Call of duty infinite warfare first impressions

Call of duty infinite warfare first impressions

More call of duty nothing new here at all.  Movement system copied from Black ops 3.

  1. Menu serve the purpose, loads options hidden away.
  2. Linear progression system returns no change.
  3. Shotguns return pre black ops 3 damage models.  Making spread very importants on pellets. No bonus for aiming down sight.
  4. Heath is unchanged
  5. Ping bar numbers are unclear
  6. No change in time to kill
  7. Limited focus on vertical elements
  8. Colorful maps
  9. Supply drops are back

Game feels like ghosts does call of duty with nothing new. Don’t understand complaints about the game.  Most complaints boil down core freatures in the formula. Nothing else to say, sorry.

Call of duty infinite warfare none impressions

Call of duty infinite warfare beta weekend is here.  Disclaimer not played the beta, opinion is based on gameplay. Taken break from call of duty this year.  Currently have no interest in the series at the moment.

  • Time to kill – Standard call of duty
  • Movement system – Black ops 3 wasted due map design
  • Map design – Design wise linear none vertical
  • Latency problems/matchmaking
  • Linear progression system

Warframe Thoughts

Some warframe thoughts coming your way.  Certain parts of the game have criticism about.

  • Alerts
  • Archwing
  • Warframe slots
  • Syndicates
  • Unable replay quests
  • Mod reward tables

Weapons – No idea which ones are good.  No easy way to compare each one.

Alerts – Not worth the time credits gained are tiny.  Only certain items rewarded which make make worth your time.

Archwing – Camera angle constant moving is frustrating.

Warframe slots – Feel forced to buy or earn platinum.  Farming certain items to sell.

Syndicates – Non interactive acting more like alerts.  Credit gained are tiny like alerts.

Unable replay quests – Digital Extremes been reviewing allowing this.

Mod reward tables – Need to view outside source to find reward tables.

Smite Hunter Builds Season 3

Hunters follow 6 core build designs.  Certain early game items help smooth the power curve.  Builds listed are final don’t include the early game items.  Disclaimer don’t normally play hunters, build order is useful to understand.

Build Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Caster build Transcendence Warrior Tabi Jotunn’s Wrath Brawlers beat stick Titan’s bane The Crusher
Double stack Devourer’s Gauntlet Ninja tabi Transcendence ASI Titan’s bane Malice
Ability hybird Transcendence Warrior Tabi ASI Titan’s bane  Qin sais Malice
Ninja tabi Jotunn’s Wrath Titan’s bane Malice
Shifter’s shield Soul eater
Transcendence Warrior Tabi ASI Titan’s Qin sais Masamune
Everything Devourer’s Gauntlet Warrior Tabi ASI Titan’s bane Qin sais Malice
Ninja tabi Titan’s bane Qin sais Malice
Warrior Tabi The executioner Qin sais Malice
Ninja tabi The executioner Qin sais Malice
Power/pen Devourer’s Gauntlet Warrior ASI Brawler’s Beatstick, Qin sais Titan’s Bane
Ninja Tabi
Critical damage Devourer’s Gauntlet Warrior Tabi ASI The executioner Wind demon Deathbringer
Ninja Tabi The executioner Malice Deathbringer
Titan’s bane Wind demon
Wind demon Malice

Brexit means what?

Conservative government outlined, legal procedure for leaving European Union.  Conservative government failed, explain what leaving means.  Procedure is simple to do.  Task of leaving is not simple, complex task.  Difficult containing many challenges. No answers to any questions leaving presents.  No information what leaving looks like.  No vision what leaving looks like after.  What we do know Conservatives want to ‘leave’.  No clue what any of this political positioning means.  Unclear what politicians mean,  no substance.  Failing to say anything at all.  Failure to explain what leaving means.  What any future relationship may look like.

United Kingdom future European relationship now changing.  Conservatives have yet to start Brexit, still major questions to be answered.  Labour now needs serious intellectual debate on the subject.


Luke Cage First Impressions

Luke Cage First Impressions

Luke Cage making star out lesser known character. Luke Cage starts off slow yet display thoughtful hero. Character is rare black super hero, different style compared to everybody else.  Rather hard to compare heros, netflix series makes it harder. Luke Cage worth watching rare time black hero gone mainstream.

Writers behind Luke Cage, expand universe.   Series start slow before opening up the character. Character is rare black super hero, different style compared to everybody else. Thoughtful caring deeply, everybody around him. Rather hard to compare heros, netflix series makes it harder. Luke Cage worth watching rare time black hero gone mainstream.

Perfectly creating new style of character.  Unknown character for general non comic book fans. Expands the marvel universe another point of view on incident.   Impossible to compared series due different executions.  Jessica Jones focus was on dark broken anti hero.  Daredevil focus was on hero trying to be moral keeper of justice.  Luke Cage has not defined what the series should be.

Marvel has spent time crafting the universe. Fallen in love with Luke Cage.