Theresa May reformer or authoritarian?

Theresa May party conference speech showed conservative party from reformer to iron grip authoritarian. Seeking to answer Corbyn by repeating what it believes in not why it good for you. Overall failing to answer general election result from 2017. Unable to answer clearly or provide solutions to problems. Both parties have been unable to answer real grievances.  Decided to retreat back into the comfort zone. The population has the same desires yet values are massively different. Once you lost control of the narrative rather hard to gain it back. Conservatives were ruthless painting certain leaders as weak and incompetent.  Many view Theresa May as weak, the party have avoided the incompetent label so far. Conservatives have been unable to remove Theresa May or unable to find a replacement. Many view Theresa May as weak, the party have avoided the incompetent label so far. Attacking Corbyn plan to reversal most of the reforms made by the party. Spending the next 5 minutes doing a small reversal. Theresa May best moments have been reforming. At the home

Attacking Corbyn plan to reversal most of the reforms made by the party. Spending the next 5 minutes doing a small reversal. Theresa May best moments have been reforming. At the home office, she took on police racism focus on stop and searches. These bright moments of reform helped the party win power. The liberal side of the party learnt to accept liberal cultural attitudes. Authoritarian language in recent years took it away. Liberals within the party appear to have lost control. Brexit makes the problem even worse. Winners of the debate unable to answer what Brexit means.

Theresa May reformer or authoritarian?

Some ways she a reformer who understands Britain has problems. Understands that markets are required yet rules with the state keeping an eye on things is required. Another hand she rather authoritarian in getting some things done. She was in control of the home office when the immigration vans existed. Impossible to tell what the real Theresa May believes in. Old fashioned conservative with the desire to reform. Forced to be authoritarian to gain favour to win the leadership.
Do wonder what she could have done if her party had not limited her. If she not made so many missteps. Premiership at the moment shows the tragedy of Britain liberal values. Outsiders are attacking social and economic liberalism with no reply from the mainstream. Voters have not changed just want the same as before. The current system is unable to provide that. Centre ground is made up of two groups both have radically different values.

Hope one day we find out what Theresa May believes in.  History going to judge her as a mediocre reformer.