Today going to cover various topics here my thoughts. Decided one giant post over separate ones for now.
Doctor Who
Looking forward to the series returning, Peter Capaldi performance has started off strong. Recent interview with the radio times admitted developed similar knee complaint, which his predecessor Matt smith developed due to the role. Hope that this was not the reason why Matt smith left the role or serious impact on health of the actors who play the doctor.
Trailer for the series was released during the summer you can watch it below.
Series 9 is shaping up to focus on one or two old subjects but with scope of the series looking at new material.
BBC decided to release a prologue to series 9 brings up some questions.
Doctor who premium content from the BBC with audience from all ranges.
Battlefront game play
Game play which has been released from unofficial sources, mechanical simple shooter. Hoping that mechanical the game is fun but lack of depth may be a real issue. Mechanical the flying model is more on rails over freedom in many other games. Not getting hyped up with the game until I see some reviews but right now nothing new on display. DICE have created quite a good looking game without a doubt.
Marty O’Donnell’s lawsuit with Bungie
More questions overs answers due to the new material which is released. Marty O’Donnell’s filled the lawsuit after being fired from the company. Blaming Activsion influence which resulted him being fired and his work not being used at E3. Analysis from the gaming community sign that poor decisions taken by Bungie over elements of the game result of Activsion. Senior developers did leave the company with court documents sealed away we won’t know the answers.
Some insight from Tom Busaglia who helped Marty O’Donnell win.
The Story Behind the Story
Easy to demonize the publisher when the details are unknown. Obvious to see that major changes happened late into the cycle of the game. Great shame that true vision won’t see the light of day, game had so much promise but fixed timetable resulted in smaller vision. Sometimes designers bite off more than they can chew forced to scale back. Playing the beta the game felt like it was messing something. Still looking forward to what the studio can produce given so much talent within.
Marty goes to show it not all fun and games in the industry.
Jeremy corbyn
Needs to counter attacks on his image if he wants to win. Lack of experience in this area may lead to his downfall, some good ideas being removed from the debate again. Needs to redefine media relations learning from the old guard how to handle.
Battlefront public beta in October
Looking forward to playing the beta not much else to say.
Driving lessons
Not looking forward to learning the theory bits