Oh dear Brexit…

Disclaimer:  Suffering from lack of sleep, not eaten much at all.


Lets not sugar coat anything David Cameron has just made the worse gamble and lost.  Don’t agree with Brexit voters just dropped one hell of a time bomb.  Time to deal with the problems and reach out/listen.



More EU Referendum thoughts

Tomorrow Britain holds a referendum on European union membership.  Little sick of the whole thing opinions being given as facts. No debate just pure focus on domestic.  Referendum has showed that average voters cares little to nothing about what happens in Europe.   Care little to nothing about politics until we feel pain don’t take an active interest in the subject at all.   My position has always been remain within the union.  Currently all issues within the debate purely domestic caused by government policy.  Rather surprising that government has not been held accountable for certain choices.  Uneducated public are being let down by politicians who are not listening like voters until ballot paper day.   Depressing state of politics comes down to couple weeks small minority imprint the issues.  Economic pain caused by the 08 financial crisis still impacts people today and politicians have made things worse.  Made false promises pandering failing to offer solutions, declining to take responsibility.  Any other job these people would be fired due lying and pure incompetence.   Unlikely to never find another job again.  Many on the leave side are doing mini rebellion against Government policy.  Voted in on certain mandate now doing rebellion against that mandate.  Desire to climb up the ladder by stabbing your boss who won against all the odds.   Turns out that current fiscal policy rather hard and has an impact which voters do notice.   Success story only and not my fault is the name of the day somebody else messed up.  

Part of the reason why feel the need to take up an interest in politics.   Nobody else wants to sort out this bloody mess.   Time to repair the relationship between the public and house of commons.  Voters need to take much greater interest in politics.

Why Vote Leave have no argument

Just hearing arguments against the Government domestic policies for last 40 years.  With politicians unwilling to admit consequences or explain that ‘bugs are features’.  Instead see politicians riding the populist wave unwilling to address the root causes.  Group of people who feel things are bad enough they are willing to risk it all.  Unwilling to even see that actions they take would cause more pain not help.

My best advice if you care enough about these issues get involved in politics.  Start doing something to help address any problems you have not just complaint on voting days.   Need to take this advice myself get in contact with my local labour party activists once again.  Make Government accountability your main goal instead of blaming anybody for the problems.

Sovereignty argument

Legal definition of Parliamentary sovereignty, from that definition United kingdom has full sovereignty. Argument is lost before it started unless you wanted a new legal definition.  Confirming United Kingdom still holds the unlimited veto powers.

Definition leave campaigners are using is inaccurate, wrong and spreading lies.  Further this point any trade agreements or membership of international organizations would reduce sovereignty.  Emotional isolation argument pretending to be about sovereignty.  Shifting the blame from domestic executive to European legal executive.   Welcome to explain how membership of the European union is wrong but World Trade Organization is fine.  Could do the same with any institution . 

What is the real intent behind anybody claiming European laws was overruling the UK legal system?

How come the domestic executive has not taken actions against problems reported in newspapers?

Could it be that newspapers are reporting inaccurate information to increase sales?  Failing in any duty to inform the public and educate them.  Causing a recession is not worth it for powers we already have.

No veto over Turkey joining the EU. 

Evidence points to that being incorrect and inaccurate.

Immigration argument

Evidence suggests that low skilled immigration, low skilled workers suffer an negative impact on wages.  Much debate over the impact various studies have shown very minor impact for workers. Government fiscal policy has caused much greater decline in real wages -10% for almost all groups. Impact from immigration on semi/low skilled workers 0.4%. Based on the evidence United Kingdom does not have major amount of low immigration.   Evidence shows that on average migrants have higher level of education compared to UK natives.  Age wise migrants are younger pay in more taxes due to taking up median to high skilled jobs on average.   Younger workers who come here pay taxes using little to no public services.  Evidence does not back up the general assumption that immigration has been terrible.  Reducing immigration would decrease the overall tax base increasing general tax rates.   Negative impact on low end wages is reduced due having a bigger working population paying taxes.

David Cameron pledge to drive immigration down was deeply unrealistic.  Listen to leave campaign your hear they want to increase immigration from outside of the EU.  Nations which have points based system have seen major inflows of people.  Vote leave want to increase immigration but decrease it?

Cost for driving down immigration is not worth it given the economic cost.  Instead the blame policy is designed to avoid criticism for policy failures many have supported but caused great pain to the poor. Social bits of policy we can do help people cope with immigration.

Infrastructure argument

Domestic executive has decreased spending with general population aging and increasing in size. Aging population puts far more strain on infrastructure compared to migrants.  Fallacy to blame this on migrants if anything poor planning from politicians.

Shared benefit

Evidence to support the European Union membership given us great number of benefits.  Helped make the United kingdom economcy far more competitive reduced regulation across Europe.   Trade barriers have declined freedom of movement has allowed travel to be expanded.  Reason why nobody wants us to leave due to being own benefit and their benefit.   Same reasoning could be applied once again to any global institution no campaign for us to leave?


Some of the Experts who wanted us to join the Euro are supporting leave.   Vast majority are against Brexit, trying to silence experts who disagree with you is silly.


Both sides have made promises but some won’t admit the truth.  Immigration won’t decline with Brexit or remain won’t decline period.  False promise if you believe that leaving would reduce it. Incredible rubbish has been provided from both sides.

Budget cuts

Blame lies with the Government for cutting public services,  not immigration.  This what happens when you have a fixed fiscal policy so much for the household budget.  Cut backs have caused the strain in public services not slow population growth.

Various thoughts

Call of duty Infinite Warfare & Modern Warfare

Activision blizzard has started marketing newest call of duty game called Infinite Warfare. Marketing material released so explains the game is bundled with modern warfare.   Remaster of modern warfare the cult classic first person shooter which shaped the market.  Studio was given 3 years to create the title.  Call me cynical about this remastered title given how successful modern call of duty titles have been.  Fear this has taken away time making Infinite Warfare, bloating sucking content away from the title.

Not looking forward to remaster of modern warfare, fear core game going to be changed.  Business model has become heavy with content which sucks people dry of money.  Game was perfect timing unsure would gain the same reception with another release.

Plus looks like we won’t get every map from the original game and being given zombie mode.  Feels like the title has become bloated over creating new ideas.  Real concern that business model is going become more exploitive.

Supply drop problem

Whatever the business term for these exploitive items which offer little to non value for gamers.   Worse investment compared to the lottery which is often joked as being the stupid tax.   Don’t understand who is buying them or why likely to stay.


Created list of gods which likely to be my most played gods.  No secret been playing this title loads due to casual and competitive nature.  Included reason why I enjoy these gods.


  • Ao Kuang
  • Awlix
  • Fenrir
  • Freya
  • Hun Batz
  • Kali
  • Thor

Not much to say about this role apart from sometimes you don’t want to build just damage but defense items.  May have damage far to easy to kill without some defense.  Only two gods on this list which don’t have any defense items Kali/Freya both which are glass cannons.


  • Athena
  • Khepri
  • Geb
  • Kumbhakarna
  • Ymir

Even if you build full tank you can still do damage using one damage item.  Freedom how to build within this god class above gods are great at peeling and pinning people.


  • Ahur
  • Apollo
  • Chiron
  • Hou Yi
  • Ullr

All about getting maximum damage out, two hunters hard to combo on the list Ullr/Hou Yi.  Rest are great late game decent ish early game if you play it right.


  • Agni
  • Chronos
  • ISIS
  • Janus
  • Sol

Bit like hunters however focused on abilities to do damage over auto attacks.


  • Bellona
  • Guan yu
  • Osiris
  • Ravana
  • Sun wukong

And we get to warriors not much to say here apart from enjoy Sun wukong even if his damage drops off.

And Ratatoskr just fun to play even if he not that good compared to the others.  Created various builds  for each of the above gods which suit them.  Learnt loads when comes to building by playing loads of different gods. Now just need to avoid making common mistakes like timing errors.

EU referendum

Going to be voting for remain yet to hear any argument to convince me. .


Hate being blind when comes to writing why not done many blog posts.


No secret that for past couple of months been lacking motivation and stuck in big rut. Rut has been ongoing for years now going to admit that.  Mental health awareness month plan on taking action to give myself help. First step is always the hardest to take.


Wrote a piece on unemployment some time ago, under the title unemployment grandiose of delusion.  Within that post talked about welfare system mainly benefit spending, populist policies, economic and personal experience.  Everybody has experience of unemployment from personal level to knowing others in that position.  Social problem with negative economic outcomes causing issues within the labour market.  Even with basic knowledge you can understand the whole concept.

Curious how measuring unemployment works this link explains the definition.  United Kingdom currently has lower unemployment compared to pre crisis.  Worth noting need to look at the numbers together compared to employment total.   Population has increased messing up the numbers even more this growth does not tell the whole story accurately.  Looking over the numbers you see self employment record high in total, almost the same level as public sector employment. Part time employment was increased, full time employment is down.  Most of the growth has been within London when comes to jobs with everybody else having less jobs growth.  Once you start to factor in these variables things become less good.  Productivity growth is low with wage growth, self employment does not appear to be doing much.  Self employment often means lower average wage compared to everybody else and not included in wage numbers.

Measuring unemployment by Labour force survey could have it own errors within it.  UK is far from full employment instead looks to have loads of slack within the economy.  Bank of England made a blog post on the subject of job market pairing people with right job.  Bank of underground blog post.

Unemployment within the UK looks to bad even worse compared to the official numbers with negative outcomes being major policy problem.  Government however is kicking the tin can down the road.  Lazy people are not holding the labour market back so what is.  Answer lies within basic idea of demand and only one source which can give more demand.  Government fiscal spending

Moving away from the subject of unemployment back to my own personal experience.

Finding a job is not easy and rejection makes you feel worthless.  Decided to keep spreadsheet with detailed information on every job application.  Mental health has taken a hit, serious hit when comes to being jobless. Unemployment is social problem with economic negative outcomes yet nobody wants to deal with it.  Time to talk more about the subject along with update on my personal experience so far.  Who knows maybe I do updates per month on the subject much to talk about from mental impacts to general health. Hoping to hear back from couple jobs soon but who knows.

Tom Clancy’s The Division

Recently Tom Clancy’s The Division had a beta, which I believe only lasted couple of days now ended. Tom Clancy’s The Division comes from the publisher Ubisoft. Ubisoft have released series of games within last couple of years which suffered at launch.  Games clearly designed to have more content but was cut down due to design constraints.  About 1/4 of new york and 1/5 dark zone was ready for players within the beta.  Various bits of content cut from the beta random elements.  And often very easy to spot Ubisoft games given how they share the same design ideas.  Most games share for example open world setting or towers which unlock your map.

Game appears to be designed to be loot based shooter like destiny or borderlands set within real world location with Tom Clancy name.   3rd person RPG cover based shooter with focus on loot.  AI don’t look to much of threat more sponges.   Not very interesting weapons trapped within it own setting.  Worse yet game is based around loot most of the loot is rather boring/uninteresting.

No interest for the Tom Clancy’s The Division which is why I never tried to get into the beta.

Not fallen into the marketing hype who knows right now the game looks okay.  Worries about the total amount of content world looks empty.  Endgame looks like raids focused with loot rewards. Bright side promise that world can be filled with content could mean the game shell is wrong.

Thoughts EU referendum

Thoughts EU referendum

Conservative party promise of european union referendum had to be completed after the general election. David Cameron has spent the last couple of months visiting European union leaders talking about negotiations ahead of the united kingdom referendum. Average British voter is conservative don’t like radical change, sceptical of the state.   Plus the average British voter does not follow politics closely only follows it for couple of weeks.  David cameron is quite showman for this group targeting his messages directly to them. Historic polling has show immigration concern to be always level no matter the figure.  Once again historic polling shows european union to be low on the list of concerns.  Voters care more about jobs, schools, NHS even have better knowledge on these subjects.  British voters have been shown be ignorant when comes towards european union. British support free movement but deeply sceptical of others coming here.  Conservative party created a campaign to focus on non problem but turned it into a problem.  In work benefits have been the main focus, full negotiation was never going to happen.  David Cameron has showed he wants to stay in by targeting this non issue as an issue.   Referendum has been designed to answer populist politics minor concern for voters and keep eurosceptic MPs happy. Referendum therefore for small group within the Conservative party given talking about just immigration.  Voter apathy is justify given how the united kingdom parties have acted.   Unknown Jeremy Corbyn views on European union guessing he more Conservative compared to the Conservative party.  Poor media management means we don’t know his views.

European union faces a crisis with no leadership or desire to change. David Cameron could been leading the charge for reformed union dealing head on with issues at hand.  Negotiations could seen minor changes to the tax systems across all european union nations.  Country by country reporting of taxes paid, ending tax havens taking real action against tax avoidance.  Reforming the migrant system within union so easier to come here by legal channels linking up all nations under the same system.  Further cooperation when comes to information sharing and resource sharing. David Cameron does not have any desire to change shape of europe or united kingdom. Negotiations narrow focus on this non issue tells the whole story about europe.  Any talk of anything different is viewed as radical nonsense but that what caused this negotiation in the first place.  Failure to answer voter concerns has created an even bigger problem.   Immigrant problem is more economic with dose of social policy failure.

Problem with politics subject is complex patchwork quilt.  Some of my views could be conservative, liberal, socialist.  Not even sure on the definition of each of these due to vast range of subjects.

Conservative reforms

Original reforms have pretty much disappeared not going to lie I have no idea on newest reform being put forward.  Emergency brake for in work benefits, got no idea what reforms mean in total. Some within the party want the impossible to happen others just want to be seen as doing something.

Reforms I want

Tax reforms country by country reporting

Tax standardize across member states

Universal migration system legal channels with shared resources/funding

Standardize cooperation when comes to information sharing

ECB monetary policy reform changing mandate

Fiscal policy expansion

Euro bonds

Improving the economic situation at the heart of the eurozone. Unlikely that any of the above is going to happen no desire to improve European union.  Likely to vote for remain but don’t agree with David Cameron changes which are window dressing.


Content Moderation

Content moderation nothing short of thankless task hundreds of people are employed to keep content off certain websites.  Soaking up the worst humanity has to offer so you don’t have to see it.  Quite a thankless task happy that people do this job so with regards thank you.  Understand that job is rather terrible likely suffer from high staff turnover rate with length of employment being short.  Rather intersting piece from the wired about the subject  http://www.wired.com/2014/10/content-moderation/

According to the wired.com average length of employment between 3 months to 6 months for facebook.  Not very long puts the job within the same group as call centres.

Just remember about the guys who keep places you visit clean



Shadows of Evils ruined zombies?

Shadows of Evils ruined zombies?

Recently watched video from KackisHD, with title How Treyarch has RUINED ZOMBIES for Me with Shadows of Evil.   You can watch the video below does bring up some rather interesting points.

Okay lets break down the main points..

Zombie behaviour –  Treyarch has done very little to overall mechanics of zombies behaviour loop is pretty much the same.  Animations wise they added couple new ones which change how zombies interact with the player.  New Animations result in higher damage done towards players, zombies swing do loads of damage.

Adding of juggernog needed to be balanced out if had to guess why this was done.

Pack a punch – Need to perform rituals which is stay in one area and protect yourself. Basic but survival rather challenging given groups of zombies in tight space with other threats.  Past games required you just to turn on switch in order to get pack a punch open.  Also need to open up the pack a punch room.

Survival – Gone from unscripted to more scripted, need to complete these goals to move forward. War at world map was rather unscripted but was rough set of goals which would let you go further.

Treyarch has added couple gameplay mechanics to the mix impact the game in various ways.   Gobble gum can give you buffs or effects, Margwa creates another danger.  Pack a punch gives players bonus ammo type at random which adds even more fire power.   Added more depth to the game reduced random element so you can control it more.

Pack a punch mechanics don’t think work feels like forcing coop into the game pretty hard to complete.  Survival simple game still around just has some goals.  My biggest complaint is how hard can be to revive people if you’re the other side of the map.  Don’t agree with the video but points made are interesting shows the real limits with zombies is the zombies.

Syria air strikes

Vote on air strikes in Syria is due tonight 10pm by MPs [Members of parliament] from House of Commons of the United Kingdom.  United Kingdom is already part of air strikes in Iraq, conservative party failed in 2013 to win support for air strikes.  Situation within middle east is now much worse, civil war in Syria has become frozen conflict.  Declining influence result power vacuum extremism groups taking hold with terror attacks across the middle east.  Soft power with hard power only way of fixing this issue.  Does mean economic action with major soft power and troops.  Economic action forcing parties to the table would be useful start.  Overconfident we can fix this this issue with just air strikes.

Russia is willing to play role within middle east we should let them help.

Do not support air strikes without action in other areas just wishful thinking air strikes creates frozen conflict.  Home growth terror is created by social issues at home economic mainly with social. What we can do is help create more peaceful solution to the middle east.  Language of war is not helpful should not be doing what opponents want.  Want war with unrest with highly emotionally language.

Reality sometimes problems don’t have solutions.

Actions so far in Iraq have proved that half measures like air strikes only get you so far.   Argument for air strikes based on somebody else doing the heavy lifting with wishful thinking.  Hope Labour MPs don’t vote in favour…

If I was Labour MP would be voting against the motion.