Black Ops 3 – Weapon Tiers

Assault rifles

Weapon balance wise Treyarch has done decent job making each weapon feel different.   Do think that certain weapons could be rebalanced to fix some issues with them.

XR-2 and M8A7

M8A7 needs to be changed needs to have recoil increased due to being close range burst weapon. XR-2 needs to be given less recoil due to being ranged burst weapon.


HVK needs to decide if wants to be close range or long range due to recoil suits close range more. Grand scale of things feels more close range HVK.


Rate of fire needs to be increased with decrease in recoil.

Tier 1: M8A7

Does not mean M8A7 overpowered just rather good plus versatile.

Tier 2: XR-2

Slower rate of fire M8A7 which suited for longer ranges.  Does suffer from higher recoil at distance which makes it less versatile.

Tier 3: Man of war

Recoil wise not a fan of this weapon due to the H recoil however still one of the most versatile weapons.  Don’t like burst weapons use the Man of war.

Tier 4: HVK, ICR-I

ICR-I long range rifle which is low damage but has lower recoil.   Designed to challenge M8/XR-2 less versatile.

HVK more versatile ICR-I does more close range damage due higher rate of fire.  More versatile can be used at range or close.

Tier 5: Sheiva

In theory should be decent however weapon is not very versatile.  Slow rate of fire, slow ADS, poor hipfire spread adds up to not very versatile weapon.

Sub machine gun

Once again Treyarch has made every weapon interesting.  Balance wise things are pretty decent everything has a role.

Pharo burst weapon, Razorback ranged, Kuda standard SMG, Weevil average SMG with big clip, Vesper high rate of fire, VMP mix of Kuda/Vesper.


Tier 1: Pharo, Razorback

Tier 2: Kuda, Weevil

Tier 3: VMP

Tier 4: Vesper

Light machine guns

Yet to use LMGs but again feels decent balanced.

Tier 1 48 Dredge

Tier 2 BRM, Dingo

Tier 3 Gorgan


Tier 1: Argus

Tier 2: Brecii

Tier 3: KRM

Tier 4: Haymaker

Haymaker still good but nerf you can feel it. KRM is better now with minor buffed it gained.

Sunday thoughts

Welcome my Sunday thoughts for Novemberrange of subjects.  Plan on expanding various subjects which was going to be in this blog post but too big to be included. 2015 contained some useful lessons within the year. Burnt the roof my mouth last night sort of hurts on this cold Sunday day. Winter weather is coming at long last we had rather mild period of time winter weather is mild this year.


Every year end up saying I dislike Christmas, sort of true most people apart from family members are unaware of this. Dislike what Christmas has become with the marketing campaign starting October/November.  Not a fan of images being used in everything to market everything.  Whole thing has become centred around cheap tat [rubbish] instead of stuff that useful or nice items which have a use.  Individual culture has become king shaping Christmas into this monster.   Family suffering around Christmas has not helped my view in fact jaded me in some ways.  Things have not got easier for myself still sort of hunted by these issues.  Perfect Christmas just sitting down for nice meal with people you know and chatting.  Lacks any presents in my view experiences should replace them.

Not a fan of most Christmas decorations which are not very creative, rather do massive simple display over lights in every single window.  Turning your front yard into massive collection small lights with single star at the centre is better.

Does not help that certain Christmas TV show are re runs and truly terrible rubbish.


Theory is now booked, just need to get driving element down perfectly.  Driving is easy, thinking and making correct choices is harder.  Only have limited amount of space within your head to process what going on.   Slowing down can help give you more time to make better decisions.  Overall happy with progress so far believe should be done soon just need to not second guess myself.

Now we have clock time to force learn the theory elements.

After that getting car is next issue which requires capital.

Call centre stories 

Been debating posting some of these just removing company names and various other details like names.  Some of them are rather funny others are just sad and made me wonder…

Labour party

Last week for Labour party UK wing has been rather rough.  Unity has been very weak with many speaking out against the current Leader Corbyn over range of issues.  Party has inflicted some own goals when the government has been weak or lacked leadership.  Spending review was over shadowed by poor joke instead of delayed dressed up as U turn.  Syria has caused issues for the party with some willing to strike targets in Syria others asking questions.   Inside the bubble and outside nobody knows Corbyn his image is being painted for him.

Messy week with things going to get worse lack real alternate leadership with leadership for any side.

Captain America: Civil War – Trailer

Oh Marvel you cock tease looking forward to stage three.  Overall looks awesome with loads of good stuff to come from Marvel.

Marvel doing great job with everything released so far even Thor movies are good.


Need to update my watched list.

Rainbow six siege open beta first impressions

Rainbow six siege open beta first impressions

Ubisoft have released open beta of Rainbow six siege newest rainbow six game.  Marketing material featuring shorter game but full title is Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is the full title name.  Tom Clancy’s Rainbow series started in 1998 last game I played was back in 2005.   Never any good at the game never put serious hours into it.  Do have some experience with rainbow games but very minor.

First impressions…..

Hello tactical first person shooter with higher than average skill ceiling compared to many other shooters.  Can’t see myself enjoying the title without some friends but does hold some promise. Willing to forgive Ubisoft for the server issues game is playing smooth as butter at the moment. Played one or two rounds with AI yet to go online likely to tonight with group of friends.  Game is reporting 22ms ping to the data centre.

Overall good first impressions do like the design of the menus so far and overall look of the game.

Never been a fan of tactical shooters due to playing solo most of the time.  Little curious what else this studio has done….

Black Ops 3 classes

Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 has been out for 2 weeks.  Most of these classes rather generic versatile options.  Decided to post my classes because should answer any questions about my load outs. Future reference for myself when it comes to classes so don’t have to remember the load out.

Every single class features blackcell launcher.  Depending on the mode use Trophy system or Concussion nades can be exchanged for other items.  Smoke nades with trophy system could be powerful combo yet to use.

Not going to see weapons on these or attachments still have to use most of the guns within this game.


Decided to swap out Fast hands for Hard wired or Tracker just more useful.


  • Flak jacket
  • Hard wired or Tracker
  • Awareness / Dead silence


  • Flak jacket
  • Hard / wired or Tracker
  • Tactical mask / Dead silence


  • Flak jacket
  • Hard wired or Tracker
  • Tactical mask


  • Flak jacket
  • Scavenger / Fast hands


  • Scavenger / Hard wired or Tracker
  • Awareness / Dead silence


  • Hard wired or Tracker
  • Awareness / Dead silence


  • Six Sense
  • Tracker or Hard wired
  • Awareness / Dead silence


  • Blind eye
  • Fast hands
  • Engineer / Dead silence

Why don’t you use?

  • Afterburner –  Don’t find much use outside couple niche routes which are still risky to use.
  • Overclock –  Useful for specialist challenges but that about it.
  • Ghost – Nerfed to hell you got to be running in order to run ghost without gung ho that a death wish. Why use Ghost when could use a black cell launcher.
  • Ant up – Only used for challenges don’t get much benefit for using it.
  • Hard wired – Not many people are running with stuff which this perk counters so I don’t use.  Could see myself putting it on couple classes. 
  • Cold blooded – Same as the above could see it being useful for challenges
  • Gung-Ho – Sort of useful on shotguns but this slot is busy with great choices may add it to shotgun class.
  • Blast suppressor – Outside of SnD can’t see it being useful don’t play SnD.
  • EMP – Same issue as hard wired
  • Stock charge / Trap mine – Yet to use them together due to the unlock system
  • Flashbangs – Not sure why
  • Black hat – Black cell does it faster and does not ping you for long.
  • Thermite – Useful on Nuketown I don’t have nuketown as I hate that map.
  • Combat Axe – Style but not very versatile maybe it works with shotguns.
  • C4 – Again high unlock but sounds useful for objective modes
  • Pistols – Launchers are just so powerful….but pistols are strong
  • Shotguns – Going to be rare me using a shotgun after getting them diamond not worth using.

May be useful but I doubt it some insight into my class building not the best player in the world. Can see 2 perk builds being rather powerful, with bunch of attachments.  Looking over attachments fast mags/ extended mags, FMJ, Quickdraw are likely to be common for myself.  Long barrel on ARs could be useful with high calibre on certain weapons.   SMGs fast mags, laser, extended mag, quickdraw once again.    Not 100% sold on FMJ could see it appear on one or two guns.

Jessica Jones from Netflix

Jessica Jones from Netflix

Marvel cinematic universe is getting bigger with Jessica Jones,  newest TV show within the universe. Netflix helped to produce the series along with owning exclusive rights to streaming of the show. TV series so far have been set within mini small universes set within the bigger overall universe. Agents of shield shared elements even story lines from movies, Agent carter is another show.   Yet to catch up on Agent carter or Shield.  Marvel plan is keeping certain characters separate within same universe.  Movies are referenced based on how important they are for the story line. Daredevil is set within same area as Jessica Jones, plans for multilayer series covering each characters from within hells kitchen.  Once every main character comes to netflix going to see the defenders form loosely organized team.  Current plans Luke Cage, Iron fist to see own series before that happens.


Marvel has plan for movies and TV series bringing as many characters as possible from comics to screens.  Minor small characters like Jessica Jones, Agent carter getting screen time.

Back to Jessica Jones……

Most adult show Marvel has created yet covering range of seriously adult themes which are dark. Does not shy away from adult themes, Daredevil did brush certain themes but avoided going deep.  Jessica Jones goes deep into themes of mental illness with rape.  Often shows just brush these themes but this show goes deeply into the subject matter.  Rich source which is the characters allows the show to get away with it.  Even a nod to LGBT community with lesbian couple who are just a couple.  Series does not seek to clone or copy daredevil which is why so good.  Both focus on different elements of each character with different themes.

Jessica Jones makes me want to binge watch Agent carter along with shield.  Many ways Jessica Jones makes me think of Ant man small unknown super hero who is not a hero but becomes anti hero.

Watch the show and enjoy it. I have done so far..


Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 Shotgun Classes

Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 Shotgun Classes

Below are perks and attachments I found useful on shotguns.  KRM is missing due to being terrible compared to the other options.  Shotguns can be shutdown by any good player more a troll/joke weapon in this game used to camp buildings.

Brecci attachment extended mag

Haymaker attachments extended mag with fast mags

Argus attachments quickdraw with stock

Found Sixth Sense to be useful, afterburner, Tracker, Scavenger, Awareness and dead silence.

Scavenger with concussions can be used to help close the gap.  My best advice is to keep control of building near high traffic areas. Argus has longest range but found it hardest to use out of every shotgun.

Sixth sense with Tracker plus Awareness and dead silence is likely to be best FFA class in the game.

Can see pistol being useful as backup option but given how went for camos on shotguns had no room for it.

Depends what mode you play but found being passive/aggressive worked in FFA.

Do have diamond shotguns now 🙂

Not the best player in the world don’t claim to be.

Various Thoughts

Decided to quick little post on various topics over write out something massive.  Still working out what a good idea to write about when it comes to this site but here goes nothing.  Recently been playing Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 so here are my views and some other subjects.

Call Of Duty Black Ops 3

Campaign does suffer from Call Of Duty writing which most characters are skin deep male dominated macho culture.   Even the female characters feels like they should be male.  Key problem here is that when characters die you don’t feel connected to them just looking at the set pieces thinking that looks awesome.  Credit to Treyarch for making the campaign coop in some respects feel like an add on.  Some strategy players can specialist in various loadouts or focus on certain weapon types.

Zombies shadows of evil is fun game even gives you hints what you need to do.  Visual and audio messages saying you should do this in order get benefit feels story driven.  You don’t have to start the Easter egg to be told the story of zombies.  Credit again to Treyarch for improving on the criticism.  Sound design not bad however does appear to be some gaps sometimes you don’t hear zombies behind you.

Multiplayer you kill things and rank up.  Only issue I have with whole thing is linear progression system.  You have to get kills in order move up the progression rank.  Movement system does not matter during combat feels very close to older games.

Paris attacks

Recently Paris suffered from series of terrorist attacks across the city.  Terrorist attacks are rare within European nations with only a handful of recorded ones within recent years.   Could not have come at worse time, European nations which are deeply divided with no clear leadership.  European project is facing economic, social issues on colossal scale along with crisis of leadership deeply divided.  Global issues remain unsolved feeding into the challenges the European nations face. France is not only nation suffering from terrorist attacks, long list of attacks this year. Concerns me not just due to pointless lost of life but the debate.   Very real risk that we could fall into the trap being placed before us very real risk that fibre of European nations being ripped apart as a result.

European nations have failed to get to grips with issues on global stage even the back yard. Europe suffering from economic failure with younger generations converting to extreme ideology views. Young men are killing each other and others, becoming murders attacking values which raised them.

Obvious example refugee/migrant crisis economic/social problem caused by failed states/civil wars/economic failure.

Worries me that wave of xenophobia and populist parties may come one step closer to power. Growing already shaped the debate to much in the wrong direction making matters worse.  Some was looking for reason to reject refugees may have been given one.

Pray for Paris and Europe.

Star wars battlefront

Fan service still decent game but very causal not a bad thing at all.  We need causal games which why we have Call Of Duty with various other titles.  Have no interest in that title at all 🙂


Yes do plan on live streaming some more just a case of finding the right game and being interesting. Going to try get some games to add to Youtube at the same time.

Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 – inconsistency

Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 – inconsistency

Lets talk about inconsistency within Call Of Duty latests release Black ops 3.  Design point of view the game does have a degree of randomness added to the overall mechanics.  Based on my playtime so far my performance suffers from massive amount of inconsistency.  Willing to admit that some of my weapon choices could be to blame but not everything is down to that.   Can use various tactics to increase the odds in your favour which is why players exploit these tactics and other players get annoyed at them.  Obvious examples Stealth based perks, sound based perks, passive playstyle, gun boosting attachments.

Even using these tactics with versatile weapons find that far too often looking at inconsistent performance asking what happened.

Be the very nature of Call Of Duty increasing the odds of winning to 60% still better over 50/50. Players die so fast you can’t cover all the angles, reaction time plus doing any aiming still die fast. Average human reaction time is 0.25 seconds, average kill time is 0.1-3 seconds.  Add in aim down sights time that another 200ms plus any networking plus having to look and move your hands. Reducing the number of potential threats plus actions needed helps increase your odds.  This why players pre aim lines of sights hold areas of down.  Aggressive players still play rather passive compared to other games.  Obvious example when was the last time you saw somebody play quake like Call Of Duty.

Mechanics wise Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 does pretty much everything differently.  Attachments are based on weapons with benefits being greater for certain weapons.  Weapon damage models can be made up of 4-5 different numbers.  Movement system does not work how players think it does. Has some nice little minor things which allows players to move faster.  Still trying to get used to these changes, movement wise part being one of the hardest.  Trying to include these in combat comes down to trial and error.

All adding up to the inconsistency being faced by myself.  Not the best player in the world but finding whole deal frustrating that said nice to be learning.  Even if the game is rather random makes me think of hearthstone in some respects.  Reviewing my gameplay may be helpful in finding faults with what going on.


Black ops 3 my weapon rating

Below you can find all my weapon rates for black ops 3 weapons.  Not used every weapon yet but based on the information here a rough list. Some tier 3 weapons are not bad but have nice niche.

Assault rifles

Tier 1: Man of war, M8A7

Tier 2: HVK, ICR-I

Tier 3: Sheiva

HVK is the best average gun in the game expect to see most people running it in public lobbies.

Sub machine gun

Tier 1: VMP, Pharo

Tier 2 Kuda, Vesper, Razorback

Tier 3 Weevil

Expect to see most players again using average guns Kuda, Razorback with some VMP.

Light machine guns

Tier 1 48 Dredge

Tier 2 BRM, Dingo

Tier 3 Gorgan

Expect to see most players running the BRM or Dingo


Tier 1

Tier 2 Haymaker, Argus

Tier 3 Brecci

Tier 4 KRM

KRM is just bad avoid it simple as that, wasted too much time on that gun trying to gold it given up.

Unemployment – Grandiose of delusion

Unemployment – Grandiose of delusion

Lets talk about unemployment,  almost every single person going to experience at some point. Unemployment occurs when people are without work and actively seeking work. Far from being lazy these people want to work certain mainstream media out paint them as benefit scroungers. Debate has become rather nasty along with toxic with solutions being harsher on claimants to find work.  Most benefit spending is on pensioners designed to support people. Demonetize easy to forget you’re dealing with people just normal people who want to work. Certain media outlets view the unemployed as too lazy to work, should pensioners not come under that same brush?

Pensioners should come under benefit scroungers far more over the unemployed.  Incomes have risen more take more out of the system than put in due to the tax system have loads of wealth on average.  Sure that hit a nerve but you start to understand just how insane current debate sounds. End of the day so called benefit scroungers are just people and should be treated like people not demonetized. Debate has become rather nasty along with toxic with solutions forgetting you’re dealing with people. Economy is made up of people who are largely irrational, inefficiency is common place within economy or markets period.  Unemployment result of one or two inefficient elements of the economy.   Welfare system was designed to help support people along with being tool to help support demand against demand shocks.  Demand shocks simply recession or decline in demand.

Much talk about the populist policies on the political spectrum.

Focus has been mainly on left saying from mainstream media saying opposition to plans is madness. Evidence shows policy like benefit sanctions does not work,  Government was immediate in starting the program.  Department for Work and Pensions even created the evidence yet did policy which does the opposite.  Populist policies influence is alive from every corner of the political spectrum.  Focus has been only on the opposition with coverage failing to disclose or even inspect policy from the government.  Journalism has failed in there duty to report, this could be due to business choices or bubble nature of the media. Populist policies influence has gone unchecked within government even without winning seats.  Establishment has been seized by populist thinking is largely unaware this due to intellectual stagnation.  Convinced they know more about the evidence which is wrong.

Westminster bubble has not helped failing to understand voters.  Centre ground is now sounding populist doing some niche populist polices with whatever ideology color making core argument.

Impact results in certain solutions unable to enter the debate, limiting policy responses by choice. Seek an expert who agrees with you over seeking range of views and evidence.  Quickly taking action in order to look better instead of doing the better unpopular option.

In economic terms

Can be caused by the choice of somebody to seek work which suits them over jumping into any job. Other causes like lack of employment options or suitable ones or location or travel.  Choice is not an easy one to make for many people damage is done to potential earnings and career options.   Mental health can suffer with it being soul destroying not hearing back when seeking work.  Many people give up as a result often causing social issues which cost more to clean up.  Society getting older the problem of unemployment becomes far bigger issue you want as many people working as possible.  Certain groups which should be excluded from unemployment numbers which is why the definition describe it as actively seeking work.

Negative impact policies can do far more damage over good.  All in the name of being common sense convinced populist policy which goes against the evidence.  UK government currently runs one program for the unemployed which goes against all the evidence.  Benefit sanctions program design of the program is questionable at best.  Idea is that benefits should be support net you should active seek to better your self so unemployed you should find work, however required to turn up at the job centre at certain time prove you’re looking for work and applied for said work. Penalty can be anything from reduced amount of income to being cut off from any sort of income for certain period of time.  Only income can be removed from them just for turning up late.

Project appears to be based on the idea that any work is work, studies show that wrong job can be just as bad as unemployment.  Support social net appears to become whip and chains over helping people who need it. State has decided to blame the individual for something which could be out of there control.  Another program called work programme which replaced bunch of effective schemes out sourcing the helping long term unemployed into work to various groups.  Number of criticisms surrounding its effectiveness based on the evidence.   Part of the welfare reform project which has just made benefits more authoritarian less social safety net.  Aim was to cut the bill however that has not happened due to lack of economic growth.  Instead we have bunch of failures which are ineffective in dealing with the issue caused by ideology blindness.

Unemployment is not just social problem but economic one. Must treat people like people and how you would like to be treated on these programs not numbers at whitehall meeting.

My experience

Went off to university did the wrong course suffered from mental health issues, family issues appeared during that time which resulted in my mother being diagnosed with cancer.  Suffered with long term unemployment as a result with some mental health issues dragging me down. Finally got a job 14 months after leaving university it was after my mothers dead.  Job was doing night shift at local pertoal station covering day time hours.  Did not find the job enjoyable found it stressful along with boring for poor pay. suffered nervous breakdown which resulted me not turning up for couple of days.  Was also late once or twice due to social anxiety resulted in me being fired.  Role did not fit me at all helped bring to the boil some mental health issues.  Dyslexic resulted me finding it hard to quickly count any spare money with pressure of having serve coffee at the same time.   For my first job it was terrible however did try to stick it out even after having the breakdown which caused me to quit.

Fast forward couple of months almost another 12 months found new job working for a call centre. Cold calling people about PPI/PBA and various other products.  Against mental health issues due stress of the role mainly due to targets and being soul destroying job.  Finding the right job for the person is as important as the time between jobs.  Suffering not just from mental health issues but long term unemployment once again.  Stories like the above are common place some people had it far worse yet we get given penalties over treated as humans.

Penalty for people at the bottom of the ladder, yet no action taken against bad choices at the top. Financial industry has had less penalties taken against people compared benefits sanctions for one week.  Yet was able to cause one of the worse crisis in modern years due to poor risk management and fraud.  Easy to understand why some are angry against politicians,  politicians response was to blame people on social welfare program.

When it comes to policy we appear to have grandiose of delusion going on at the moment.  Starting to believe that serious grandiose of delusion going on.  Britain public is suffering from mental health crisis so is the government of the day.

Rather be working over on the unemployment ladder, just a case of finding the right role.   Victorian style policy is not fit for the 21th century evidence proves it.  Government wants to help people get into work needs to stop hitting them with sticks and start building programs which work for that individual.