Hinkley Point C

And here a blog post on Nuclear power mainly Hinkley Point C.   Britains first Nuclear power in decade or more with the decision being delayed.   First look Hinkley Point C appears to be good use of money.  Helps provide United Kingdom with much needed electricity at the same time providing investment.  Looking closer you see plan appears to be betting on loser.  Company behind the project EDF however is in rather poor financial state.   Nuclear power is rather risky investment due development costs, waste, production costs.  Prices go up and down all the time on power supply.   EDF along with chinese investors have asked for price safeguards.   Often public sector has to provide various protections for private companies to invest in nuclear power.   We been told that the project is super important but the decision has been delayed for years now.

Based on the information I seen appears one hell of a bad deal.  Taken out by company who is desperate for new cash cow.   Appears like one bad deal for public sector and general public. Sounds cool devil is in the detail and strikes me as concerning.  Highly unlikely the project going to be completed on time been told needs to be built now.  Building one giant project does not mean the Government has an sort of industrial Strategy.  Problem facing general public is serious lack of information.  Details of the deal are unknown with information not made public.  Appears new Prime minister wants to review the project don’t blame her the deal is massive.  Against the whole project unless it is the best option on the table.

Being honest don’t know enough to make a judgement on it.


Warframe – First Impressions

Started to play Warframe here is my new player experience.  Warframe is fun game which is nonlinear and key problem not clear how progression works. Combat is interesting but farming is not.  Pretty much forced to use the Warframe wiki to find out what to do.  Like the game but find the grindy nature with dumb AI makes combat boring.  Sums up my experience with Warframe and frankly can’t see the appeal.  Short to the point curious if anybody enjoys the game or just the farming.

Wanted this post to be longer but decided against it can’t find much else to say.  Unsure even want to play it anymore.

Labour Leadership thoughts 2016 – Updated

Membership was right!

Labour party membership in my opinion were right voting for Corbyn.  Clear membership was frustrated with lackluster defense of fiscal policy. Lackluster defense of immigration unwilling to challenge black and white narratives.  Unable to think differently tackle complex issues, dealing with voter concerns without submitting to poor choices. Organisation failed to understand true scope what happened expecting many issues to blow over.  Membership wanted the organisation to think differently.

Noticed many corbyn voters have bunker mentality, organisation have done the same in the past. Feels like the world is against you and wants to destroy what you started. Many feel party wants to go back to the good old days without you.  Notice that westminster Elite has fallen in love with simple Brexit narrative poor old uneducated left behind voted Brexit.  Notice some Corbyn supporters have fallen in love with simple narrative elite against Corbyn.  Easy take this view given negative press coverage.  Criticism is healthy thing but many offer uncritical defence avoiding substance behind it.  Deciding to avoid thinking about criticism,  taking the wrong view point.

Many ‘moderates’ are willing to admit that Corbyn voters were right.  Started something which many lacked the belief was possible. Something which should be respected, plus valued could be major advantage.  Many of us joined the party under the same principles as each other. Throwing insults at each other does nothing to win arguments.   Worse still won’t win over voters hearts insulting them.  Corbyn voters must understand people with doubts are not blairites.  Corbyn was able to wake up large number of people to act in politics.  Organization however must make effective use of this movement.  Massive membership does not mean mass movement has started.

Clear membership won’t be conned or fooled many want guarantees.  Party won’t return to the good old days of immigration mugs. Ignoring problems until things get bad enough people talk about it.

My history with Labour

Family spoke fondly of Labour growing up, remember meeting Labour councillor couple dozen times growing up.  Subject of politics never came up just was in the background.  Membership history starts just after the GE 2015 defeat, kept an eye on politics for years.  Various reasons why I did it, shared many of values with Labour why I joined.  Wanted to support Labour due helping my family over the years.   Felt that Corbyn challenging the current thinking at the time was necessary . Still believe Corbyn standing was the right thing to do.   Corbyn gained my 2nd preference vote with Yvette being my first choice.

Corbyn had my lukewarm support, hoped he would change thinking many had within the party.   Tony Blair moment forced Labour rethink how organization was run and win against any conservatives. Can’t support Corbyn now, lacks the leadership skills required to lead.  Based on reports with general performance largely ineffective with no internal debate.   Organization has taken on bunker mentality, worse time any group could do it.  Various reports ranging former advisors to MPs saying the same thing.  Concerning Shadow ministers not having discussions with the leader.  Incapable of leading if you can’t have internal policy debate.

Necessary to unite the party around your leadership in order to fulfill role of opposition leader. Can’t be successful in getting things done playing to different rules.  Corbyn has been ineffective in getting his message to general population rather incompetence within westminster.   Failed in his daily duties making Labour party suffer as organization.  Real risk that Corbyn could split the party if he carries on without real change. Corbyn voters complained party did not listen, now Corbyn is doing the same thing.

Respect what Corbyn has done opened up the debate.  Nobody wants to let the Tories do whatever they want.  Fear that Corbyn is letting the Tories do just that.  My generation are likely to feel that pain for years.  Choice in front of us reunite the party or crack it apart.  Owen Smith can put Labour in much better shape due to Corbyn’s work.  However he must offer guarantees to the membership. Corbyn greatest gift to Labour won’t be his leadership but forcing the debate to change with surge in membership.  


Milk comes in various varieties whole fat, semi skimmed, skimmed and other called fat 1% milk.   Example you like whole fat milk,  don’t have the income to buy semi skimmed or whole fat.  Rest of your family does not mind the cheaper skimmed milk.  Normally people compromise take into account majority view and minority view. Politicians are required to compromise ones who don’t have means to avoid it.   Talking about politicians who can avoid making unpopular decisions.  Can still have principles when doing any compromise.  Pragmatism is required when dealing with many real life problems.  Reforms without pragmatism often get overruled later down the line compared to solutions which do.  Best modern example which comes to mind is the NHS. Service has many compromises in place in order for it to exist.

Trying to make the point that compromises are not pure evil.  Should not dismiss view of others if they disagree with your own views but find common ground.   Instead make arguments which allow you get the compromise you desire.  Centre ground is end of the day large majority of voters who come together on series of issues based on compromise. Political victories are made up vast groups of voters.   Can’t win without winning over large groups of different types of voters.  Each group personal set of values, ideas and issues.  Worse certain groups are more likely to vote compared to others. Recent polling suggests Corbyn is deeply unpopular with over 65s.  One voter group who on average has highest turnout compared to many others.  Can’t reach them using social media often have more conservative personal value views.

End of the day can still have principles when making any compromise.   Humans are irrational we all make bad decisions and choices.   Labour party made series of terrible choices post 2008. Compromises which was made in bad faith against reality.  Undermined economic link to European union which provided us with Brexit result.  Helped caused defeat twice in row made us question many values we hold as a party.


Membership who voted for Corbyn were right on many issues.   Opportunity to learn from the history building on any failure.  Must be willing to listen and learn from your mistakes.  Small minority within the party whatever side who don’t want to listen.  Left have created a movement, which must listen and be listened by the overall party.  Right has made series of compromises which led to victory, must not be ignored.  Both sides must not be ignored coming together.

Corbyn greatest achievement could be Owen Smith forcing his opponents to change their minds.   Left keeping the right honest giving it much needed courage.  Right giving the left must needed lesson can’t change everybody minds.  Compromises are required to rule and get what you want done. Leadership challenge provides Labour with major opportunity for us to work together again and win.  Challenge can provide Labour with new start.  Like many of you don’t know anything about Owen Smith.  Understand how some feel that Owen is just another PLP yes man who does not care. Every MP cares which why they decided to stand for public service.

Would you want job which get tons of abuse from the public?  Death threats even the real threat of violence?

Already done job like that gave me mental breakdown.  MPs are just normal people doing this role due caring. People can make choices you disagree with however they still care.  Some choices made which may morally disagree with however was done in good faith and belief was right. Understand how some feel that Owen is just another PLP yes man who does not care.  Every MP cares which why they decided to stand for public service.   Viewing them as the enemy won’t get us far. Rejecting viewpoints as bad faith does not win people over or the argument. Labour party needs MPs to function within westminster.   Party can’t reunite under Corbyn, not functioning correctly under him.  Can’t name single new Corbyn policy discussed by Labour.  Just views held by Corbyn on subjects quite frankly don’t care about.  Won’t lie want compromises with guarantees for the future. Can all disagree over bits of policy without insulting each other.

United under the same principles yes we can disagree on certain subjects.  We all want Labour led government who follows these principles.  Even under proportional representation we would still have to work together.  Very real opportunity to get the compromises required that so many desire.

Paragon FIrst Impressions

Okay brief first impressions of Paragon

  • UI is confusing, which classes do what now?
  • Gameplay is slow, combat appears to focus on basic attacks.
  • Jungle is neat feels like a jungle
  • Card system is confusing
  • Games to appear to last ages….
  • UI is rather clean when moving around the menu
  • Leveling up this ability does what now?
  • Towers are real threat same with minions
  • Feels like any other moba just slower combat

Not a fan of how Paragon have rather negative set of first impressions.   Feels like the game is half baked fails to expand on the genre.  Gameplay is rather boring could be missing something.  Unsure if want to play game further.

Favourite first person shooters?

Off top of my head favourite first person shooter games of all time.   Every game is viewed in equal fashion to each other.

  • Killzone 2
  • Golden Eye
  • Counter Strike Source
  • Call Of Duty 4
  • Timesplitters 2

Why I enjoy each of these titles and how they became my favourites.

Call Of Duty 4 – Infinity ward master stroke creating a new genre/formula for the series.  Design wise the game was rather simple letting lowest level players shine.  Gun play was rather arcade simple weapons with simple basic concepts.  Added reward system for players letting them rank up and earn killstreaks. Game had flaws with certain items being to powerful and couple balance choices.   Talent behind the studio defined what meant to be causal game.

Golden Eye – Following the formula created by past games in the same genre.  Transferred the genre to home consoles providing one of the best movie tie ins of all time.  modern console at the time and made it work. Game is cult classic from small British studio,  jew in crown for many gamers.  Many happy memories playing this game and beating it. Multiplayer component was rushed never planned but masterpiece which was added.

Timesplitters 2 – Comes from the same studio which created Golden eye.  Title follows on from familiar formula adding map maker.   Full of content providing gamers with everything.   Came before call of duty followed it own ideas.   Still was casual friendly game just followed different path.

Killzone 2 – Cult classic which followed various design ideas many shooters dropped years ago.   Controls was complained about which slowed the game down, weapon design slowed things down. Required to use weapons in the right situations.  I don’t know about anybody else loved the original feel of the game.  Patch was added which redesigned and reshaped the game for the worse in my eyes.

Counter strike source – Not much to say first online game I played.

Battlefield 1 Weapon Design

Game design is incredibly important, designers shape the rules which players must follow.  Been following the development of battlefield 1.   Gunplay of pervious modern titles had some serious flaws. Allowing certain weapons to be used in every role.  Micro bursting M16 was the best weapon in battlefield 3. Battlefield 4 suffered from the AEK being the best weapon. DICE LA did massive patch which fixed some of the problem. Symthic forum members have been rather outspoken and come up with various ways to fix this problem.  DICE designed a system which allowed certain weapons to be overpowered by accident.  Months ago news appeared that various Symthic forum members have been working with DICE on weapon balance for battlefield 1.  Based on player feedback so far appears DICE have made some serious changes to weapon design.  Mainly players have commented how weapons feel different compared to previous titles.

Not played battlefield 1 yet so having to review player feedback.  Average gamer does not want to understand gameplay mechanics.  Following video from MarbleDuck explains differences between the two systems.

Battlefield 1

After watching this video hope DICE does not change the system.   Rewatching other players gameplay appears they yet to notice what DICE has done.  Quite like what DICE have done so far hope they make further changes to the core game.  Changing any core complaints people may have.  However based on what player feedback so far doubt further radical changes are coming.  Could be wrong….

I hate Job apps

Blog post about how hate job applications.  Modern process of doing job applications is terrible. Based more on buzzwords over content which means can be hard to stand out.   No secret that suffer from dyslexia.   Won’t lie I have massive amount of anxiety when writing.  Get deeply frustrated when writing job applications due obvious errors which I can miss.  Handwriting slower compared to my typing speed,  plus have to slow down to avoid mistakes.  Find the whole process disheartening lack of replies to any application.  Offers from roles you feel won’t be a good fit.  Inefficient process which has not improved finding matches.  Worse nobody teaches you how to be succesful at job applications. Deeply depressing whole process which can be decided within seconds.  Job agencies or employment agencies trying to match employers to employees.  Experience so far not about matching employers to employees but making small profit.  Blog run by Bank Of England staffers talked about the whole process you can find it here.

Motivation to try beat system is worn down quickly based on bad practices.  Do want to work but finding a match rather hard longer it takes harder it gets.  Worse still things like Brexit makes it even harder.  Time to knuckle down trying to find something and write about my experience so far I guess.

Employment agency


Trident more questions over answers

Last night house of commons voted to renew Trident UK nuclear deterrence.    Debate around Trident has been rather simplistic with public media failing to inform or educate on the subject. Nuclear deterrence requires parliament to exercise unlimited sovereignty.  Government decided that giving house of commons vote on the subject means future governments can’t undo that decision.  Shows you that for some matters parliamentary sovereignty is all powerful.  Ministers have been avoiding the subject for some time now kicking the can into the long grass.  Last night House Of Commons decided to stop kicking and start digging.  Just because you win the argument once does not mean the debate is over.  Devil is in the detail with that have some questions still over Trident.


  • Why have ministers not exercised right to make decisions without parliament?
  • Why the delay if the decision was important?
  • Why was it not taken sooner?
  • Which is more important hard power or soft?
  • UK influence based on military strength?
  • Trident flexile for future threats?
  • Likely future targets or targets in general?
  • Does Trident require parliament before firing?
  • Situations which make Trident worth keeping without use?
  • UK power linked to Trident when other states don’t have nuclear weapons but same influence on global stage?
  • Why are these jobs more important compared to others cut due to spending constraints?
  • Wise to spend 6% of defense spending on one giant project?


  • Total number of jobs connected to the program?
  • Total number of jobs directly connected to the program?
  • Total number of jobs directly connected by the supply chain?
  • Total number of jobs which could be relocated to other roles?

Most likely more questions around the whole subject.  Personal thoughts on the subject yet to hear convincing argument for keeping cold war relic. Argument comes down to idiom ‘Keeping up with the joneses’.   Don’t believe Trident is flexible enough for modern world.   Do find it rather frustrating the jobs argument given fiscal spending decline which reduced jobs in public sector.   Being honest feel this only reason behind not scraping the project.  However curious if jobs can’t be transferred with supply chain focused on other roles.  Plus curious how many United Kingdom based jobs are linked with Trident.

Would like to see Trident scaled back with clear plan on ditching nuclear weapons with money spent on other defense projects.  Jobs program designed to keep as many jobs as possible linked.  Willing to show pragmatism when comes to Trident.  Against nuclear weapons in general but understand nobody wants to cut jobs.  Current government has cut jobs in the past for no good reason.


Warm Summer Day

Never been a morning person always hated waking up between 7am-9am.  Woke up today at 5am something not done in very long time.  Made me remember when used to wake up at 5am due working shifts.   Working shifts you work various hours from late evenings to night shifts.  Night shifts allowed you to see the world in new light.  Lack of light means even areas you know feel different. Peaceful with less traffic allows you enjoy the environment.   During this period used to use couple LED lights.  Riding a bike with LED lights which failed to provide enough light was risky.  Hated staying up but enjoyed some of the people you could meet.  Respect anybody working night shifts horrible job and screws up your health.

One habit which was lost during that period was watching TV.  Whole time table is changed meaning can’t watch most live TV.  Energy drinks are worthless trash for keeping you awake.  Best method of staying up is keeping busy.  Did try to edit my sleep pattern provide more sleep but failed.  Often ended up going to work with less than 4 hours of sleep.  Helped cause a mental breakdown in the end. Sleep is super important learn that to great cost.  I don’t know what else to say apart from enjoying warm summer day at the moment.