baruuk, Khora, Dageth
  • B+ Ash, Ivara, Volt, Excalibur, Styanax, Kullervo
  • B Mag
  • B- Gyre, Qorvex
  • C Equinox, Yareli
  • C- Atlas
  • D Nyx

Reasoning and thoughts

Three queens of damage, Mesa, Octavia and Saryn and forgotten Nyx. Rather wide margin in terms of power levels here. Hydroid rework seeing him jump from awful to great. Newcomers to the list Dageth, Kullervo and Qorvex all are quite good. Reworking how stat sticks work with abilities would be good. Balancing has been done on weakening melee stat stick-focused frames. Other frames need a rework or just some love to improve.

Change log

Added Dageth, Kullervo and Qorvex

Mesa A to A+
Khora A+ to A-
Caliban – Removed
Gyre C to B-
Nyx C to D
Atlas D to C-
Hydroid F to A

Crowd control

  • S
  • A+ Octavia
  • A Nova
  • A- Ivara
  • B+ Xaku
  • B Vauban
  • B- Frost
  • C – Limbo
  • D – Loki
  • F – Nyx

Reasoning and thoughts

Damage has overtaken crowd control in terms of power but still a useful tool.

Octavia’s ability to impact whole rooms, taunting enemies to attack not you. Nyx has a similar effect but is far weaker stuff can still target you or your squad. Limbo is strong on paper but with some restrictions is deeply conditional. Frost has a niche which can slow Maximus units, Vauban still has an armour strip that makes him stronger.

Change log 

Nova A- to A
Octavia A- to A+
Vauban B+ to B
Frost C to B-
Nyx D to F


  • S
  • A+ Revenant
  • A Baruuk, Nezha, Zephyr
  • A- Guass, Grendel, Hilldryn, Wukong, Volt
  • B+ Harrow, Trinity
  • B Frost, Nidus, Rhino, Sevagoth, Voruna
  • B- Atlas, Mirage, Loki
  • C Oberon, Lavos, Ivara
  • C- Chroma, Inaros
  • D – Valkyr

Reasoning and thoughts

Revenant remains the best tank in the game, with pure immunity from damage. Worse is Valkyr’s traditional health tank using armour. Three stealth frames exist on the list due to the power of invisibility. New forms exist here including shield-based ones. Some more immunity on the list too.

Change log

Zephyr A+ to A
Nezha A+ to A
Hildryn A to A-
Grendel A to A-
Harrow B to B+
Trinity B- To B+
Frost F to B
Loki C to B-
Ivara B+ to C

Farmer frames

  • S – Titania
  • A+ Hydroid
  • A Khora, Nekros
  • A- Volt
  • B Xaku
  • C Limbo
  • D
  • F – Atlas

Reasoning and thoughts

Titania is one of the best speed runners, and combined with the Helminth ability lets you clear rooms quickly.   Atlas is the worst farming frame in the game. You have quite a mix of different frames here, resources to killing machines.

Change log

Titania A+ to S
Hydroid F to A+
Khora A+ to A
Volt A to A-
Atlas D to F

Rework and quality of life changes

Atlas gameplay loop is using landslide with Petrify to gain bonus armour. As melee melee-based frame he lacks scaling, a pure health tank. Both tectonics and rumblers don’t make any sense to use. Rebalancing is required for stat stick-based frames. Still missing the mark on the level of power required these days.

Chroma gameplay loop is an elemental ward with vex armour, you ignore Spectral Scream and Effigy only used for credit farming. Damage bonuses are more common, reducing the need and usage of frames designed with that in mind. Therefore chroma needs a redesign, Ward and Vex merging just makes sense. Another problem is chroma elements fire, ice is worth using, toxic and electric less so.  

Limbo’s whole concept and gameplay loop need to be changed. He is frustrating to play due to how certain units bypass how the rift works and frustrating when being played in a squad. Remains one of my favourite frames but he is just not in a good state right now. Sole focused on crowd control without any real source of damage.

Frost needs minor rework making him a bit more mobile. Some minor quality-of-life changes, adding more damage or faster animations. So close to being good yet so far.

Oberon needs some quality-of-life changes, and stronger base heal/scaling. The Armour strip is conditional and needs to be changed. Changing how the energy economy works just a little bit would be helpful.

Qorvex needs some quality-of-life changes and minor functional changes. Little bit more range, a cone instead of a line on the walls. I would like to see heal or armour reduction added too.

Some more to consider looking at include

  1. Loki – Rework
  2. Nyx – Rework
  3. Valkyr – Rework
  4. Voruna – Quality of life
  5. Yareli – Rework
  6. Gyre – Quality of life