Balancing the Triangle: Rethinking Gods’ Strengths and Weaknesses

Balancing the Triangle: Rethinking Gods’ Strengths and Weaknesses

Game Feedback: Balancing and Design Considerations

  1. Symptoms vs. Root Cause:
    • A symptom serves as a sign of an underlying issue but isn’t the cause itself.
    • In the game context, free beads are a symptom, not the root cause of gameplay dynamics.
    • Players’ safety improvements in Smite 1 stem from design choices, but the fundamental cause lies elsewhere.
  2. Design Triangle: Damage, Mobility, and Ease of Use:
    • Gods’ balance hinges on three factors: damage, mobility, and ease of use.
    • Currently, gods exhibit excessive strength with minimal weaknesses.
    • This imbalance leads to a race toward overpowering abilities and power creep.
  3. Practical Implementation: Example with Zeus:
    • Zeus, lacking mobility, should excel in high damage output.
    • His sole crowd control (CC) would be a short stun.
    • Design flexibility could allow abilities to adapt based on the player’s role.
  4. Trade-offs and Weaker Corners:
    • Gods shouldn’t excel in all three corners of the triangle.
    • As power increases, trade-offs should emerge (e.g., harder-to-use abilities or lower damage).
  5. Super Mobile Gods and Crowd Control:
    • Highly mobile gods should naturally lack immunity to CC or hard lockdown abilities.
  6. Difficulty in Dodging Abilities:
    • The game currently lacks the feel of a fighting game due to reduced skill shots.
    • Setup options are prevalent, making it easier to land abilities.
  7. Power Curve and Kit Weaknesses:
    • The overall power curve needs adjustment.
    • Some kits require more weaknesses and less strength.

Smite 2 alpha first impressions

Smite 2 alpha first impressions

Smite 2’s first-weekend alpha has just finished, and it is in a very early state. It feels like an alpha piece of software, unfinished with barebones features. A fresh foundation to build on, with core mechanics being the most important thing to focus on during this alpha period. Once they are finalized, it’s unlikely they will change due to everything else being built on top of it.

Alpha patch notes can be found here.

Gods can now build any item, with Strength (STR) and Intelligence (INT) replacing physical and magical damage. These two different stats have different effects on scaling their abilities and basic attacks. The only negative aspect is that there are more terms that can confuse players—references to physical and magical damage feel odd with STR/INT floating around. I would prefer if Smite stuck to two terms when it comes to damage. Let me give you an example: magical and physical protections. Which items protect me against strength attacks? I can already envision new players and returning players who don’t follow the patch notes asking that very question for years to come. Having more knowledge to learn means a higher barrier to entry. I’m sure the designers are aware of the KISS principle (Keep it simple, stupid). On a positive note, I appreciate how each type of damage now has a symbol showing its type. Reducing the knowledge required with lifesteal and penetration, thumbs up here—this is a good change overall. Movement changes are also overdue. Displacement CC changes reduce the number of terms in the game, and that is a good thing.

Front End UI:

  • The current UI feels functional and temporary, as confirmed by the patch notes. However, on consoles, it appears rather clunky to navigate and use.
  • The shop experience on consoles is frustrating. Here’s a simple solution: add a virtual cursor that can be controlled by the joysticks. Warframe uses a similar system, and it’s cross-platform.

Gameplay Changes:

  1. Tower Bounties and Health Bars:
    • These small changes could be positive, but there’s concern that most players won’t notice them.
  2. Minions:
    • While a small change, most players will likely notice the adjustments to minotaurs.
  3. Infamy System:
    • The shake-up in how jungle camps work introduces some problems. First, there’s no progress bar. Second, it’s not obvious what’s happening. For average players who don’t read patch notes, there should be clear indicators of changes.
    • On a positive note, the buff descriptions before pickup are a huge improvement.
  4. Interactive Map Objectives:
    • Some objectives (like Warhorn) lack clear explanations. Players need to know what they’re doing and what the objectives do.
    • The change to jungle buff pickup is good.
  5. Stealth Areas:
    • I’m glad stealth areas made it into the game. They add an element of strategy, using the map as a tool.
  6. Gold Fury and Ancient:
    • It’s unclear if the UI shows the bonus given after killing the Gold Fury. Ancient provides another strategy for breaking into a base. Objective control becomes more important.
  7. No More Classes:
    • Removing classes is a positive change, but playstyle tags should be visible during god selection. A sorting system would prevent the overwhelming feeling from the large roster.
  8. God Ability Text:
    • Short and long versions of ability descriptions are perfect. However, accessing them on a controller feels a bit clunky.
  9. Full God Kits:
    • With limited playtime, I appreciate what you’re trying to achieve with full god kits. My concern is ability bloat—adding too much while reducing weaknesses and giving gods too much versatility.
    • Various changes have noticeable gameplay impacts.
  10. Item Changes:
    • The component-based system is a step in the right direction. However, there’s worry about how actives and passives work on controllers.
    • The crafting recipe system isn’t very clear in the current UI. It’s essential to ensure players understand it.
    • The flexibility to choose starters without being forced into a specific option is a positive change.
  11. Wards and purification Beads: Turning these two into free resources I hope will see increased use of wards and make beads easier to balance. My only worry about wards is not being able to replace them, being able to buy new one for gold that resets the cooldown would be good.

Item Slots:

  • Inventory management now allows you to change slots around, which is a welcome improvement.

Consumables, Actives, and Passive Items:

  • Consumables taking up slots makes sense—early game, they’re crucial, but they become less useful late game.
  • However, the controller scheme feels a bit clunky when using these new items. Improving it is challenging due to the limits on button combinations.

Core Combat:

  • At times, hitting basic attacks felt a little off. I’m unsure if this discrepancy was due to the model style in contrast to the conquest art.

Conquest Map Design:

  • I would prefer the jungle to feel more like a maze. Creating difficulty in ganking lanes and deciding to give up farm for a gank feel impactful.
  • Currently, more cartoony style, but I was hoping for something different. Don’t mind this new direction being colourful. While I love the overall look of the game, it doesn’t quite fit the art style of the gods.

Pre general election period

The next United Kingdom general election must be held no later than 28th January 2025. However, this timeline presents a unique challenge: campaigning over Christmas and into the last possible date. As a result, it’s unlikely that the election will occur during that period, leaving us with October or November as more feasible options. Additionally, the party conferences scheduled for September further complicate the timing. Useful explainer, When will the next UK general election be? | Institute for Government

Polls consistently show that the Labour Party maintains a 14-20% lead over the Conservatives. That trend, started in late 2021, has persisted for the past two years. Source for that claim, politico, BBC, Guardian, Sky news.  With other polling data also indicating negative sentiment toward the Conservative party. Approval of government can be found here from YouGov. Here Ipsos tracking how approvals for various issues. Point is these numbers are not good news, once trust is lost voters don’t listen. No party has recovered while being this far behind on all the important measures. Even if you assume the best-case recovery happens, the Labour lead would still be 4-6%. All these numbers point towards defeat. However, we don’t know what sort of defeat is going to happen. Four possible outcomes here, small defeat, big defeat, wipe out and extinction event.

Voters have lost trust in the Conservatives across various measures, largely due to a series of supply shocks, scandals, and questionable political decisions. Supply shocks talking about brexit, COVID, Russia war in Ukraine and oil price jumps caused by conflict. As for scandals, ‘party gate’ scandal involving Boris Johnson, and the crash of Liz Truss’s mini budget. Mixed with a string of smaller scandals, but these two caused the biggest drop in support. Questionable choices long list from housing, planning, and lack of investment. Against the record of stagnant wages over the past 14 years is not good. The self-imposed supply shock of leaving the European Union has not helped matters, acting like a slow puncture on the UK economy.

The power to call an election lies with the Prime Minister, and timing is a crucial decision. We find ourselves in the final months of a government that appears to have run out of fresh ideas. The Conservative party is hopelessly divided, and external shocks have exposed deep fault lines within its ranks. The upcoming local elections on 2nd May add further pressure to announce a date, and the anticipated losses may lead to panic as reality sets in.

From the outside, Rishi Sunak seems to believe he can still win. Despite the polling, he has made the right choices and deserves reward, public opinion remains unswayed. At times still chaotic moments but nothing compared to what came before. We are now in an extended campaign period before any general election is officially called. Unfortunately, there seem to be no more “rabbits in the hat” left to shift the dial. Local elections normally don’t tell you much but give you an idea of the direction of travel. Showing you who is up and down.

The nationalist conservatism in the UK mirrors trends seen in Europe, but it has not yet found a winning formula. To make matters worse, trends along with fringe ideas, like leaving the European Court of Human Rights, have now become mainstream. That has me worrying about the future. Fringe ideas in the past have now become mainstream, and what worries me is what is to come. Furthermore, the influence of Russian and Chinese interests has been pushing their world view. Both are trying to weaken the Western world and view democracy as an inferior system of government.

As the campaign machinery gears up, the echoes of supply shocks, scandals, and questionable decisions reverberate through the political landscape. The Conservative party, once a formidable force, now grapples with internal divisions and external pressures. Trust, once squandered, is a fragile commodity. Next the government is going to inherit an awful outlook, economy in bad shape and low trust. Generation who have no experience of power, going to face similar divisions and pressures. No transition of power makes that even harder to deal with.

Poem: Storm clouds

Storm clouds

Storm clouds gather fast,
Thunder rolls, lightning flashes—
Nature’s fierce dance cast.

Thunder rolls above,
Lightning’s dance across the sky—
Nature shows its fury.

In this powerful dance,
Elements in bold discourse,
Commanding our glance.

Alive with true colors,
Nature’s light show of fear, power—
A spectacle for hours.

Over in minutes, grey clouds emptying their fury,
Onwards we watch the show.
Safe inside while storm rages outside,
Picking up the mess, nature’s reminder:
We are visitors in the garden of life.

Poem: Farewell Ripples

Farewell Ripples

You’re not alone, even in calm waters; always listen to your heart.

One final signal before that connection fades, yet remains unforgotten.

We spoke to each other only in passing, by chance, improbable odds aligning.

The brief crossing of paths, a moment to sail in different directions.

Before darkness descends once more, silence follows, and we seek the next connection.

As we pass, the ripples you created touched many—a kindness spreading across the sea creatures.

You shone like a lighthouse, revealing hidden rocks, even though we shared some of those same obstacles.

Ahead lies a long journey, with many more rocks and storms filled with strong winds threatening to pull you off course.

Remember, you’ll never be truly alone; reach out when you need help.

No matter life’s waves, you can still extend across the vast ocean.

May this ocean provide the support, strength, and love you need.

Seek a similar ship, burdened with rainbows; always reach out when you’re lost.

A lighthouse will guide you back to the right path, a safe haven from life’s icebergs.

Beware of false lighthouses—those seeking control rather than assistance during stormy weather.

Our ships may follow separate paths, but know that we’ll come to your aid if needed—even if it means crossing oceans to find you once more.

We all lose our way at times; it may feel like the end, but it’s just a new beginning.

Life must go on, even with this painful departing message.

You won’t be the last ship I pass and bid farewell to.

Poem: Cycle of life

Cycle of Life

We start with a spark of love
And live a life that kindles more love
When death comes like an old friend
He guides us to the heavens

Our family tree grows green with time
Its earthly musk branches reaching far and wide, full of life
But sometimes one is strapped too soon,
Before it blooms with delicate colorful flowers, creating a family rainbow

The dark grey cloudly sky pours down its blessings then
And tears waters the branches once more, faces of living becoming rivers
We return to the roots of our tree, earth opening accepting us
And rest in peace for evermore

Grief is the price we pay for love
We may not know each branch, but still
They are our kin, our flesh and blood
Their love lives on, eternal and still

Say hello to them for me
Let them lead you to a new life
Smile for death, he’s an old friend
Death is not the end, it is the start

Marvel Snap card acquisition thoughts

Marvel Snap card acquisition thoughts

Marvel snap card acquisition is rather slow compared to rate of cards coming out. Which is averaging 5 cards per month, one season pass card and one each week spotlight. Cards come from spotlight caches or token shop. These resources are limited by design. Second dinner on purpose is trying to stop people from having complete collections. Therefore, power creep becomes a problem something the designers have to deal with. They have improved card acquisition, but newer players will take months to get a sizable collection. I started play snap in June 2023, 8 months ago, assuming no cards are added that maximum of 3 more months. Almost a year to become pool 3 complete, which is a big ask.  I have some thoughts on card acquisition. My collection is currently the following.

Series 3 – 103 / 104 Leaving Agatha Harkness

Series 4 – 9 / 24 important cards Echo, Hit Monkey, Zabu and Knull

Series 5 – 14 / 29 important cards Annihilus, Blob, Caiera, Gladiator, Galactus, Ms. Marvel, Thanos

Couple here which are archetype defining therefore deeply important cards. Some good cards missing, some tech. How it currently works, second dinner moves cards between pools after many months. Can be many months before a card comes back into the spotlight pool.

Here my suggestion

Pool 1 remains the same

Pool 2 remains the same

Pool 3 archetype defining cards, bundle together cards, say a destroy bundle or random collection of cards from each group. A bundle is given once a certain collection level is reached.

Pool 4 acts like pool 3 does now, random card acquisition would include 5 card bundles here until a certain threshold is reached 75% of cards owned.

Pool 5 maximum of 15 cards

Pool 6 maximum of 20 cards

Introducing a hard limit on number of cards in pool 5/6. Giving players groups of cards, something that happens in pool 1. Bundles would work like that, just in small packs for players to open. This could be a collection reward or part of the spotlight cache system. Archetype defining or dominated cards can move to pool 3. Good cards go into pool 4.

How does card acquisition work? Collectors reserves, spotlight caches, token shop.

Reserves drop rates it also explains how it currently works. I would remove golden ticket, 50 tokens adding 100 tokens and spotlight key or pool 4 / 5 card. 

Spotlight cache duplicated cards give 3,000 or 6,000 collector tokens instead. Given how long it takes to gain a spotlight, key makes sense to boost the numbers.

Second dinner has many serious improvements to card acquisition, but still more they could do. Increasing the number of free monthly pool 3 cards is another option. Could do a cache bundle 5 cards per month for free.


Returning to Firefox

Returning to Firefox

I have decided to reinstall Firefox, using it as my primary browser for a month. Returning to the open source web browser I used to use years ago. Unlike most people, I never used Microsoft Internet Explorer, liked Firefox more. I have always been a fan of open source software, used various ones over the years. Firefox is not just a web browser, part of open source software spirt that powers the Internet that believes in privacy, performance, and community. It one few remaining browsers not based on Chromium, maintained by Google. If you are looking for a web browser that respects your privacy, security, and performance, you should consider Firefox.

Why did I switch to Chrome in the first place?

Google focus on compatibility, superior performance and ability to customize it. It was also rather simple, reminding me what Firefox used to be like. Google Chrome web browser replaced Internet Explorer, Firefox for the majority of people. Therefore, most web pages are designed with it in mind. Becoming one of most widely used browsers across all platforms, 60% across desktop, mobile, and tablet. Google turned it users into the product with user profiling, making their web adverting even more profitable.

Why switch back to FireFox?

Two reasons

Privacy concerns with user profiling

Ad blocking restrictions coming in

I don’t trust Google, some changes look like restrictions and expanding user profiling. Retiring 3rd party cookies in 2024, companies like Google have abused their position of power before. I don’t trust Google that much these days. I always loved open source software, the approach non-profit Mozilla Foundation takes. Given how it only major browser that doesn’t use Chromium, that another bonus. Opera uses that engine these days, built in VPN is nice but lacks the same level of support. I prefer the look and feel of Firefox. Easier to switch between browsers these days, sharing the same bookmarks and other data.

Closing thoughts

Time to use Firefox after a long time ago, going to take some time finding right add-ons. Performance is not a worry at the moment, and privacy trumps it.

Warframe brief thoughts on Qorvex

Warframe brief thoughts on Qorvex

Here are my thoughts on Qorvex, using the Warframe wiki. I won’t give much detail but a rough overview of how it works instead. Qorvex based on my experience is a caster health tank. Traditional health tanks have leaned towards being more like weapons platforms. Using my tier list, an example of health tanks and casters. So we now have a hybrid.

How do I rate him? The average frame leaning towards below average. Still useable but has some problems that can be addressed. Some minor quality-of-life changes will go a long way, just making the gameplay loop feel better. Lack of self heal or armour stripping feels odd given what others similar to him can do and where to unlock him.

The Gameplay pool appears to be a pillar, the guard followed with the wall before blasting.


3-metre punch-through on weapons. The old passive was adding radiation damage, disappointed that was changed. I’m guessing it was changed due to messing with damage spreads.

Chyrinka pillar

The base range here is just 7 metres which is well tiny. Casting this will force you towards the ground, with the line of sight check. It rather weak ability that does not fit into the rest of the design. Want to stay near the pillar but that rarely happens due to very limited benefits.

Containment Wall

Straight line attack with line of sight checks, again grounded but this time with long animation. Anything is flying you can forget about hitting it. Any sort of geometry can block this attack. Designers love to put boxes and clutter around the map, stairs also block it. Crowd control is rather weird here, the slamming effect can do odd things.

Disometric Guard

Status cleanses and immunity is strong, nothing really bad to say here. The trade-off is no heal or armour strip.

Crucible Blast

Grounded once more with boxes able to block the beam. The duration is just 2 seconds, does decent damage during that short period.

Rather frustrating just how long the cast animations can be. Not only that but you fixed it in place. Making it so you’re mobile or less stuck in place would also be nice.

Quality of life changes

The pillar needs a range increase, increasing this to at least 14m I like to see 20m. The wall should be cone shape that would slam everybody into the centre. A bonus of being able to hit airborne targets. I would like to see some sort of healing or armour strip added. Guard having some healing would be nice. An Armour strip could be added to the wall. Blast can slowly move or increase the duration. Just doing the first two changes would be a major improvement for him.

Smite 2 oh finally

Smite 2 oh finally

Smite was originally released in 2014 for Windows, 2015 Xbox 360, 2016 PS4 and Nintendo Switch in 2019.  Using heavily modified and now outdated Unreal Engine 3 2004. Not just that but it uses software like Adobe Flash Player that is no longer supported and has reached its end of life. Unreal Engine 4 was released in 2014, and Smite is one last and longest-running games using that engine. Upgrading from 3 to 4 would be a challenge but upgrading two generations is impossible. Newer graduates and game developers have never experienced Unreal Engine 3. Therefore makes sense that Smite 2 would be coming sooner. During smite lifetime we have seen various failed spinoffs using smite assets.  Teams behind these games have been using Unreal Engine 4.

Sometime last year I asked one of the community managers about a PS5 client. I can’t remember the exact answer but in my mind, smite 2 was being worked on. Therefore 2 weeks ago I was not surprised to find out Smite 2 is coming in 2024. Combined with slow down in god releases and hints.

Long awaited squeal is being released in different gaming landscapes. The multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) genre no longer dominates the market. League of Legends Wild Rift, the console version was announced 2 years ago and no news. Apart from that MOBA space has been well empty, here are the wiki releases. Smite is the only game in town on console and few new games coming out.

The team plans to port the existing roster to a new game, including reworking and rebalancing based on new game mechanics. 50 promised on release with 5 new gods, release schedule 2 per week during the alpha, 1 bi-weekly during the beta. That means similar levels of content by 2026/2027. No details on the new designs just old assets coming to the new game. Rebuilding everything for the modern gaming landscape. The camera is changing just a bit and different styles of graphics. First impressions are positive so far, including from former pro players and community members who got to play it.

Older platforms are likely to see no new game but servers for Smite will be supported for a while. With over 1,600 skins porting everything over would be a massive cost. The solution is legacy gems rewarding you for money spent on the game.  I don’t care about skins.

Bugs with crashes have been increasing so a new game was badly required.

Looking forward to playing the new game but…..splitting the playerbase is a huge worry for me. Good news console player base lacks a MOBA and PC market would be open to a new one.