Party gate

Party gate

During the COVID-19 pandemic, rule breaking parties took place in Westminster. Newspapers have nicknamed it partygate, rest of us tried to follow the guidance. Unable to see love ones, could not say goodbye, we all have stories to tell. Covid has caused so much grief, loss now a sense of anger is growing. Rest of us followed the rules, repeated rule breaking went unnoticed. What is grinding my gears is constant lying, no parties happened well it was a work event.

I can understand to a degree the stress and unable to follow the rules. Nobody was ready for this we lacked the structures required or capacity to change how things worked. Which meant that unofficial bubbles had formed within offices at Westminster. Can’t justified obvious rule breaking that goes outside the spirit of the message given to us. Discredit any sacrifice is just flat out insulting. Lack of empathy on display is scary.

I rather that the truth was told, admit to the mistakes and face the punishment. Surely you believe in the rule of law and leading by example. Got to show some respect towards voters who followed the rules with limited social interactions. Clap for the NHS just for show?

I’m angry like the rest of people and don’t like being taken for a fool. Rebuilding the trust with covid still raging is high price to pay for cheese and wine.

Smite pro league SWC

Smite pro league SWC

Atlantis leviathan homegrown Latin American team, finally won the SWC.  Squad that been together for years before entering the pro league together. Each player showing off they worthy of the top league. Stand out players in my mind are Jarcorrr / Ronngyu who have been masters in control. Coach for this team Oxiledeon notepad warrior.

Team stuck together after an impressive first season in the pro league. At the key moments the team would choke or find the pressure of big games to much.  That only half the story, Zapman never was part of the original line up. We don’t have full story but bad team environment in two teams caused a roster swap mid-season. Zapman ended up on leviathans’ team full of promise. Two different teams, two roster swaps three titles in a row for him. Looks like Zapman made the right choice. Respect has to be given to whole squad for turning things around. No idea how much of an impact Zapman had on this team. Often so much we don’t know about team the environment. Viewers don’t get to see the drafting or planning or practise just brief bits of gameplay. The team was finally able to click and play dominating sets of smite. Not the best players in every role but best team overall. 

As for Zapman thank you for providing us average players with knowledge to get better. Thanks for the funny moments in ranked too.

Tartarus Titans rocky start to the year made me doubt this team. Credit is due they worked past that rough spot was able to pull it together. Team was unable make a take any games off leviathans. CycloneSpin is somebody Zapman has admitted is scary to play against. Rest of the roster is stacked when you look at the records behind each player. 

Every single player in the league has earned that spot. Viewers like to make jokes about players being washed up or should retire. Been fun watching the league this year, any banter or shit talking has been small.

Due the timing of the event was only able to catch bits of it. Pro games are different game, but are things you can learn. Also, the healing meta here to stay annoying I know.