ID cards compromise for a liberal immigration system?

ID cards compromise for a liberal immigration system?

Immigration and migration are signs of success economy. A small number of people migrate, moving for work or looking for a new home. The vast majority of people don’t move that far from where they are born. Big cities draw people in for work before they settle in urban areas nearby. Education opens up opportunities, others stay closer to home.

The movement of people even at an internal level is small. External populations don’t move on mass unless they are forced to. Nobody questions people moving from cities to towns, but they do question foreign-born citizens coming here. The reason is simple people don’t like the unknown. In reality, you have more in common with them than billionaires or millionaires who own various media platforms.

The political establishment has made legal routes, costly plus time-consuming. Basically, creating a system that incentivizes the rich or middle class to use it. Crafting an impression that they want to reduce migration, but in reality, no desire at all to do it. A shrinking labour force is never a good thing. Restricting the supply of labour even further would be terrible news.

Using every single lever possible to undermine the immigration system. Reducing resources for the asylum seekers, dehumanizing the legal route. Creating unsafe routes only real way in. At the same time created a toxic system that treats people badly. Gangs exist due to a lack of legal safe easy routes for many people to take. Most people crossing channels in small boats are asylum seekers. Taking the risky deadly trip, doing nothing wrong. Highly driven people who you want in the UK.

Speaking of the asylum system has slowly been degraded. The number of people applying is static, compared to others smaller than average. Therefore, current problems are a due backlog of cases not being decided within 6 months. On-purpose delays are designed to push people away. We could let people work as cases are decided but we don’t.

Sometimes problems are complicated, often lacking any solutions. As it turns out-migration is one of the problems. You can create a system that is safer, and easier to use with lower barriers. Or could create a system that treats people like animals and a problem. I rather treat people how I would like to be treated because one day, the UK could find itself at the other end of the stick.

The unique thing about the UK is the lack of a universal identity card system. Have a patchwork system with certain services restricted already. The state is already powerful enough can oppress citizens or none citizens if it wanted. Therefore, the tools already exist, for an authoritarian regime to abuse the tools. Already a push at the moment for voter ID checks to come into force.

Could create a card system that allows for an amnesty to happen. Easier enforcement at the cost of civil liberties, not a fan but would help. Given the scale of identity, checks don’t think civil liberties are the problem here. Created a society that outsources most of the functions of government to private businesses.

I have slowly changed my mind about ID cards. Why I think it could lead to a more liberal and sensible immigration system. The issue is less important and most voters feel the UK has restored control. Vibe-based policymaking has been powerful in recent times. Recent newspaper highlights have not helped with the idea the govt is incompetent, painting the picture of an uncontrolled mess. ID cards can help reassure voters, govt has a grip. Opening up the way for a more flexible and liberal system. Possibly you could see freedom of movement return in a future labour govt policy mix.

Voter ID does come to pass ID cards could help stop discriminating against some groups. I do recognise that most voters are more authoritarian than me. Simply dismissing the idea can lead to some horrible outcomes. The price worth paying for a kinder approach. Without losing the ability to implement a more liberal policy.

Labour is trusted, ID cards could seal voters’ trust in the party on immigration. Could end up being a compromise worth considering. Labour caution so far is worrying me but I can understand why.

Age of disruption

Age of disruption

Legacy of GFC and Thatcher reforms

After the great financial crisis, the UK has underperformed and never fully recovered. Many parts of the UK have never recovered from repeated shocks. Failure to address the imbalance has created deep scars. Nations around the world share similar problems but tried to fix them. Economic inequality has major negative outcomes. The UK is looking at two lost decades of wage growth, and dozens of structural problems that are hard to fix. Deregulation with light touch regulation has created low competition. State intervention has become a sticking plaster for fundamental problems.

Margaret Thatcher’s early years saw unpopular reforms first before sharing the benefits later. Of course, the reforms she did, caused huge amounts of pain. She accelerated trends against unproductive industry and sold off public owned assets. Took years before the fruits of the reforms took hold. Therefore Thatcher benefited from the business cycle returning back. She did however cause a massive set of problems for future prime ministers. She created a class of income poor but asset rich workers. Thatcher did create regulators that went with the light-touch approach.

A dream turned nightmare with unproductive vested interests returning. Markets have become dominated by small groups of companies with little or no competition. Public-owned companies have become private unproductive companies with no competition. Weak labour market regulation did create cheap labour by the backdoor. UK workers on average are poorer than European workers. Globalisation saw many benefits, cheap goods created a wave of low inflation. Central banks believed they had control over the levers of inflation.

New Labour riding the Thatcher wave

New Labour decided to ride the wave Thatcher helped create. Economic boom allowed for lower taxes, Blair did some unpopular reforms. Labour did however invest into public services, day to day spending funded by tax increases. Brown like many others had fiscal rules to help guide policy. Party did loads to help the poorest. Leaving in place the fundamental changes that allowed more homeowners to exist and inflate the asset prices further. Some of the more difficult reforms ended up being to scrapped. Blair and Brown funded infrastructures projects to boost growth. Much of new Labour legacy destroyed outside handful of reforms. Brown supply side reforms like minium wage have stood the test of time.

Open secret the conservatives wanted to cut spending, blamed New labour for the great financial crisis. Brown allowed Cameron to craft a narrative Labour spending was to blame. Financial crash was caused by bankers, inflated assets with high risk borrowing. Bubble burst with assets falling in price, banks cut lending due lacking the cash to cover the losses. Financial sector was bailed out before it would seize up. Reform came to reduce the risk in the system, patch work but better than nothing.

Cameron / Osborne ideology debt rules

Cameron / Osborne solution was cutting public spending. Poorest in society ended up taking the bulk of the burden. The pair reduced the size of the state to kick start the economy. Not exactly kicked started the economy, helped to stall the recovery until they slowed down the pace of cuts. Various economic numbers have stalled or failed to meet the historic trends.

Conservative’s self-made rules have been changed before,  no reason why debt-to-GDP could not be stable. The choice was made ratio of debt-to-GDP has to come down. Rules are designed to create some stability and credibility behind a political choice Tories have chased from 2001 onwards. George Osborne’s office of budget responsibility has highlighted the choice before. Osborne decided to promote tax cuts for the middle class and wealthy when he could get away with it.

UK like many other nations enjoyed record low rates on borrowing for over a decade during a period of low growth. Failed to invest during this perfect time, much needed reforms got ignored or kicked into the long grass. The UK is set to have lost two decades of economic performance and face huge drags in growth. Result is public services without capacity or resilience needed against shocks. 12 years of pain for no real benefit. Client journalists have repeated the lie that things must be this way. Alternatives do exist but nobody must be informed about them.

Boris Brexit size hole and Truss gone

Cameron failure over party management, ruined his career and caused brexit to happen. Three prime ministers in a row grasped the brexit mandate. Briefly Cameron held an EU referendum, lost it and quit. Unable to control eurosceptic flank, too a gamble and lost.

May flirted with eurosceptic flank, tried create internal coalition within the party that could support brexit. She took a gamble for an election and lost her majority.  Once again failing at party management after crafting hard red lines making any deal impossible.

Johnson came along with Irish sea border deal nobody could support before and passed it. Clown was crippled by crisis, poor at party management. Party animal that was Johmson, lied and cheated his way to the top. Defeated by his own hubis, whole government resigned and forced Boris to quit.

Truss quickly came to power and quickly resigned. One budget promising growth without hard work, tax cuts for the rich. Helped to cause market turmoil pushed up borrowing costs and caused mortgage rates to skyrocket.

Rich Rishi has come yet another Oxford graduate who has his fingers over this mess. At the time of writing he still prime minster.

Age of disruption came from with the conservative

Various choices therefore, the result is a shortfall of about £35 to 50 billion, extra money is wiggle room.  Just in case the magic growth fairy fails to visit. Structual weakness UK has underperformed and never fully recovered. Moron risk premium has now been applied to the UK. Goverment job is lender of last resort against shocks that happen, things like covid or recessions. More growth means less tax revenue is required. Brexit created trade barriers helping to fuel already poor growth of the UK economy has resulted in a bigger shortfall. Increasing growth means more tax revenue but supply-side reforms like a more liberal planning system are badly needed.

British politics has created a toxic trap, incentives against doing painful but much-needed reforms. An endless cycle of cutting just means worse public services that cost more in the long run. Big failure over last couple of decades have been not building enough. Anti growth coalition Liz Truss talked about includes Tory voters, mainly older homeowners who block things getting done. Older voters dislike doing what is required to help younger workers who fund their retirement. Poorer workers now is storing up poorer retired pensioners in the future. Older voters who are insulated took a gamble on brexit. Breaking that cycle is important and necessary.

Question and answer

Current drags on UK growth are dysfunctional housing market, poor infrastructures and planning system.  Liz Truss was right to focus on the UK poor performance and lack of growth, Tories have helped fuel that.

Housing market has become an asset that sucks money from more productive things. Bursting that bubble requires slowly decreasing prices, needs bold tax reform and changing incentives.

Infrastructure like roads, homes and other services needs to be built. In order to sustain the current growing population or even aging population. At the same time

Planning reform that allows stuff to built takes forever to build anything in the UK due locals blocking. Cities unable to expand due green belt or locals blocking developments. Sometimes good reason for delays, like environment issues or flooding concerns.

Politicans are reflecting what voters tell them they want. Often that is dangerous and contradictory. Leaving many good set of policies in the bad sell pile. Channelling Cameron here with some hard truths that are unpopular could allow us to break that cycle. Does mean breaking the long term hold certain groups of voters have over politics. The planets sake rebuilding the system is needed. Otherwise the planet may give us giant shock and even bigger disruption.

Dysfunctional British parliament is a symptom of the British voters contradictory desires. Liz Truss asked the right question but gave the wrong answers. World is growing older and UK won’t remain attractive problems remain.

Rishi same old or something new

Rishi Sunak has become prime minister, a boring fiscal conservative. Similar instincts to the rest of his party but is inexperienced. At times he can be robotic and geeky, viewed as highly competent. Boring with a hint of dull is back in fashion. Boris promoted Rishi, hoping the treasury would be under n10 thumb. As it turns out treasury had other ideas and power remained untouched. Boris declined and Rishi climbed in terms of influence. Rishi was one of the first senior ministers to leave helping to oust Boris from power. In many ways, Rishi is a traditional conservative. Boris’s 2019 election coalition is different to traditional blue voters. Similar in being homeowners but they want more state intervention.

Pressure on political services means more demand for higher spending. Liz Truss asked the right questions but got the answers wrong. More growth would reduce the tax burden, policies needed for that require a mandate. UK badly needs planning reform and other supply side reforms. Not every reform is anti-worker. Bold radical tax reform is also needed to fund public services. Changes require need a mandate that Rishi lacks. Therefore, a general election is required but first Tories need to understand what they want to do. So far looks like more of the same. 

Both main parties have an opportunity. Only question is do they want to take it and change the direction the UK is heading in.

Tory leadership race coronation or funeral

Tory leadership race coronation or funeral

Graham Norton summed up the current state of British politics quite nicely.

Penny Mordaunt for party sake

Rishi Sunak for country’s sake

Boris Johnson for fuck sake

Sense of duty

The late Queen Elizabeth ii had a sense of duty and devotion to public service. All three candidates to be prime minster lack that sense of duty. To make matters worse three candidates don’t have much political capital or skills required. Judging from past behaviour here, don’t know much about what they want to do. Only two have officially declared to be running with Boris in the shadows.

We don’t know what they plan to do or if they understand the challenges ahead. None of them would want to be hostage to fortune during a short race. None of them has taken responsibility for making things worse. Conservatives have decided to rage pointless culture wars over doing real supply-side reforms and chased easy sugar highs on tax cuts. None of them shows even any sense of public duty. Does anybody of them deserve the job not really?

Posh, clown and token figure

Rishi wealthy posh bloke, born for the job but not suited for it. Rishi has shown himself to be pretty awful at politics at times. Inexperienced with naivety, ideology is somewhat known. Therefore is viewed as the safe pair of hands, however like his party is trapped in contradiction against reality.

Penny’s values are well unknown, she has moved positions to suit the room. Penny is similar to Rishi but full of contradictions. Ideology changes depending on the weather, liar like Boris in many ways. She only here as a token figure making sure she gets a seat at the table.

Boris’s sense of duty is only to enrich himself, he got removed as prime minister due to his behaviour not long ago. Boris well he lazy, deeply arrogance proven liar smart at playing politics. His performance is like a clown or fool, opportunist who plays the fool. The writing is on the wall when comes to Boris being around. Both Penny and Boris are proven liars who play the game. Everybody is deeply flawed and with huge downsides.

On balance, Rishi is the least worse option.

A new clown is in town

Gather all around, there’s a new clown in town
He’s preaching for a change but theres nothing going down
So bring all your gold and forgiveness will be sold
And if you’re number seven he will send you straight to heaven.

None of the candidates is being honest about what is facing the UK at the moment.

The new prime minister is being given a huge poison chalice. Conservative party’s legacy for the last 12 years not fixing the roof while the sun was shining. Wasting a decade or more of low-interest rates by not investing back into the economy. So much time has been wasted we’re unprepared. The UK lacks resilience and capacity against supply shocks. Therefore leaving the UK exposed to current weather events and leaving us with creaking, public services. Rebuilding is going to be costly and take time. Taking the UK on early retirement, damaged the UK reputation and left us isolated.

Job at hand and tough choices ahead

The job at hand is dealing with the current crises and maintaining the state. Dealing with the dysfunctional bits that not currently working. At the moment most of the UK state is dysfunctional. Failing or flat-out falling apart. Void of leadership with long-standing issues must be dealt with. At the same time levelling with the public just how bad things could get. Therefore requires leadership flexible thinking and doing whatever it takes. The damage they have done means the response has less fiscal firepower. Liz Truss has shown if the UK wants to provide more financial support it needs to increase taxes. Pressure is already massive and only going to grow. Government is unpopular now before most of the pain is yet to come.

The only bit of good news here is unlikely the Northern Ireland protocol is getting replaced and the trade war starts.

Stability and credibility

Stability and credibility are in short supply, and the kindness of strangers has finely run out. Rebuilding credibility and providing some sort of stability is going to be important. The age of disruptions is here, nobody knows when the next supply shock is coming.

What are the challenges ahead?

  1. Ageing population
  2. Underfunded public services
  3. The labour market is shrinking (Covid and NHS waiting list)
  4. Shrinking tax base
  5. Political instability
  6. High current account deficit
  7. Low growth
  8. Trade barriers
  9. Low business investment
  10. Low wage growth
  11. Poor productivity
  12. Climate change

A new prime minister could solve just one of these problems. Living in a fantasy world none of the candidates has engaged with the above challenges. Nobody wants to discuss it or even begin to level with voters. This spells bad news and hints that further political instability is on the horizon. Investors are finally taking notice of the UK’s poor performance, political instability and failure to be serious. Some of these problems are decades old and require serious long-term thinking and solution. Media has been focused solely on debt, ignoring the UK record current account deficit as a far bigger problem.

Worse still the majority of the media is avoiding talking or even thinking about the cost of living crisis. Tories could be preparing for a coronation or a funeral at the next election. Labour need to be preparing for the government if polling stays the same way. Once again worth repeating the worse is yet to come and no easy quick fix.

*High inflation is a problem but is driven by supply shock within the energy market. Expected to decline within next 2 years.

Liz Truss has resigned

Liz Truss has resigned as PM.

Therefore, became the shortest reigning British Prime minister in history. Elected by the party membership, a mandate that was different to the 2019 conservative manifesto. Certainly, you would carefully plan what changes to do. Deeply inspired by free-market think tanks based on Tufton street. Toxic influence has poisoned British politics for years, markets firmly rejected it. Theories from Tufton street failed, U-turn was forced but the damage was already done. Instead, Truss decided to run headfirst into the brick wall. Normally you build consensus to govern, Lizz Truss tried to force things past parliament.

The whole platform went up in smoke, followed by a series of train wrecks. As it turns out she was deeply inexperienced and out of her depth for the top job. Unforced errors reduced her time further in downing street. The pain was accelerated by her own arrogance. The real tragedy she never took responsibility, and failed to learn from Boris Johnson’s own arrogance. A golden girl of the party grassroots failed basic lessons about politics. She never really had a big support base and ignored how important party management would be. Series of unforced errors, bad theory and total failure to understand how to get things done.

She is in office but without any real power. History won’t view her kindly and her political career is now over. The Halloween budget is most likely going to be pushed back. A new prime minister only having 3 days to sign off a budget is unlikely.

*Events moved quickly and I was thinking this morning she would stay a bit longer. Turns out lettuce does have a longer shelf life compared to her.

Circus of malaise, Lizz Truss’s premiership

Circus of malaise, Lizz Truss Premiership

Long 6 weeks of malaise

A strong feeling of malaise is starting to set in. Unease about the current direction, sense of crisis in the air. Unhappy before things get tough and worse is certainly to come. Tory’s rule comes down to the media, the market, and mortgage holders’ support. Normally a budget doesn’t move the market, but Lizz Truss’ first budget doomed her premiership. Sacking senior civil service officials, refusing to release forecasts, and trying to cherry-pick forecasts. What little political capital she had was gone. Overnight she has caused low mortgage rates to disappear off the market. Causing UK borrowing costs to rapidly increase overnight. The reaction was corrosive, and credibility melted away. While further comments this was just the start caused further damage. Reality forced a huge climb down, destroying everything Lizz Truss said she would do. Feels like the dying days of a prime minister over the first 6 weeks.

Act 2 of the circus

Annoying off every single wing of the party. Straightaway you can smell blood in the air for further U-turns. Bunch of unpopular bills that are due in parliament. Unnecessary authoritarian power grabs, trying to create a mountain from a molehill. Like her predecessor, unforced errors have compounded her already tough job. The Labour party has created a trap. the prime minister decided to trigger it evidently making it worse. Therefore, forcing a none blinding vote on having a debate about fracking. Heavy-handed approach with mixed messages resulted in bullying, forcing MPs to vote with govt. A junior minister floated the idea it was a matter of confidence in the prime minister. Rumours flooded the chamber’s chief whip indeed deputies had resigned. Aftermath this morning is making the party even angrier at number 10.  Could have walked away from the vote.

Drama in Westminster cost of living crisis for rest

At the present time, Lizz Truss is likely to stay in power. Another key point party is desperate to avoid a lengthy leadership race. Over 12 MPs have publicly declared the prime minister should go. As a result, privately MPs have started to discuss what happens next. The lack of a unity candidate is keeping Lizz Truss in power for now. Only 10 days until the UK budget, the prime minister makes the final decision on signing things off. Especially important at the moment, as markets don’t like instability. The cost of living crisis is happening outside of Westminster, feels like a million miles away. The government needs to provide more support but is unwilling to do that. Public opinion has started to change, voters rarely take notice. The first thing to remember impossible to recover once negative impressions are formed.

Given these points matter of when, and who takes the crown. Kingdom in crisis and leadership is desired for the tough choices ahead.

Poetry – How do you really feel and Emotional islands

Normally I don’t write much poetry, here two poems. I had fun writing both of theses.

How do you really feel?

Sadness hidden behind the eyes
Cheerful smiling and joking, just a lie
Anxiety and depression close friends
Lying in bed with no motivation, oh you’re just lazy

Nobody really asks how you feel
Nobody really knows the self-isolation
Nobody really questions
Nobody listening

Freedom of choice is an illusion
Trapped in a prison of your own mind
Worse fears are the guards
Walls are your body
Warden is your brain

Tools of support in limited supply
Waiting waiting unknown wait time
Couple of hours over a short course
Not enough and too many waiting for too little

No, follow up no questions
Forgotten until the next referral
The cycle repeats until something gives
Giving up the gift of life for a sweet release

Never clean always leaving behind
Loved ones, unfinished chores
Why did nobody ask
How do you really feel?

Emotional islands

Emotions are like the weather
A powerful force of nature
You can’t control it only adopt
You can never be fully prepared
Dark sad clouds give way
Light happy clouds give way

Exposed to the endless cycle
Don’t forget that it passes
Don’t get rainbows without rain
Don’t get happiness without sadness
You are not an island, not alone
Day and night, we all connected

Mini budget, making of a financial crisis

Mini budget, making of a financial crisis

UK government announced a mini-budget, part of it would be measures to deal with rising energy costs.  Details finally become public, universal blanket support with average cost capped. Business energy costs again average price is limited, 6 months compared to 2 years for the public. Idea behind it is incentive to reduce energy usage.

Energy generators have been making record profits, estimated to be about £170 billion. Reason is gas prices being linked to general energy unit costs. Some producers have seen no raising costs but huge profits as prices rise. Windfall tax on excess profits and delinking gas prices from energy generation would make sense but that was ruled out. Govt intervention was needed as the market became dysfunctional. Global problem as energy supplies and high demand pushed up prices.

Mini-budget proposed went far further than just the energy support package. At least we got some more details but for many businesses already too late. Normally markets barely move, markets do listen and react. Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng plan for growth was unfunded tax cuts for the rich, higher borrowing and limited details on supply style reforms. Kwasi economic credibility was destroyed by his own budget and actions. That not normal at all and unlikely to calm markets if he stays in post. UK is now facing weaker pound which means higher inflation and higher borrowing costs. Higher inflation means higher interest rates, lowering house prices and increasing borrowing costs overall. Markets are going bake in higher prices as insurance against the risky budget ideas. Punishing and warning the government to avoid doing stupid ideas.

Supply style reforms with no real details mixed with tax cuts to boost demand. Plan for growth is going to end up reducing growth, any growth gained is wiped out. Estimates of how much growth from the reforms about 0.1%. UK is now facing further spending cuts, inflation is eating into budgets. Real easy obvious supply side reforms like reducing NHS backlogs and waiting times not on the table. Nothing to boost skills or training. Nothing on childcare nothing on well anything but tax cuts for the few. UK could borrow to fund these things, apart from tax cuts. Borrowing costs would go up but not by that much.

UK is facing a toxic mix of poor policy choices, under funding of public services and trade barriers with the EU. Everything that is happening right now is by choice. Planning reform was promised again but no real details. Against this backdrop UK wants to scrap EU laws it voted to keep. Reaction against the UK budget was not due one policy idea but all of it. Being forced to pick what bits you want to keep but can’t have it all. Liz Truss now faces a painful U turn against her policy platform, she could ignore it but pay a heavy price. UK is now likely to go into a deep recession without further support unlikely to recover in time for a general election. Creating the conditions for defeat and just from one short budget. Bank of England had to step in to protect pension funds. 

Lizz Truss should own this mess and quickly learn from it. Speaking this morning and doubling down has not helped. Long list of people who think UK needs to change course but only two voices matter on the subject. Three weeks into the job and not making a good start.

Death of Queen Elizabeth ii

Death of Queen Elizabeth ii

Queen Elizabeth ii passed away Thursday afternoon, 8th of September 2022. For 7 decades she was a symbol of continuity, a source of stability and order. Kingdom in turmoil the British public would turn to her, crown soft power and hold remained strong under her reign. I was in denial her reign would end, she had become an ethereal figure in British life. Reign that saw the birth of the commonwealth, modern Britain trying to find its place in the world. Just like when she came to the throne the kingdom is in turmoil, with economy and politics with a sense of malaise. 

Unlikely to see another Queen during my lifetime and reign as long. Remarkable women whose sense of duty and values are lacking these days. Of course, we never truly knew who the Queen was, mystery gave the crown its strength. She did care about her subjects, serving them and listening. Her death did cause me a tear, reflecting on my own grief. 

I wish King Charles the best of luck, got big shoes to fill. I do have a republican lean but I can see the value of the royal family.  In my own way must mourn her passing, the end of an era. She has reminded me to be my best self and that public duty is important. 

Paul Keating former Australian prime minister

In the 20th century, the self became privatised, while the public realm, the realm of the public good, was broadly neglected.

Queen Elizabeth II understood this and instinctively attached herself to the public good against what she recognised as a tidal wave of private interest and private reward. And she did this for a lifetime. Never deviating.

She was an exemplar of public leadership, married for a lifetime to political restraint, remaining always, the constitutional monarch.

To the extent that an hereditary monarch can ever reflect the will or conscience of a people, in the case of Britain, Queen Elizabeth II assimilated a national consciousness reflecting every good instinct and custom the British people possessed and held to their heart.

In a 70-year reign, she was required to meet literally hundreds of thousands of officials – presidents, prime ministers, ministers, premiers, mayors and municipal personalities.

It was more than one person should ever have been asked to do.

But Queen Elizabeth II’s stoicism and moralism welded her to the task and with it, the idea of monarchy.

Her exceptionally long, dedicated reign is unlikely to be repeated; not only in Britain, but in the world generally.

With her passing her example of public service remains with us as a lesson in dedication to a lifelong mission in what she saw as the value of what is both enduringly good and right.