Snap Loki season pass ladder climb, some deck thoughts

Snap Loki season pass ladder climb, some deck thoughts

Marvel snap ladder goes up until rank 100, I’m currently in the low 90s. Making it my highest rank so far, I have seen a major improvement in terms of my gameplay. A game of luck with skill being a thing. Have been able to reach 97 but am now stuck at 96 again. 

Mainly used three decks all rather consistent in my view against other common styles. The archetypes used are ongoing, Serra control and high evo. Meta right now is all about using as much board space as possible. Yet to finish pool 3 some decks are missing parts and can’t access other decks. 

Mister negative – I don’t like this card, don’t find it works too great at the moment. Something is missing from my deck not sure what. 

High evo – I don’t have all the pieces but it can still work. Undervalued this playstyle but it is rather flexible with major power swing potential. Being able to impact your whole deck without being played is huge. Sort of becoming a tech card against Loki, just strong against others near the top right now. You can counter it but most people just ignore it. Sleeper deck that has been rising the ranks. 

Destroy – Past two months destroy has been popular, with three cards venom, death and knull. These cards push destory to being rather good and I don’t have them. I can’t destroy and people destroy me. Counterplay exists due to the familiar and easy-to-spot play pattern. Loads of power spread across the board. 

Loki – Okay card with loads of natural counters, requires building a deck around him. The collector was nerfed in response to him meaning none loki decks dropped off a cliff. 

Mainly playing against well evo, control decks and other weird combos. Which can seriously throw you off. 

Private schools and VAT

I have updated this post wrote it last night in a bit of a rush before bed and published it.

I’m against private schools in principle. Giving people an unfair advantage, entrenching that with a massive impact on the establishment. They are designed to keep people at the top, out of fear of people’s social class falling for their children. Will this issue shape how I vote in any future election no, other issues which are far more important to me. I would rather private schools were banned or any special treatment removed so they were no longer viable. Removing artificial social barriers is important to society. 

Rachel Reeves’s conference speech on private schools in 2021.

Right now, private schools enjoy charitable status which makes them exempt from both business rates and from VAT at a cost to the taxpayer of £1.7bn every year.

But conference here’s the truth: Private schools are not charities.

And so we will end that exemption and put that money straight into our state schools.

That is what a Labour government will do.

Two ways to interpret what Rachel said. Labour will remove charitable status or the exemptions. Two years later tax exemptions are being changed to reform private schools.

Opposition parties are reactive don’t have the ability to be proactive, and don’t have the power of government. Unable to control the narrative or pull the levers of the executive to their whims. What they talk about and give air time matters. Getting that message out is hard for opposition parties. Labour has focused on the sense of unfairness, and private schools are part of that push. Possible extra money going straight to state schools, parents have noticed schools having funding issues.

Labour’s argument is charitable status was shorthand for adding VAT to school fees. The media is reporting this as a U-turn, I don’t think it is. I do think it communication misstep by Keir.  With conference season coming soon, better to get it out with nobody listening. Not expecting voters to hear about this or notice it. I’m expecting it going be an important plank and talked about, with the Labour narrative driving the headlines.

The plan is to remove VAT exemption but leave that charitable status. Schools could get around this by lowering fees, and donations increase. Unless donations are no longer considered tax-free gifts. Therefore reducing potential VAT revenue. Changing the law can be a rather hard and time-consuming task. Simple quick fixes can leave an awful mess to clean up later. Watch this space this could join a long list. Maybe Labour plans to look at other tax exemptions.

My gut is telling me doing it matters more compared to how it is done. This is one way to implement adding VAT to school fees. They are sticking to their guns on the issue. I have a sneaky feeling voters care more about the action, the VAT tax break disappearing is easy to understand. One thing is clear this obvious difference between the main parties and Labour is sticking to it.

May not agree with final outcome. I do share deep-seated concerns about what Labour priorities are. Feeding into worse insights from a narrow group of voters and failure to control the narrative. Deeply unhappy and have not made up my mind about who I’m going to vote for in the next election.

Keir’s critics have been attacking him for ditching his leadership pledges and changing his policy platform. Some of that criticism is largely unfair, but this is another example they can use. A trade-off that leaves open an exemption, donations go up fees go down. Donations are tax-free, which helps elite older schools the most. If your ideology lean going much further you won’t be happy.

Part of me is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. The other part of me is deeply worried that his priorities don’t align with my own. Never going to get a party that aligns 100% with your views and that’s something I’ve gotten used to. Britain won’t vote for radical revolution at the ballot box. To me seems people have yet to accept that and understand long term battle is required. Seems far too many people who frankly have not realised that and going to be disappointed until the end of time.

Path to general election has started we don’t know when.

Hot dry summer, warm wet autumn

Hot dry summer, warm wet autumn

The hot dry summer is over, and warm autumn begins. Last year we had a wet warm winter. Seasons are changing, hot dry humid summers with wet warmer winters or colder. As temperature increases, heatwaves become common. The climate models show possible consequences but not everything. Once in a lifetime, extreme weather events are becoming more common. Volatility in the climate system has far-reaching impacts. Less water means lower rivers that impact shipping routes, higher sea levels mean ports need to move. The security of water and food comes into question rather quickly. 

The most obvious example is food crops, irregular rain means lower yields or floods or ruined farmland. Long periods of dry conditions are also a threat, the result is irrigation. With less water supply that causes a huge strain on what can be produced and how much. Suddenly water pollution looks rather important to and health of the water cycle. Everybody would need to use less water when water scarcity comes into question.  Humanity will have to adapt, be more efficient, find resistance crops or grow something else. A solution may be growing mixed fields over a single use. Old farming methods may be the answer. Tightly packed greenhouses use less water with a lower overall footprint could be the answer. Meat production requires livestock feed, less of that means less meat can be produced.

What worries me is nobody concerned about the scarcity of resources. 

My budget patriot deck – Marvel Snap

My budget Patriot deck 

Marvel Snap is a card game, everybody’s collection is different. You don’t always have required cards and need to experiment. Archetypes exist based around good cards creating new decks and playstyles. Some open up new ones others improve existing base decks. Patriot has a number of different decks, boosted or iron patriot. Zoo term comes from hearthstone due to being animal cards, but Magic: The Gathering is where the idea came from. Zoo decks are cheap, high power-to-mana ratio decks. Patriot decks generally are similar to the Ka-Zar playstyle. The difference is that 1 cost can be hard countered by Killmonger, Patriot avoids that weakness. Shang chi means we need to avoid reaching 9 power.

The core idea is similar to spreading cheap mana but high power cost cards across multiple locations. Overwhelming your opponent forces them to spread thin or overcommit. Control decks that lockdown lanes or big combo power match or beat this. After about a week’s worth of play, I like this archetype but it does have a number of weaknesses. Some due to missing cards and others due to the overall structure. You do need at least 3 cards in hand in order to apply pressure and win.


(2) Forge – Core combo
(2) Luke Cage  – Flex
(2) Mister Sinister – Core
(2) Scarlet Witch – Flex
(3) Patriot – Core
(3) Brood – Core combo
(3) Cosmo – Flex
(3) Wave – Core combo
(4) Shang-Chi – Flex
(5) Blue Marvel – Core
(6) Doctor Doom – Core
(6) America Chavez – Good


Forge into Mr. Sinster or brood

Patriot with Blue Marvel

Wave into Dr. Doom

America Chavez

Why don’t you use an X card instead? 

The answer is simple cause I don’t have that card yet.

Iron Man has been swapped in and out of this deck a couple of times he a good option.

Absorbing Man and Iron Lad are two obvious choices to boost the consistency. Don’t draw the right card you can copy something or copy something in the deck. I’m missing both cards sometimes that consistency is badly needed. The result is I have 4 cards spare, one flex spot and 3 empty spaces.

Replacement cards

Luke cage – Counters reducing power effects

Scarlet witch – Change poor locations

Shang chi – Counters 9 power cards

Iron man – Flex spot

Cosmo – Goblin counter and on reveal counter.

Honestly more cards I could use but I don’t have them.

Final thoughts

Anything that causes disruption to filling up a lane or causing changes to the board state is a problem. Locking down a lane causes huge issues.  A couple of choices exist that can reduce or restrict that. I’m tempted to change the list as I climb right now this deck works. Off meta deck at my current collection rank which ends up surprising people. Big good card decks do well against it along with control decks.

I theorycrafted this deck after getting Dr. Doom and messing around with a couple of other cards here.