Boxing day thoughts

Happy boxing day, suffering from man flu most likely death soon but don’t worry going to carry on. Winter sales have started for boxing day, used to think it meant happy rubbish collection day.  Due to the various boxes littering up your house the street and bin.  Going to spend boxing day trying to work out how to fit pair of bike lights to the front bar.  Christmas and boxing day finds me watching the most TV of the year. Programming this year was quite good with decent selection of movies and shows.  According to research on average around 5 fights per family each Christmas.

Now to tidy up put away things.

Sky news is showing people shopping which not news but normal day whatever…

Time to play with Christmas noobs later and die loads.

Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas 

Loads on my mind but that going to have to wait 🙂

Merry Christmas hope you have a good day.

Spending time with your family who you may not agree with but they mean the best for you.

Christmas is not just about the gifts about being together with family.  Marking the end of winter with some good food.  Very short post I know but not much else to say.

Real meaning of Christmas is based on around people with general Christians values/British.

Updated: BO3 Classes

Disclaimer:  Yet to use every weapon attachment in the world or gun. Obvious examples LMGs and Snipers with some ARs.  

Gunsmith I have saved my attachments so don’t have to remember or setup every time I change guns.

Assault rifles

Normally run quickdraw/stock everything apart from XR-2/Shevia/M8A7 and KN44.

High cailber used when going for headshots, long barrel would only use it on XR-2/M8A7 or HVK-30. Not sure would be worth using due to lack of ranged maps.

Shevia with stock/Elo

Suppressor for KN44 with stock is not bad.


Extended mag for kuda,  Quickdraw/laser for the VMP, Quickdraw for the Weevil, Fast mags / Extended mags or suppressor, Quickdraw / Stock for the Pharo , Red dot / Quickdraw for the Razorback.


Nothing on the KRM or Quickdraw / long barrel

Nothing on the Brecci or Fast mags / Extended mags

Nothing on the Haymaker or Fast mags / Extended mags

Nothing on the Argus or Quickdraw / Stock

Suppressor can work on the Brecci makes the weapon 2 hit kill with less range.


Normally use the following pretty much

Blind eye/cold blooded for anything that needs to be destroyed and engineer

Flak jacket

Dead silence/Awareness or Dead silence

Tracker/hard wired

Engineer for red wood


Must be noted been running with only two perks as of late for certain gamemodes.  Fast hands/gung ho is good for shotguns plus ghost.




Trophy system



Pretty much every class has black cell or XM-53 on it.  Apart from shotguns which uses a pistol.

Christmas Shopping Nightmare

Christmas Shopping Nightmare

Classic Christmas stereotype which is males often end up leaving gift shopping until the last moment with minimum amount of effort required.  For myself this year still have bunch of shopping to do.  Pretty much fallen into the stereotype and still have bunch of jobs to do 🙁

Also can’t find my Christmas cards which is an issue

Help D: !

Black Ops 3 – Bad Teammates

Black Ops 3 Bad Team mates

Recently Drif0r made a video called Bad Teammates & SBMM! (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 SPECULATION).  Here the video 🙂

Going to discuss his points….

1, Team balancing

Drif0r complains that this game has worse team balancing hinting something is going on.  Always gets terrible/horrible players who never played with controller. Getting way more bad teammates than in the past.  Leading to speculation Treyarch are doing something with the balancing.

Based on my experience with Call Of Duty has never been able to balance the teams.  One team always gets smashed the other team always wins easy or not very close.   Horrible teammates have become common element always remember having terrible ones most of the time.  Noticed no real difference in team mate quality.

Black Ops 3 just like any CoD in my experience has suffered from bad teammates!

2, Killstreaks

Even with the tools to destroy killstreaks being so powerful, killstreaks are still damaging to other teams.

3, Not only one notice this

Vocal minority top 10% of players all in your head.

4, Theory

Good players are given terrible teammates expected to carry them.  Based on his experience believes that is true.   My experience quality of teammates are random and often get terrible teammates.  Result is frustrating game due to various gameplay mechanics.

My view

Don’t believe anything is going on and feels like normal CoD to me.  Plus soloing CoD is annoying frustrating in causal very random game which favours map position.  Recent rumours are nothing but rubbish started be taking tweet out of content.  Explains why the studio does not release full details instead just vague what it sort of did releases.

Black Ops 3 Bad Teammates just down to normal matchmaking system and due to playerbase being rubbish on average. Humans like to see patterns when no patterns exist which what I feel is happening.

Scapegoat immigrant

Scapegoat immigrant

Scapegoat immigrant has been blamed for basic failure of the modern capitalist economy. Capitalist system has helped solve the supply issue within the economy but failed the demand side of things.

Issue right now loads of supply but no demand nobody is willing to spend. Policy makers are solving half the equation giving the wrong answer wondering what the hell happened.

Focus on supply side reforms has not fixed the demand issue and instead reduced demand by laying off workers and reducing incomes [wages/benefits]. Reducing fiscal spending has made the economy stagnant and reduced potential growth leading to death spiral. Rich have gotten richer but decided to push up asset prices over spend how many pairs of jeans can one millionaire buy a year. Current system would make sense if that millionaire was buying food/clothes spending his money for his workers but that not the case. Many these people are closet socialists in some twisted sense..

Funny how people believe in the free market but willing to add protectionism policies which reduce growth and income. Free market is great due to innovation by luck, not due to greater competition or efficiency.

Economic uncertainty caused by the wrong policy choices have had massive impact on people. Politicians have been unwilling to admit they got things wrong instead picked a obvious Scapegoat. Just like the economy people won’t trust us if we peddle this myths instead of taking them on. Real leaders lead not follow the pack. Fix the economic uncertainty come up with better social integration model you fixed the issue.

Start is being honest with voters and talk to them. Problem is how?

Two Labours

Political parties have often been board church of people first past the post makes this marriage even more necessary.  Talk of the centre ground part, this in part comes from the current voting system.  Recently been talk about the divide within Labour party but this ignores reality always been board church.   All sides within the party must work together if wants power does mean compromising.  Mistakes have been made criticism along with ideas and support is required from every side. Briefing against your own leader does not help your cause only increases the length of time out of power.  Cold war against Corbyn is unlikely to solve Labours woes instead supporting him and understanding what happened is required.  Various wings of the party have failed to learn from history repeating same mistakes.

Willing to admit Corbyn so far has failed on various fronts.  Government has been given loads of space when should be sweating due to moving the goal posts.  What has happened instead is moving towards populist policy instead of dispelling some myths.  Both sides of the party have made this mistake and failed to take hold of the message or even communicated correctly. Speculation with reports of fighting is not helpful fails to learn from the past.

End of the day all Labour members/supporters and voters want Labour government.

Wanted a leader who is media message is perfect, can talk to people, gives us an alternate.   Best we have is Corbyn who media management has been lacklustre with unhappy parliamentary Labour party who is unwilling to move on from the past.  Hardcore Corbyn supporters also unwilling to move on from the past.  Corbyn would not have won within winning the so called centre ground which speaks volumes of the disconnect.  Labour party right now feels more like student politics even the grown up parliamentary Labour party is looking more like student union.

Party needs to tell some cold hard truths and attack myths along with paint an alternate vision. Tories have built up big collection of myths which are easy to attack and vision does not match reality.  You know that Apprenticeship levy was abolished by Mrs. Thatcher and going to cost business millions of pounds a year extra tax.  Police spending has been cut by 2.4% but nobody noticed that…

If the parliamentary Labour party wants to win over Corbyn supporters should start doing his job for him.  Corbyn could not win within taking the centre group of the Labour party and setting his own narrative keeping on message.  Attacking Corbyn only makes the task of removing him much harder and getting back into power.  Doing a better job taking his message, painting your own narrative is how you win.   Political spin is required and media control.  Hints that some within the opposition understand the above point and want to win over the rebel membership.

Some view me as hardcore leftie not even close 🙂


Black Ops 3 classes

Below pretty much my core classes for the game so far.

Class: FFA 

Following class designed for FFA features perks which increase total player awareness.  Team death match game modes this class works good in say TDM/KC.

  • Six Sense
  • Tracker or Hard wired or Scavenger
  • Awareness / Dead silence

Combo of awareness/dead silence just to good to pass up when it comes to FFA.  Normally run this 99% of the time in FFA unless people are using loads of equipment or stuns.

Six sense adds to your total awareness can get away with removing the perk if you want extra point. Current meta nobody is running hard wired in FFA which makes perk so good. Tracker or Hard wired or Scavenger depending what meta like, scavenger great for slayers. Awareness / Dead silence combo no good real not to use this combo.

Specialist choice is reaper due to how footsteps currently work appear to be bugged with reaper which useful in FFA.

Class: Objective 

Designed to take objectives in various gamemodes.

  • Flak jacket
  • Tactical mask or Dead silence or Tactical mask / Dead silence
  • Equipment Trophy system or smoke combo with tactician.

Combo choices tactical mask / dead silence or smoke / trophy system.  Enough room to put in two combos not just one.  Can throw in hard wired or tracker 🙂