Warframe some thoughts on adaptation

Warframe some thoughts on adaptation

Adaptation provides damage resistance up to 90% for 20 seconds. More information on Adaptation you can view the warframe wiki entry. Face value the mod looks super strong. Important to understand the flaws 1, lethal damage 2, stacking damage 3, mod slots are valuable 4, Weak to AOE damage

Lethal damage still ends up being lethal no matter how much you resist it. Unlike say quick thinking which could save you or operator immunity frames.  

Stacking the damage is required to gain the full effect. Needs be refreshed every 20 seconds. Majority of time the damage resistance is going to be physical types. I don’t know what damage heavy gunners or lancers do. 

Mod slots are super valuable, need be certain power level to be worth it. In cases which adaptation can replace or reduce, likely the worth using it. Good example is quick thinking prime flow frames. Prime flow can be replaced with something else. 

Important to understand majority of warframe content is star chart level. Won’t be necessary given how we normally use one mod for survival. Slot that is normally just base health.  When to use the mod is rather complicated based on content you plan to do plus build. 

Brief testing showed this mod to be weak against rockets or anything AOE.

Situational mod which provides much needed effective health. Frames which can use it damage resistance frames or natural tanks or healing focused frames. Examples Atlas, Gara, Nidus, Nova, Oberon, Nerkos, Mesa, Inaros, Trinity, Wukong. About 1/3 of the current frames can use this mod. 

Love the design around this mod what it opens up build wise. Powerful tool for end game content creating some interesting choices players must make. Willing to admit that only have brief experiences with this mod at the moment. My views are subject to change could do. Don’t think this mod is required or needed in 95% of cases.

Smite S6 ranked road to platinum

Smite S6 ranked road to platinum

Smite at the moment for split one requires every player to do qualifying matches. Designed to put you within the right range. Low number of players play rank, each split is shorter compared to past seasons. Required to do 10 games before getting a placement. After placement long climb up the ladder, designers have increased the amount of points per win. Qualifying matches mixed bag could get players already placed. System caused much frustration for everybody. Design team already said this system is going away next split.

From my experience qualifying matches mixed bag. Split one season 6 record 3 wins and 7 losses. Not a fun experience full of toxic players, couple disconnects with trolls. High level players being the worse by far. Played around 40 games of ranked so far, able to reach platinum 5. Increase in points gained has made the climb easier, last season I would still be gold 1. Longest period of time my goal has always been hit platinum. When first started out I was silver 4, reaching silver 1 hitting gold 1. Played more ranked at this point compared to past seasons.

After much grinding finally hit platinum 5. So now what I guess platinum 3 before 1. Maybe heading towards diamond, who knows what comes next. Meta at the moment is burst, hybrid items are found for every role. Duo lane is aggressive hyper snowball. Middle lane is about burst, jungle about mobility. Solo lane is about aggressive snowball or team focused gods. Pure tank builds are quite weak at the moment. Front line gods feel soft and easy to kill. Making the early game super difficult against certain gods.  Conquest meta right now is burst heavy, aggressive snowball focused. Noticed little different climbing from bronze to platinum.

Music has made climbing the ladder more enjoyable. Communication is important for ranked nobody on EU PS4 uses a mic. Forced to use the VGS to communicate with people. Experience on the whole has been rather fun. Part of me wants to go to the next level. Scrimming with teams improving my communication. As a player I generally focus on farming and do better with teamwork minded focus. Found it best to focus on you when playing ranked over your teammates. Follow and listen to calls even if they are terrible. Worst role is ADC just dislike the heavy snowball focused duo lane.

Going to keep on climbing, improving at every stage. Looking forward to split two and no more qualifying.

Grief another anniversary

Waking up this morning with sore throat, nose little full. Sun shining providing a wonderful warm, weather still cold but feeling more like the start of spring. Feeling rubbish at the moment going to end up driving some ginger and honey tea. Nothing was different just another weekend. I was reminded over breakfast, the anniversary. Unique way which family handles awful subjects we dance around the issue. Couple years ago my mother died, my mind adding a mental block against the subject. Spent most of the afternoon shopping thinking about it. Almost ended up randomly crying about it in a car park. Time goes on two prized possession become more valuable. Memories of her along with the emotions of joy. These days I can talk about that even find humor from that terrible day.  I find joy in the music she enjoyed and pleasure in reading. Only have one regret about that day but part of me thinks she knew. Whole thing I tried to distance myself from the pain just made it worse. You can’t escape death or hide from it no matter how much you try.

Ended up forgetting one important thing today, flowers…

Apex Legends first impressions

Apex Legends first impressions

Apex legends has become a sudden hit from Re spawn entertainment. Battle royale game based on the titan fall universe leaving out the movement and titans. Leaving out everything that made titan fall interesting pretty much. Only real complaint does not feel like titanfall.  EA originally had no faith in the project, respawn demanded freedom to create the game. Game was announced and released on the same day. Millions of players downloaded it, millions play it weekly.

Battle royale genre is full of titles what makes this one different? Class based team focused battle royale game with loads of communication tools. Quality is something to behold triple A with polish to boot. Release was smooth and little to no bugs within the title. Fully stocked store full of skins and things to buy. Respawn has done a fantastic job getting things done. Focused on the core gameplay everything feels completed. Honestly impressed by the quality and standard which respawn has set.

Whole game was designed with teamwork in mind.

This the first game within the genre I can enjoy and play solo. Only minor complaints about the game exist, finding it impossible to be critical. Could level some criticism towards the store. More I invest into the game more I enjoy it.

Realm royale sadly has failed to catch my attention.