Poem: Farewell Ripples

Farewell Ripples

You’re not alone, even in calm waters; always listen to your heart.

One final signal before that connection fades, yet remains unforgotten.

We spoke to each other only in passing, by chance, improbable odds aligning.

The brief crossing of paths, a moment to sail in different directions.

Before darkness descends once more, silence follows, and we seek the next connection.

As we pass, the ripples you created touched many—a kindness spreading across the sea creatures.

You shone like a lighthouse, revealing hidden rocks, even though we shared some of those same obstacles.

Ahead lies a long journey, with many more rocks and storms filled with strong winds threatening to pull you off course.

Remember, you’ll never be truly alone; reach out when you need help.

No matter life’s waves, you can still extend across the vast ocean.

May this ocean provide the support, strength, and love you need.

Seek a similar ship, burdened with rainbows; always reach out when you’re lost.

A lighthouse will guide you back to the right path, a safe haven from life’s icebergs.

Beware of false lighthouses—those seeking control rather than assistance during stormy weather.

Our ships may follow separate paths, but know that we’ll come to your aid if needed—even if it means crossing oceans to find you once more.

We all lose our way at times; it may feel like the end, but it’s just a new beginning.

Life must go on, even with this painful departing message.

You won’t be the last ship I pass and bid farewell to.