Hearthstone Rank 20 blues

Been playing Hearthstone over the last couple of days trying to rank up however can’t over come rank 20.  At one point I was able to reach rank 19 but now down to 20 again.  Part of the issue is the fact people have better decks mixed with badly designed ranking system.  Ranking system is based on wins which means you need a series of wins to climb the ladder.  Ladder did have some changes to improve rewards but effort required is massive along with the time played.  Somebody did the average maths and found takes around 1,000 games to reach legend that with 50% win rate.  33 games a day to reach legend if you can win that is.  Going to push on ahead trying new decks may end up ditching warlock.  Magic comes from deck building not just winning.

Hearthstone relatively high barrier to entry?

Card games are known for having a relatively high barrier to entry.  

You get some basic cards with more cards sets released the meta shifts forcing players to spend money to create new decks.  As a result newer players can find their basic decks are out classed.

Hearthstone has the same problem you can earn cards free of charge however takes quite some time and required you win games to earn gold.  So how do you fix this problem when it how Blizzard makes money?

For myself I have noticed that basic cards are not that good compared to the cards within the meta even at lower levels of ranked ladder. Not been playing the game long however starting to get annoying enough thinking of quitting the game. May give it a couple more weeks but it is a problem.

Ranked play needs to be fixed in how it ranks players.

Hearthstone newbie thoughts

Hearthstone newbie thoughts

Hearthstone is a free to play card game based on world of warcraft lore.  The result is every card is based on some part of that lore with the whole game being themed within that lore.  Quite a new player to hearthstone however I have been watching some hearthstone players who live steam for some time now.  However watching and playing a video game are two different experiences.  New players are given a basic set of cards for free you’re able to earn cards over time by gaining gold or crafting them.

Boring card game?

Beautiful simple game which is like a onion has a ton of layers.  Game has three main types of decks Aggro, Control and value.

Aggro – Glass cannon designed to rush down other decks however can burn out of damage dealing with other threats.

Value – Middle of the road between Aggro/Control seeks value out of your cards mid range style of deck.

Control – Slowest deck in the game designed to counter threats and keep control of the game.

When building your deck you want to have a idea what sort of deck you wish to build.  Of course some decks can be themed on top of these main types for example you could have a spell heavy deck or pirate only deck.  Some of the best decks in hearthstone focus on 5 cards being the win condition with rest of the cards able to support them.  Players changing decks can be rewarded with easy wins depending on what the majority of players are using.  Game rewards players who know what decks types are winning and build counters against them.  Deck building is major part of the fun learning what works and how to combo cards together.

But random right?

Yep however are certain things you can do to counter that randomness and win most of the time.  Missing damage or not taking control of the board can cost you a game even with a better hand.

Going to take myself some time to build up a card collection the game has a ton of cards.

Enjoying this casual card game at the moment looking forward to getting better.