Tom and Jerry: Labour leadership thoughts

Labour leadership election has ended, Jeremy Corbyn winning with 59.5% of the vote.  Race was meant to be closer however Corbyn was able to win out right just like Tony Blair did.

Speechless victory nothing short of outstanding given Corbyn just reached the requirements.

Jeremy supporters created a powerful coalition over number of years, needed a candidate his supporters sealed the deal.  Tom Watson supporters had only one candidate in mind with his supporters working on building a coalition within the party.  Membership has picked Tom and Jerry to lead them.

Old coalition of New Labour or centrists is defeated.  Different shades of Labour but share some common ground.  Both in the past have been rebels, Jeremy avoiding front bench with Tom serving only to leave. Profile wise Jeremy bold radical against the standard, Tom is tradition, focused on grass roots.  Common ground both ran on platforms which was positive and focused on change. To win Labour needs a grand coalition of voters.  Remains to be seen if the Jeremy can bridge the gap between PLP to membership or build a coalition of voters.  Tom should be able to help massive network of connections within the party which was able to help win.

Result now means the party is going to be change both want to see radical changes.  Movement roots being efficient in how it campaigns.  Party of government in the waiting with the power to move the membership.

Whatever the result task of victory in 2020 is massive with major forces to beat.  Party needs to avoid giving extra ammo to the conservative focus on being ruthless. Challenge for Corbyn is keeping his platform without giving ammo.  Expect to see certain policy dropped in favour of debate within the party.  Compromise key for Corbyn to keep hold of power his supporters don’t hold control of key parts of the party.  Mistake for anybody who did not vote for Corbyn to be purged from the party.  Opinion is useful along with their knowledge even experience.

Corbyn should move towards a more moderate centre left platform but keeping his core platform.  Purged people from the party would be a mistake instead should be open to debate and compromise. Centrists have not disappeared they should not be side lined like the left of the party was. Repeating mistakes made by them would be a mistake failure to answer the political winds has resulted in this victory.


Corbyn needs sound advice from all sides in order to build a successful platform and reform the party.  Labour is a big church just like United Kingdom you need to win over massive group of voters to win.  Questions over Corbyn ability to win over these groups within the party and beyond.

Whoever was going to lead the party in 2020 would be facing an impossible task.  If Corbyn can help win over 50 more seats growing the movement victory in 2025 could be possible.  I don’t think he can win in 2020 but think he could be the start of something which makes 2025 victory possible.  Labour could turn from being a passive party into a real road block forcing landscape to change.  All sides of the political spectrum should be looking forward to towards the same goal. Little bit of criticism is required with massive amount of debate.   Look forward to working for the party to bring about the change required.

Forces against Labour are going to be moving quickly neutralize the party that is why we need the old guard for advice.

Old guard should not seek to remove him at the first sign of failure his supporters are powerful allies for the party.

Keeping your principles with compromise makes you far stronger as a leader.

Hearthstone Rank 20 blues

Been playing Hearthstone over the last couple of days trying to rank up however can’t over come rank 20.  At one point I was able to reach rank 19 but now down to 20 again.  Part of the issue is the fact people have better decks mixed with badly designed ranking system.  Ranking system is based on wins which means you need a series of wins to climb the ladder.  Ladder did have some changes to improve rewards but effort required is massive along with the time played.  Somebody did the average maths and found takes around 1,000 games to reach legend that with 50% win rate.  33 games a day to reach legend if you can win that is.  Going to push on ahead trying new decks may end up ditching warlock.  Magic comes from deck building not just winning.

Cold caller

Cold calling is a method of finding new customers. Carefully select data calling general members of the public for new customers. Call is cold due to the lack of interest or knowledge of your product. Cold calling is a dirty word these days with many people disliking the practice. For good reason these calls are frustrating when you’re getting dozens a day. Only need to op in once for your data to be passed around as a potential customer. Data is often profiled to make sure any calls are relevant to that person. However some margin of error with the practice based on my experience profiling is basic. Big margin of error with rather basic data profiling for the business I worked for. Questions over the value of the products often on offer with some companies offering a service which can be done for free.   Value could be found in reality somebody else is handling the whole process.

Work I did gave me a insight into the world of cold calling and made me want to act.   Changing regulation so these companies can’t exploit very loose and often bad data.  Great annoyance the method may be inefficient but making a profit still working for some.  Mission statement does not provide the ethics a company needs comes from the behaviour of management.

May disagree with the business practise of the company but how they treated employees you can’t fault. Vague but won’t be going into detail don’t want to get myself into trouble. Not proud of my short time cold calling people not a very nice job. Frustrated me caused me sickness and poor mental health. Call centres are rough jobs with high turn over.  Cold calling makes the job even harder.


Thoughts on Dyslexia

Hi I’m an dyslexic.

Dyslexia has been a constant source of issue for myself.  Some of the biggest issues seem with language, reading writing and understanding information impacted.  Punctuation brings up some unique challenges for myself.  Mainly due to the fact that automatic, add punctuation in my head but won’t add it when writing.

Misunderstood as a condition some people expect that children labelled, helping schools avoid criticism.  Granted the education system is nothing more than an exam factory failing to offer tools for the modern world.  At the heart of this condition information processing condition that impacts language.  Often other conditions which are present in dyslexic at the bottom of the table of learning conditions.  Long list of conditions which can impact you in various ways with some being different per person.

Often end up rewriting massive parts of any piece just for it to make sense, sometimes I suffer from writers block which makes it worse.  Finding the right words to express myself can cause issues.  Spelling and grammar rules make the process a painful effort.  Writing is pretty stressful affair even this piece causing a deal of effort.  Spelling being a big problem one or two spelling which I have skipped or even reworded.

Dyslexic front

Rather hard to understand what it feels like be dyslexic or experience it.  Has not stopped people from trying to recreate the sense of frustration and extra effort required. Designer Daniel Britton being newest to create front which removes half of the letters.  How accurate is the front the answer is pretty accurate in the sense of feeling it can provide. When reading letters lack important information which required in order to put words together.  Sam Barclay created a book which helps to understand how concept further with phonetics explored. Dozens of studies into the subject with focus on colours, eye sight and even creating fronts to help.


Brings use nicely onwards to the subject of punctuation, Dyslexic finds processing information hard imagine adding punctuation.  Punctuation adds bunch more rules to language, English is complex one of the hardest languages to learn. Often my focus is just on writing with punctuation taking a back seat. Writing may look simple in practise need to tackle not effort required, but adding punctuation requires more effort. Proof reading holds the answer but done repeatedly. Going a rough ride improving my punctuation practise making it perfect adding it during proof reading.


2 minutes piece can turn into 5 minutes worth of work. Writing on a keyboard for myself is faster compared to hand writing. Errors corrected using word processing software far harder to correct mistakes done by hand.  Effort required to write by hand is far greater compared to a keyboard, not only do I have to physical effort but higher mental effort. Writing by hand not only does it have 50% more physical effort, 50% slower, 50% mental effort with no easy error checking. Keyboard still required a degree of effort but does make the whole thing simple.


Sense of frustration you feel when reading my writing is nothing compared to frustration from it creation.  Even the example of the front can only give you some sense of the high amount of frustration be felt.  Imagine that all the time you wish to write something or even read but faced with challenge to do it.  Welcome to my nightmare trapped in a prison of language.  Some may call it a curse or nightmare but taken me years to appreciate it as a gift.

Nightmare or gift

Some ways could be seen as a nightmare felt like one growing up my education.  Methods used don’t suit teaching dyslexia for years forced to battle.  Longest time felt like a nightmare something was incorrect.  Only in my later years of education did I start to appreciate it more as a gift.  Methods used to cope are now major strengths. Suffering brings with it a gift that allows me to view the world in a unique light.  Issue of processing information allows me to view things in a different way.


Bibic UK-based charity helping to support children, families with learning based conditions.  Charity uses a range of  techniques and strategies from various research groups created over the years.  Various teachers have supported me over the years with local education officials.  Support has gotten better in recent years however still lacking and I worry about the future.  Concern over funding which limited often people who need support who suffer from reduced funding. Family gave me loads of support growing up during my education I owe a great deal to them.


Based on my experience do firmly believe that education be redesigned to better support students suffering from the current model. Support down to a postcode lottery, support groups should linked up with government policy and networks. Students screened from the beginning with testing being constant.  Right now the UK suffers from an exam factory problem that is people don’t learn more learn how to pass an exam.  Results being most important element of education has shifted it away from providing the best way of learning or teaching. Causes issues not just for students who find subject at hand hard worse still they marked as a failure.  Black and white way of viewing results has condemned whole generations into the waste pile.  Decentralised structure acting as a support network would be helpful instead of a centralised system.  Everybody follows the same policy but is given the freedom to make it work. Not saying decentralised structure would solve all problems but would be useful. Allowing good ideas to appear be reshaped to work within local communities.  Change does not need to happen could be incorrect but something should happen instead of letting generations down.


30 minutes worth of effort 974 words later time to end my thoughts. 

Data usage, protection and consent

Data protection is frustrating part of any organization getting it wrong brings with it costs. Rebuilding trust in your brand can be a challenge with nightmare in personal relations. However many people simply don’t care until things turn sour. Society become so focused about individuals does not care about moral or legal issues like this until it happens to you. Wider public debate is required due to the wide ranging impact this has on everyday life.

Easy to discuss an event over an idea good example would be the recent story on the subject of data protection and use. Example Information watchdog investigates ‘charity data sales’ , information watchdog in my view should be calling on a wider debate over data protection and sales.  Problem here is most people don’t understand the current system or requirements.  People may be up in arms about the subject at the moment but I doubt many people deeply care about the subject.  As I said early until it happens to you we don’t care.

Given how data mining has become a important part of life with many companies using it in order to provide better service.  Great example would be Netflix which collects data on your viewing habits creating your own playlist and even shows which suit your tastes.  Google is another example with the service targeting you with advertising.

Companies must tell customers the following when it comes to data.   Must make sure the information is kept secure, accurate and up to date.

  • who you are
  • how you’ll use their personal information
  • they have the right to see the information and correct it, if it’s wrong

You can read more here and is terrible I know but the only source I could find.

Myself I don’t fully understand the law when it comes to data mining and selling it. Ops in are a funny part of the law you only need to op in once I believe but anybody can use that data.  Need to relook at data protection and rights would help to stop annoying methods like cold calling.

Hearthstone relatively high barrier to entry?

Card games are known for having a relatively high barrier to entry.  

You get some basic cards with more cards sets released the meta shifts forcing players to spend money to create new decks.  As a result newer players can find their basic decks are out classed.

Hearthstone has the same problem you can earn cards free of charge however takes quite some time and required you win games to earn gold.  So how do you fix this problem when it how Blizzard makes money?

For myself I have noticed that basic cards are not that good compared to the cards within the meta even at lower levels of ranked ladder. Not been playing the game long however starting to get annoying enough thinking of quitting the game. May give it a couple more weeks but it is a problem.

Ranked play needs to be fixed in how it ranks players.