Uncertainty, fairy tales and economic myths

Uncertainty, fairy tales and economic myths

Uncertainty, fairy tales and economic myths three main themes which have become core parts of UK politics. Uncertainty helped win the Scottish referendum, defeat Labour and block military action.  Fairy tales around European union with immigration. Economic myths demonize debt, public spending has become limited as a tool due to political myths.


Scottish referendum uncertainty around economic policy.  Labour fiscal policy [spending policy] which leads to issues with other policy areas.  Both suffered from a failure to defend records and vision.  SNP controlling Labour line divided Scotland and England.

Uncertainty allowed to grow used to great effect in winning battles but it has created a couple issues which won’t disappear.

Fairy Tales

European union has been turned monster when reality is it not.  Same could be said for immigration and spending policy.

Economic myths

Government borrowing should be reduced any spending should be from the private sector.

All three are linked together uncertainty leads to fairy tales and economic myths.  World at the same time is full of uncertainty geopolitical risk is high with economic.  Established ideology is under attack with powers behind it. Reward behind winning each of these battles is massive remains to be seen who is going to win.