Labour leadership election has ended, Jeremy Corbyn winning with 59.5% of the vote. Race was meant to be closer however Corbyn was able to win out right just like Tony Blair did.
Speechless victory nothing short of outstanding given Corbyn just reached the requirements.
Jeremy supporters created a powerful coalition over number of years, needed a candidate his supporters sealed the deal. Tom Watson supporters had only one candidate in mind with his supporters working on building a coalition within the party. Membership has picked Tom and Jerry to lead them.
Old coalition of New Labour or centrists is defeated. Different shades of Labour but share some common ground. Both in the past have been rebels, Jeremy avoiding front bench with Tom serving only to leave. Profile wise Jeremy bold radical against the standard, Tom is tradition, focused on grass roots. Common ground both ran on platforms which was positive and focused on change. To win Labour needs a grand coalition of voters. Remains to be seen if the Jeremy can bridge the gap between PLP to membership or build a coalition of voters. Tom should be able to help massive network of connections within the party which was able to help win.
Result now means the party is going to be change both want to see radical changes. Movement roots being efficient in how it campaigns. Party of government in the waiting with the power to move the membership.
Whatever the result task of victory in 2020 is massive with major forces to beat. Party needs to avoid giving extra ammo to the conservative focus on being ruthless. Challenge for Corbyn is keeping his platform without giving ammo. Expect to see certain policy dropped in favour of debate within the party. Compromise key for Corbyn to keep hold of power his supporters don’t hold control of key parts of the party. Mistake for anybody who did not vote for Corbyn to be purged from the party. Opinion is useful along with their knowledge even experience.
Corbyn should move towards a more moderate centre left platform but keeping his core platform. Purged people from the party would be a mistake instead should be open to debate and compromise. Centrists have not disappeared they should not be side lined like the left of the party was. Repeating mistakes made by them would be a mistake failure to answer the political winds has resulted in this victory.
Corbyn needs sound advice from all sides in order to build a successful platform and reform the party. Labour is a big church just like United Kingdom you need to win over massive group of voters to win. Questions over Corbyn ability to win over these groups within the party and beyond.
Whoever was going to lead the party in 2020 would be facing an impossible task. If Corbyn can help win over 50 more seats growing the movement victory in 2025 could be possible. I don’t think he can win in 2020 but think he could be the start of something which makes 2025 victory possible. Labour could turn from being a passive party into a real road block forcing landscape to change. All sides of the political spectrum should be looking forward to towards the same goal. Little bit of criticism is required with massive amount of debate. Look forward to working for the party to bring about the change required.
Forces against Labour are going to be moving quickly neutralize the party that is why we need the old guard for advice.
Old guard should not seek to remove him at the first sign of failure his supporters are powerful allies for the party.
Keeping your principles with compromise makes you far stronger as a leader.