Warframe thoughts
Time to discuss Digital Extremes free to play title Warframe. Genre wise 3rd person action co-op shooter game. Focus is largely on resource collection. Players are pitted against the environment. Battling various computer controlled enemies. Each level dropping various resources. Players can use these resources to craft items. Players can share resources as clans building specialists items. Science friction based world set in earth solar system. Combat is low skill floor can have high skill ceiling. Detailed damage model for all playstyles. Movement system used offensively or defensively. Featuring heavy amount of parkour.
Digital Extremes has expanded on the original concept. Warframe has transformed nothing like the base game. Formula farm craft better items with fast combat. Steady flow of updates has kept the player base. Sustaining large dedicated playerbase without significant attention. Niche success many did not expect to happen. Face value the title looks boring. Warframe is charming with minor things making players come back. Core feedback loop plus solid community makes warframe worth investing time in. Opposite end compared to minecraft much more depth. Game does not provide mod support has much more base content. Comparisons end due fundamental concepts being different.
Biggest problem game becomes rather grindy. Slow resource collection with random drop rates. Reward tables are not displayed, limited amount information given. Enjoy playing levels over constant grinding for loot. Every planet has own design, levels are procedurally generated. Feel forced grinding premium currency. Pigeonhole players due limiting inventory space. Serious lack of inventory space feels like artificial limit.
Resources play key part in warframe. Gameplay mechanics are secondary in the feedback loop. Various planets to visit each with different titleset. Low amount of inventory space feel forced buy premium currency.