Smite picked and banned gods season 6

Smite picked and banned gods season 6

Decided to queue more ranked with friends over go solo. Climbing back towards platinum, after couple rough games. I been enjoying the grind even with the bad games. Top bans at the moment, King Arthur solo, Merlin Mid, Bakasura jungle, Pele jungle. First two are certain to be banned away. Sometimes Bakasura or Pele goes past the first ban stage. Certain gods I feel are currently underrated examples include Fenrir in the jungle.

King Arthur requires the jungle to camp solo. Forced to buy anti heal forced to invade the blue. Forced to apply pressure making the lane period difficult. One death is not good enough, couple are required to set him behind. Rise of AA junglers maybe this why people don’t like him. Quite frustrating to play against given his sustain and damage output. Team fights can be annoying dealing with him on the back.

Merlin is one strange ban given how the top pick junglers are the moment counter him. Guessing people don’t want to deal with his constant control and damage. Once any jungler sticks to Merlin he can find it difficult to escape.  Quite unsafe compared to certain mages at the moment. Some respects bit like Zeus and Ah puch together.

Bakasura and pele have great matchups against most mid mages at the moment. Result most people end up banning these two gods.  Pele can be countered by anti heal, bakasura hates any crowd control. Can be difficult to stop the snowball given eat minions. Weird world which Ao kuang not picked often at all.

Top picked jungle

  • Ratatoskr
  • Arachine
  • Pele

Name of the game early pressure, arachine weak team fight forces her to pick people off. Build hybrid on Ratatoskr, pele can go hybird making them excellent team fight gods.

Top picked middle lane

  • Agni
  • Poseidon
  • Raijin

Some early pressure with decent middle and excellent control late game in team fights.

Top picks solo lane

  • Achilles
  • Bellona
  • Vamana

Early pressure and enough control for team fights. Main goal is jumping towards the back line.

Top picked supports

  • Bacchus
  • Kumbhakarna
  • Slyvauns

Once again early pressure enough control later on.

Top picked carries

  • Xbalanque – Often banned from my experience
  • Cernunnos
  • Hachiman

Not highest pressure in lane but most are safe enough.

Loads of pocket good picks which exist but the above are common ones.

Smite mages in season 6

Smite mages in season 6

At the start of season 6 mage, itemization was changed. Certain core items from the past had big changes. Builds started to see more variety, choices made early had big impacts later. Book of thoth rush now became the mana build. Massive magical power builds disappeared with mages forced to make choices. Separate archetypes now exist very clearly burst builds, cooldown, hybrid and attack speed.  Specializing in whatever strength each mage has to offer. Class now has a home within solo or middle lane. At the moment only two bad choices warlock staff, stone of fal. Warlock staff suffers from lacking value taking long time to stack. Stone of fal just outclassed by other options.

Very brief time playing ranked people like to play.

  • Agni
  • Anubis
  • Hera
  • Ra
  • Kukukan
  • Poseidon
  • Scylla
  • Vulcan
  • Zhong Zui

Traditional burst mages which have some self peel. Odd one out is Zhong zui who likes more hybrid style build. I prefer playing Agni, Kukukan, poseidon and Scylla. Merlin is banned most games with Ao kuang. Jungle offers Ao kuang a home, sometimes solo like morrigan.  Style of play centered around burst and pressure. Not played against hunters yet who are difficult to lane against. Only downside is lacking burst from a traditional mage. Zeus lack of mobility means many don’t touch him. Couple hidden gems like Raijinn, who is not bad at the moment. Most top picks don’t have any form of crowd control immunity. Healing focused mages sort of suck, battle mages do okay. Aphrodite gets bullied in solo, need a team around her.  Jungle likes to pressure solo hard at the moment sometimes. Warriors provide so much pressure. Solo mainly about pressure with certain mages not coping to good against it. The morrigan has a surprising good solo match up. Utility offered by the ultimate outclasses most warriors in terms of team fight. Traditional battle mage Zhong zui offers pressure having sustain to cope. Don’t forget carry mages in duo having quite a bad time. Most being unable to provide pressure or be safe enough. Can still get away with it sometimes. Pressure is the name of the game across most lanes at the moment.

Climate change hidden problem

Climate change hidden problem

Longest period climate change, unspoken problem facing the world. Only in recent years has the issue had some attention. Problem facing the whole world, not just changing weather. Issues surrounding the impact, resources to economic growth. The world overusing total number of resources. Pollution damaging the remaining ones or caused permanent damage. Global mismanagement of resources have caused further problems. Facing a perfect storm, world reshaping after the effects of climate change. Certain areas running out of key resources. Water supplies even in rich nations are under threat.  Made worse by environmental pollution damaging what remains. Plastics have been causing sea pollution. Already evidence fish stocks now contain plastics. Solution we need to use less per person, reducing the impact. In practice that means using less water, eating less meat, recycling waste better. Longest period of time politics has avoided taking difficult decisions. Behavior needs to change, not enough to use electric cars. That means changing how we do everything. Upgrading smart phones less often, making products last longer. Electric cars use rare metals which face a shortage. Replacing all the petrol cars could end up repeating the same mistakes of the past. Many workers commute to work, that changes habits. Action is required now that changes how we live. Promise of technology could solve it in the future is hog wash.  No simple solutions or easy ones time we face up that fact.

Warframe farming prime parts

Warframe farming prime parts

Time is valuable so here how I farm prime parts for ducats and to sell. Farming prime parts for ducats, elite onslaught offers the best returns. Giving you radiant relics, from a giant pool of relics. Higher chance for rare or uncommon parts from radiant. Specific prime parts you want quickest missions with highest drop chance. Generally find focusing on low relic drop tables best. Bounties normally offer one relic not every single one from the pool. Not always the relic you want to farm, which means going with the slower options. Various resources showing the places to farm. Official drop table or 3rd party sites using that data. Relic packs can give you a head start but require massive amounts of time investment.