Lonely men problem

Lonely men problem

Receiving compliments or people reading this blog feels rather surreal. Sometimes I just write what on my mind, writing what I know. Other times I bit of research. Feels me with confidence that sometimes people stumble over here. Like a drunk asking for directions looking at your garden, clueless on what you just said. I don’t really promote this place or SEO.

Being lonely is a problem, not just social but health one. Took me years to understand that not about being interesting or funny but turning up. Adults lack the structure that helps foster friendship. With time bonds start to form, could be from a common interest. We don’t need just lovers but friendship to alongside that. Ups and downs, sometimes you need to put more effort into other things. Friends remain your friend even if you not spoken for a while.

Seeking out a community that fills you with sense of belonging. I recently took a chance (Here) and found a community I really enjoy. Small internet community that a collection of LGBT+ community well one part of it. Made me realize that I should seek out something more local. I began to understand that me being lonely was a bad thing. Anxiety not helpful with meeting new people or opening up.

Society should take it more seriously, not just man problem but younger men face a loneliness crisis. All ages have a problem here, with so many spaces shutting down and poor public transport it a problem.

Guess I should say thank you for the person who created the space and community. Hope you stick around and find time for us. Hopefully one day I can get to meet various members from this server.

>_> I really needed to be told certain things I had forgotten and allowed demons inside my head to convince me otherwise.

Age of passwords

Age of passwords

These days the password, is rather valuable bit of information. One password can open the doors to a treasure trove of information. Protecting that password is important, old advice used be regularly changing it and mix of letters with numbers. Users can get rather lazy, so many passwords end up seeing similar or same ones in use. Nordpass lists the most common ones every year. Some great examples within that list.

Everything these days requires a password, keeping track of them all can be huge pain in the arse. Advice has changed from regularly changing them to keeping them hard to guess. Humans are awful at making random passwords, computers are rather good at guessing them. Often the end user is the weak link these days. Cyber-attacks often focus on users first and breaking the system afterwards. Different ways of fixing this problem, random computer generated or passphrases. Passphrases are random selection of words together that is different to crack. Most important point is far easier to remember compared to random string of letters. 

Best practises with password these days.

  • Use different ones
  • Random generated ones

World has tried to move on from the old password, PIN systems, pairing it with secondary authentication system and using biometrics. Two-factor authentication (2FA) has started to become far more common. Killing off the idea of security questions, some services still use it. Even with all of that passwords still remain important. Articles come out yearly claiming passwords could soon be a thing of the past. Yet they remain most common way so secure accounts to this day.

Nobody can agree on what should replace it or the standard. Until now with tech companies announce support for passkeys. Big three Apple, Google and Microsoft all planning to support it. Unsure when they plan on doing a mass roll out. New method is similar to old method that has existed for years now. Creating a random key, similar to SMS authentication, could be misunderstanding how it works.

Password managers aim to solve that problem, keeping everything safe and easy to access. Some have been breached recent example being Lastpass. No password manager can be 100% secure, putting all your eggs into one basket is never wise.

Cloud based offer easy access anywhere anytime, offline ones keep everything in front of you. Biggest cloud-based ones include dashlane, 1Password, Lastpass and Google. Trusting these providers to keep this data safe. So many different offerings here impossible to list them all. Each having pros and cons, suitable for different needs. Keepass is one of the oldest most trusted offline ones. KeePass is an open-source password manager, first release was 19 years ago. Locally storing the database over using cloud storage. Supports plugins that allow you to change various features. Its user interface is well not very user friendly and shows it age. Tech savvy users won’t find it a problem but everybody else good luck.

It is possible that passkeys kill off passwords and managers. End of the day still trusting companies or programs to keep your data secure. I’m tempted to test passkeys and how it works but so far nobody is supporting it. Age of passwords is not over just yet.

Nicola Sturgeon resigns

Nicola Sturgeon resigns

Nicola Sturgeon announced she resigning as first minster, along with leader of the SNP. Lifelong career in politics, she decided it is time to leave on her terms. Style was professional, measured and straight to the point. Sense of duty that sometimes is lacking from others. Able to switch between sounding human, giving detailed information in a clear way. During dark early days of covid she was a shining light on what to do. Compared to Boris Johnson he looked out of his depth.

One of the best communicators in decades British politics has seen. Sharp contrast to many other politicians, popular figure within and outside the party. I quite liked her for a number of reasons. I respected her, don’t fully agree with her politics.

Party crafted a space within left, centre left with centre of Scotland. Replacing Labour in minds of voters as being the progressive choice. Attracting a wide range of voters, some with social conservatives’ views. How she approached disagreement, creating bridges and finding common ground something that is often missing in English politics.

Scottish politics still had toxic elements but largely it was restricted to certain debates. Above all else Scottish parliament offers a blueprint for how politics can be done. Working with your opponents to help craft legislation. Even with SNP being a majority it still worked with opponents to create bills. Able to strengthen institutions and overall empowering Scotland. Westminster never really understood how to deal with Scotland or engage with it. SNP dominated the landscape during her leadership.  Longest serving first minster and first women in the role. Many reasons why it was time to leave, wanted to avoid being a divisive figure. Resignation statement makes clear just how draining and brutal it can be. History going to view her with kindness. 

Support for independence remains not a solid majority but has crystalized a minority. Nicola, understand you needed a majority not just a thin one. Independence being the core aim, she no longer believes she can carry the flag or deliver it. I believe in the union but understand it needs to change.

It would be foolish to believe the indepedence disappears overnight. I don’t think sudden recovery happens overnight for Labour. SNP are firmly now the establishment, that makes it hard to paint the party as outsiders. Record highs they enjoy are unlikely to remain forever. No party has a right to exist.

Now a new guard takes over, with no successor in sight process to select a new leader for Scotland begins.

Music: David Bowie – Lazarus

Music: David Bowie – Lazarus

David Bowie is a British musical icon, with decades worth of music. Creating music for every decade, artists rarely change their style. Bowie, on the other hand, was a king of reinvention.  Artists rarely take risks but Bowie took risks. My parents shared David’s music, with me. And I remember pirating his music.

Lazarus was the last single released before David Bowie’s death in 2016. Therefore the lyrics took on a new meaning, Blackstar was meant to be a swan song Ablum. Tony Visconti producer for Blackstar has confirmed this. 

Every song has lyrics that revolve around death. Lazarus’s music video makes death the clear theme. 


Look up here, I’m in heaven
I’ve got scars that can’t be seen
I’ve got drama, can’t be stolen
Everybody knows me now

Look up here, man, I’m in danger
I’ve got nothing left to lose
I’m so high it makes my brain whirl
Dropped my cell phone down below
Ain’t that just like me?

By the time I got to New York
I was living like a king
There I’d used up all my money
I was looking for your ass
This way or no way
You know, I’ll be free
Just like that bluebird
Now, ain’t that just like me?
Oh, I’ll be free
Just like that bluebird
Oh, I’ll be free

Ain’t that just like me?

The first paragraph is Bowie talking about already being dead. Talking about his cancer, how famous he is. The second paragraph makes clear his cancer is winning, nice bit of humour to end it. The third paragraph talks about moving to new york, and the problems with being rich. One or two lines that I don’t understand the meaning of. He ends the song talking about being free, almost like he accepts dying and death. Therefore final line is his goodbye to his fans.

This is one of my favourite songs on the album. Every time I listen to David Bowie’s music he reminds me of my mum.  She was the one who recommended him. I have some great memories of singing songs with her, including David. Growing up I never used to sing that much.

David Bowie left behind a vast collection of music. Covering different genres across the ages. For me, Lazarus has helped me with grief.  Makes me remember even in the end we still have the desire to keep going.

Blogging update

Blogging update

When it comes to blogging, one or two things happen. I have a topic in mind or don’t. 

Generally, I have a topic in mind and start writing. The first sentence is reworded or deleted a couple of dozen times. I’m happy with it, carrying on writing or unhappy and bin it. No topic often gets writer’s block, staring at the screen. Write something before quickly deleting it, and end up writing the same thing process. 

Once I have a couple of sentences, turning them into paragraphs. At that stage, move around paragraphs and sentences. The editing process begins with rewriting with rewording, followed by basic formatting. Proofread each sentence for errors and how it sounds. The whole process for me is rather intense, posts end up on the cutting room floor. After this much effort, I can just bin it.

In my little corner of the web, I moderate what is being posted. I have started to move towards quality over quantity. This leads me to explain why I have stopped posting music. Low effort posts and never really explained why I enjoyed it or picked it. I plan on making music posts again but with a better format. Watch me keep to the lazy old format. 

They say the art of blogging is over, I disagree it just moved towards short-form outlets. Social media sites are often short posts cut into pieces or links to other bits of content. The art of blogging has moved from decentralised personal sites to more centralized ones. Being in control of your own corner has benefits and downsides. For me, this was always an outlet, a bit of creativity. Designed to help improve my writing skills and push myself. When it was started things were different compared to now, change happens, and I have learnt a decent amount but way more to learn. 

Gender recognition reform act

Gender recognition reform act


I don’t like what is happening around the Scottish gender recognition reform act. I don’t enjoy watching trans people being punching bags. I fully support expanding, protecting rights and better healthcare.

I can’t begin to understand what transgender people experience. I’m quite frankly ignorant about a range of issues but want to be informed. Unable to understand the challenges facing the transgender community without listening to voices within that community. We should be listening and helping them influence policies that impact them.

The general public often has contradictory, often very complicated opinions. Public opinion can often change widely depending on the question. Details can make or break support. A member of the public does not pay attention until needs to. Other issues are far more important to people compared to this. In the minority here I would broadly support changes to the gender recognition act.

The Scottish gender recognition reform act has been 6 years in the making. Enjoying some cross-party support, various charities and groups have influenced the bill. Even in Scotland, this reform is still controversial. See YouGov polling for the times on the subject here. Reforming this law is controversial, credit to Sturgeon for backing this.

Secretary of State for Scotland, Alister Jack released this statement.

I have decided to make an order under section 35 of the Scotland Act 1998, preventing the Scottish Parliament’s Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill from proceeding to Royal Assent.

After thorough and careful consideration of all the relevant advice and the policy implications, I am concerned that this legislation would have an adverse impact on the operation of Great Britain-wide equalities legislation.

Transgender people who are going through the process to change their legal sex deserve our respect, support and understanding. My decision today is about the legislation’s consequences for the operation of GB-wide equalities protections and other reserved matters.

I have not taken this decision lightly. The Bill would have a significant impact on, amongst other things, GB-wide equalities matters in Scotland, England and Wales. I have concluded, therefore, that this is the necessary and correct course of action.

If the Scottish Government chooses to bring an amended Bill back for reconsideration in the Scottish Parliament, I hope we can work together to find a constructive way forward that both respects devolution and the operation of UK Parliament legislation.

I have written today to the First Minister and the Scottish Parliament’s Presiding Officer informing them of my decision.

Stephen Bush of the FT, inside politics piece on the subject. I would agree with this more about a legal dispute over anything else.

What does the bill do?

  • Lowers the age, people in Scotland can apply for gender-recognition certificate (GRC) to 16.
  • Removes the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

The question for the courts is Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill has implications for UK-wide equalities law. Any judicial review would be looking at that question not the use of section 35.

The basic problem is Scotland can’t reshape the process of changing your legal gender, without reshaping UK equalities law. Depending on who you ask the Equality Act 2010 matters here or does not. Another revision of the Equality Act is likely now required to clear up any problems.

The risk here draws attention to a broader constitutional issue. England’s sheer size means in practice it can set the law for everybody else. An example here is the equality law. I suspect the reason why Sturgeon wanted to push ahead, was to highlight that problem. Easier to sell this controversial bill, by amplifying the sovereignty argument. Making it a fight over the veto and power Westminster holds over Holyrood.

Maybe that last point is too cynical but has been ample time for a solution both sides can agree on. Maybe this is just a simple legal dispute with Hollyrood thinking it could pass this without causing any problems. Reality is a compromise must be found if you want to pass this bill.

*Small update Welsh government has published plans for gender recognition reforms. It will be seeking powers that allow it to do that. Host of other reforms in the works. 

I don’t like what is happening, toxic and controversial debate. I don’t enjoy watching trans people being punching bags. I support protecting LGBT+ rights, and trans rights and easier to access healthcare for trans people.

Update: Outcomes of a general election

Last year in June I wrote, the outcome of the next general election has various scenarios.

First a quick recap on what has happened, the scandal train forced Boris out bringing down his govt and setting records. Liz Truss became prime minister and the Queen died, budget caused market panic and forced Liz Truss to resign after 44 days. Rishi sunak becomes prime minister after losing to Liz Truss, dealing with the mess and chaos. Internal and external shocks have battered the ruling party. Turmoil has been corrosive, with negative views about Boris soaking into the party brand. A trend that started a year before. Liz Truss’s short stay at number 10 just compounded what was happening. A slowing economy and high inflation added to the pile of unpopularity.

All of this has slowly been eating away at hard-earned favourable, now Labour is more trusted in everything. The golden goose that is economic competence is well now Labours. Soft leads that can harden with time. Even with polling leads and positive leaning favourable ratings, recovery for Labour would be remarkable. Labour has been declining from 2001 till 2019. Could argue the decline goes further back, with cultural link to Labour being weak. Labour needs more of every type of voter to close the gap. Tories have been able to reinvent themselves, transferring wealth to voters and keeping others indifferent.

Conservatives have created a cushion, a voter coalition built over the last two decades that deliver seats.  A base that is reliable, older homeowners and professionals. Labour on the other hand base is unreliable and not as evenly spread across seats. Suffering various forms of collapse, former safely reliable seats disappeared. A big problem is the volatility of voting patterns. Long-term trends speed up creating some wild results.

A general rule of thumb 6.5% swing against the current govt happens on average. Swing that size wipes out the current 80-seat majority, Rishi inherited. In the last decade, they have been gaining ground, and Labour has been losing ground. Keir needs a 15% swing or more needed for a majority of 1. It needs to gain 120 seats for a majority of one.  Therefore, we are about 3-4 cycles away from the new govt. You would think but the 2020s have been defined by disruption.

Blair was able to achieve 10.5% but needed 55 seats for a majority. Target seats during 1997 were far easier to pick up compared to today. A mix of indifference towards Blair plus an average swing of 14% towards Labour saw 150 seats gained.

Right now, the key points are the following

  • Labour in 2024 is fighting from a low point
  • Tories in 2024 are fighting from a high point
  • New seat boundaries
  • Voter ID laws
  • Polling leads between 14% to 22%
  • 16% swing from Tory to Labour
  • 20% / 30% won’t vote or unsure
  • Indifference to a labour govt

The trend against the Tories started back in 2021, volatility has only increased. Near universal increase in support for Labour across all age groups. Holding a majority with voters under the age of 50 now. Over the 50s are moving towards Labour, and those over 60s remain firmly Tory. Based on an average vote of 35,000, any seat with 15,000 majorities is within reach for Labour. Swings can be widely different between areas. Universal swings can only tell half the story, sometimes local swings can be much bigger. Once safe seats become way less safe overnight.

Here are the 8 outcomes, volatility in recent elections means they are all possible. The first four options are looking unlikely now.

  1. 80+ seat Tory majority
  2. 40+ seat Tory majority
  3. Small Tory majority
  4. Hung parliament another election
  5. Minority government
  6. Formal coalition
  7. Small Labour majority
  8. 40+ Labour majority

Trends at the moment make it impossible to see a Tory majority being returned. Party is unpopular and votes feel worse off. Labour has a mountain to climb, hung parliament or minority administration is possible. Massive recovery makes the party more competitive but unable to win enough seats. Seat totals mask a great set of results and major recovery. Some positive signs but still remain sceptical about current large poll leads. Huge levels of volatility within polls, something else could happen. Been here before unpopular govt big poll leads that disappeared. However current deficit makes it look unlikely Rishi can see a recovery. Loss of trust across a wide range of issues and feeling change is required. This time it could be different, voters as a whole are feeling the pain. Therefore I’m starting to think that the hung parliament and the big majority are being underpriced. Possible that after almost 15 years, collapse happens with Tories taking a big hit.

Anything from the 4th to 8th option looks likely.

Smite pro league rosters season 10

Smite pro league rosters season 10

Ranking the rosters

  1. Kings
  2. Jade
  3. Oni
  4. Styx
  5. Leviathans
  6. Ravens

Really difficult to rank the rosters, we don’t know so much and won’t know how the team environment looks. What is clear all teams seem to value thinking about the game. Two more rosters are left and need to win play ins before they can join the league.

Camelot kings

The world championship roster stays together, last season approached the map in a focused farm manner. How the roster approaches the next season is worth keeping an eye on. Helped define how the play the map and played it better than anybody else. Not the best players in the world but they certainly are some of the best minds in the game. CaptainTwig and Genetics are both thinkers. Genetics is a mechanical monster. Two main sources of damage are mechanical machines, Jarcorr and BigManTingz. Variety rounds out the team, in the past, helped defined the meta.

Coach biggy helps keep the show on the road

Atlantis Leviathans

After the success of Kings Zapman needed some brains. Picking Adapting and Fineokay, certainly adds some brains to the team. A big question mark is over how flexible Adapting can be. Fineokay is one of the bigger brains in solo, a strong player at every stage. Slainy is more brain!

A trio of Zapman, Ronngyu, and Sheento are strong together anyway.

How Adapting plays with Ronngyu and Sheento will make or break this team. Fineokay is going to be key to success for him. Normally he creates space for the team. In the past, he has complained about being locked into certain picks. Flexibility in drafting along with picks and bans helped create success for the Kings. Selection of players who think about the game and consider how it fits together. Leadership here from everybody, they like to talk in the game too.

Jade dragons

Oni warriors were reborn with two new players. PBM and Lasbra give this team much-needed brains with leadership. PBM likes to play the game fast and loose, an aggressive player who likes to fight. The question is how much he shapes the direction. Active support player who plays off other players. Can he fit into this team? During his interview, he stated this year going to be a different style of play.

Lasbra is well at times night and day, depending on who is on his team.

Vote, Darez are talented players. Nika at times has shown his skill but follows the pack. He can be a thinker at times.

Unsure if the core of this team is the problem but it lacked leadership now it has it.

Styx Ferrymen

Thinkers with mechanical skilled monsters, this team is a collection of talent. Therefore this group is rather nasty, shaping the meta and pushing it.

Cyno does weird stuff and constantly pushes what is viable. Aror with Cyclonespin is both great minds together. Paul is just the mid version of Adapting, a mechanical god that is one step ahead. Baskin and Cyclonespin are both considered two of the best smite players in the world. New coach Realz provides a social edge to this already game-knowledge-heavy team. I don’t expect this roster to pop off early but get better.

Highland ravens

Barra ranked league of extraordinary gentlemen. Just Barra and Ven remain together with a new supp, solo and mid required. Hurri is the support, bringing a brain, shot calling and draft knowledge. Not the best support often has found it difficult to make an impact. Scream is a hot or cold jungle that gets added. Hard to say if that is a downgrade or not here. Mask is the new solo for this team. Lack of leadership shot calling and draft knowledge hurt this team in the past. High hopes that this team has what the bolts lacked.

Oni Warriors 

On paper, this roster is full of creativity and flexibility, unconventional with huge amounts of unpredictability. Something dangerous about a roster like this, they know each other and know the game. The question is who leads this roster and in what direction they go.  Jake plays bruiser-style support but is unconventional. Throw in Pegon and SOT, and see the game in creative new ways. Panitom follows the curve of the meta, and Netrioid is similar. This team is young and full of talent.

Jake plays similarly to the joker full of chaos and creating huge problems.