Train platform politics

Social media helped me get interested in politics months talking about it online couple months ago decided time to help out.  Talking only gets you so far you need action in order to get your way. Longest period of time noticed voter apathy about issues.  Big shock seeing voter apathy and jumping into the deep end with people who do care.

My generation has voter apathy on an epic scale being less likely to vote compared to any other group.  Incomes of this generation have suffered likely to become first generation to be indebted OAPs.  Result is lower incomes, less wealth and indebted with kids indebted once we die. Gaps between the have not and haves is likely to grow as wealth is passed down to generations.  Suffering with lower incomes likely to suffer from public service cuts all for tax cuts.  Inequality is set to expand between generations with wealth being the main driver.

Older generations have gained so many benefits from past growth gained wealth, massive increases incomes and lower taxes.  Older voters are more likely to voter compared to any demographic. Most members of political parties are older.

Trains and politics

At the train station waiting on the platform I had the pleasure to bump into an older Scottish gentlemen.

Rare to see somebody willing to be friendly to random people but so welcoming and warm.

What voter apathy?

Within 30 seconds about 5 people was talking about politics. Makes me wonder if we do have apathy or politicians are hard to reach. Language is another factor with avoid answering the questions language turning people off.

Soon the subject of travel came up due to being a train station.  Before long range of subjects was being talked about on the platform.  Gentlemen was confused by voter apathy, why people did not vote but would vote for x factor.  Gentlemen viewed himself as Left wing socialist but as somebody pointed out most voters don’t.  Certain parties have been efficient in making their language even policy appear neutral to win over people. Centre political parties do just that swing to suit the mood with some ideology direction pushing them in a certain direction.

People did agree with some of his socialists values, new Labour had some socialists values along with policy bundled with it.


We all want the same thing just don’t agree on the same direction.  Travel destination for both of us was different along with ideology but shared the same values.