Smite training – Anti heal

Smite training – Anti heal

Decided to do some theory maths on anti heal items.  Focus is mainly around Aphrodite.

Aphrodite –  Love birds with 40% scaling in total.

Magical power Heal  -25% -40% -50% Total

























171, 137, 114

216, 173. 144

246, 197, 114

321, 257, 214

388, 311, 259


Extra sustain acting as heal buffer, soaking up damage.  Anti heal rather important due how strong constant that sustain becomes.  Add in the natural health regeneration out of combat.  Teamfights can be decided over time due to healing.  Healing reduction absorbing extra scaling most healing abilities have.  Healing does not scale off magical power instead cooldowns far more impactful.  Love birds standard cooldown is 12 seconds -40% cooldown reduction brings down to 7 seconds. Being able to heal for 228 every 7 seconds rather useful.  Rod of asclepius gives you 25% extra healing with regeneration buffs to allies.

Point being made is simple don’t underestimate how powerful healing can be.  Throw in some higher than average effective health.  Bursting people down becomes rather difficult, forced to focus on the healer over the damage dealers.    Below is incomplete table of healers in smite

Healers in smite

God Heal
Aphrodite 15% scaling 228
Chang’e 30% scaling 130
Hel 40% scaling 180
ISIS 15% scaling  160
Ra 15% scaling  360
Zhong Kui 20% 240

Missing couple healers off the list,  Guan Yu, Terra, hercules.

Hope you find this information useful 🙂


Smite becoming a better player

Smite becoming a better player?

Time for another blog post about smite.  Previous post was about my god pool highlighting comfortable picks.  Do have couple other gods hidden away in my back pocket.  Flex picks which come out in certain niche situations.  Not the best player mechanically can be inefficient with poor decisions.  Over past couple of months have gotten better with real desire to improve.  Trying to improve on every single small thing.  Communication key weakness started to call missing more often.  Started take notice every single tiny thing.   More than willing to admit mistakes with real desire to learn.  Asking questions why, who benefits, does this bring plus various other questions.  Matchmaking has changed now getting much more competitive matches in causal.  Still can be roll of the dice in sometimes getting competitive games much more often.  Fundament can’t escape smite is team based game.  Can’t carry people who make poor decisions.

Ranked, frustration and decision making

Been told that ranked is best place to improve.  Bringing in the best players who seek competitive competition. Based on my own experience ranked player base is smaller on playstation.  Quit playing ranked due matchmaking pairing me into the wrong lobbies.  Deeply frustrated due the quality of games unable climb out bronze/silver hell.  Roles I like playing are not hyper carry roles.  Instead tried become more positive even with bad teammates. Mental state has major impact on how you play. Poor mental states impacts your decision making process.  Exploiting mind games using laughing spam can put players into negative mindsets.  Gained much deeper understanding of smite, new perspectives on various ideas.


Feeling uncomfortable can cause major problems.  Honest with you don’t care about the ‘meta’.  Care more about you being uncomfortable with certain common picks.  Core reason why laugh spamming so powerful causes you become uncomfortable.  Meta not fixed constant change every game based who you play.  Talked about early how  I make notes how people play.   Playing the meta game here thinking about my opponents.   Understanding the playstyles,  reviewing the rotations and builds.  Tier lists are opinions depend on your current perception.   Every single god is viable certain gods have strengths and weakness.  Roles have the same problem,  feel uncomfortable can play poorly.  Must avoid being overly confidence.

Subjects to talk about

  • Bad manners – Hate using ingame items to troll players.  Don’t enjoy this behaviour against me.  Try to keep positive not let any behaviours like this get to me.
  • Wards – Serious community based phobia around wards with players unwilling to buy them.
  • General pathing – Safe pathing is massive certain routes which allow you to escape.  Should be thinking what best route out of any fight.
  • Safe farming – Most players don’t bother safe farming when behind.
  • Change in behaviour – Overly aggressive players normally mean ganks are coming.  Should be watching for changes in playstyle, reading the mini map.
  • Good fights bad fights – Sometimes makes sense to just leave a fight over carry on fighting.
  • Bad habits – Want to avoid getting into bad habits like not warding.
  • Giving up – Should be willing to give up when things not working out.  Learn from the mistakes don’t make excuses.


Normally play the following roles support, middle lane.   Can play jungle just not very comfortable in the role.   Very uncomfortable in solo lane,  bad aim puts me off using hunters.  Here my perspective on roles in general,  explaining each role what goals want to complete.


Decided general breakdown what support should be doing.   General guide sometimes should be doing something else.

  • Level 1-5 want protect your partner in lane.   Secondary goal trying to get potential kill in lane.
  • Level 5-10 want provide pressure in locations which need it.  Normally around middle lane and solo lane.  More than one person in lanes want to turn up.
  • Level 10-15 want to carry on turning up at team fights.  Looking for people alone picking them off one by one.  Peeling for teammates if needed, tanking objectives when required.
  • Level 15-20 want to become giant wall in team fights setting up kills.

Making mental notes when people are rotating.  Role is very dependant on your teammates following up.  Lanes which have been lost sometimes have to leave alone. Frontline god who goal is peeling, set up for kills and being annoying.  Some ways view support second jungler with less kill potential.   Play style depends like to make notes how other team plays. Constant switching between aggressive/defensive, sometimes patience is important.  Sometimes have to play the waiting game waiting for mistakes.  Avoiding aggressive plays until you have the advantage.

Attack damage carry 

Limited playtime should be farming, trying to get the advantage.  Turning up to team fights dealing bunch of damage.  Not much else to say, should be playing off the support  or jungler.   Don’t fear trading want to be putting pressure on the other carry.

Middle lane

  • Level 1-5 – Want to be sharing camps with your jungler getting middle lane camps.  Seeking to get early lead maybe even a kill.  Jungler should be close should be close want to share XP and gold.
  • Level 5-10 – Want to be rotating once the wave is cleared, following jungler/support trying to get kills.  Sometimes poke damage is enough over kills gaining pressure.  Normally 3 vs 3 fight most of the time around objectives.
  • Level 10-15 – Want to be poking people down getting kills, team fight time.
  • Level 15-20 – Want to be doing damage in team fights poking players down.

Constant switching between aggressive/defensive, sometimes patience is important.  Sometimes have to play the waiting game waiting for mistakes.  Avoiding aggressive plays until you have the advantage.


Pretty much want kills or looking to give players kills getting them ahead.  Need farm in most efficient way don’t waste time on dead lanes.

Solo lane

Farm in most efficient way turn up to team fights hit the back line.

Not the best player

Willing to admit not the best player in the world.  Couple weak links when comes to playstyle.  Don’t like to use relics which could save me.   Sometimes my decision making can be poor.   Debated getting back into ranked however need more practise with jungle and solo lane.  Most roles are situational require you understand how react in certain situations.   Uncomfortable team environment won’t make people get better.   Overly negative towards players make them improve.   Teaching shouting at you did not make you get better grades.  Past couple months of playing smite has given me loads to think about.  Would like to become better player but have no how to start….

Maybe practice makes perfect is the best place to start.


Battlefield One Open Beta Feedback

Battlefield One Open Beta Feedback

Medic Class

Problem –  Players must alert each other when they want to be revived.

Solution –  Constant revive player icon telling players how long of the timer is left.

Problem – Quick respawn button

Solution – Remove quick respawn button instead add want to be revived icon and don’t want to be revived.

Above are the main problems I found with the class so far can be hard/impossible get single revive.

Conquest scoring system

Problem – No penalty for death in conquest

Solution – Add death bleed to the score timer, reduced score increase or add score to the other team

Conquest time limit

Problem:  Games are too short

Solution:  Increase the timer


Problem: Players forced to change squads not matched into open squads.

Solution:  Make players join into open squads

Progression system 

Problem:  Linear progression system no outright easy to counters to certain things

Solution:  Give players free access to certain counters don’t level gate it.


My Smite God Pool Update


Time to update my god pool list below are ones feel most comfortable.   Included the worshipers levels, plan on getting these gods diamond.   Going to post every single build I have for each of these gods.


  1. Athena – Diamond
  2. Bacchus – Level 4
  3. Fafnir – Level 3
  4. Kumbhakarna – Diamond
  5. Terra – Level 1


  1. Fenrir – Level 1
  2. Sunano – Level 1
  3. Nemesis Level 2
  4. Ratatoskr – level 2
  5. Thor – level 1


  1. Hou Yi – level 1
  2. Chiron – Diamond
  3. Jing wei – level 1
  4. Rama – level 1
  5. Neith – level 1


  1. Janus – diamond
  2. Nu wa – level 2
  3. Raijin – level 4
  4. Sol – level 2
  5. Kukulkan – level 2


  1. Amaterasu – level 1
  2. Guan Yu – level 1
  3. Osiris – Level 1
  4. Ravana – Level 1
  5. Sun Wukong – Level 5

Labour Question Time

Turns out some people did watch here some thoughts on question time Labour edition.

Question time feels more like shouty time. Many ways feels like art of debating has died more about shout bits. Voters don’t care about lies only care if you get found out.

Watching feels like mum and dad fighting. Bringing up various points not mentioning the children. House is burning down in the background. Unwilling think differently tackling the house burning down and children who rejected them. Both offer different perceptions to the problems. Neither are right or wrong both could work with clever executions. Putting all your eggs into one basket is not wise [non voters].

Corbyn is deeply incompetence, reports that leaders office is dysfunction. Hundreds of examples have pulled together at this point. MPs who voted no confidence did so for this reason. Corbyn voters should be holding him to account if he wins. Demanding he steps up his game or face the music. Corbyn has no plan for children who rejected him. Get the impression thinking about the now not the future. Can’t do politics just day by day your opponents exploit that. Worse still politicians have to do unpopular stuff to get things done. Leadership under Corbyn he avoided doing unpopular things every time. Given Labour courage stand up but lack rest of the package.

Smith biggest problem is trying to convince Corbyn voters and non Corbyn votes at the same time. Gameplan was simple Corbyn voters were right but execution has been iffy. Smith own execution has been iffy guess that down not having whole staff team behind you. Rather hard to beat the leader with limited resources. Many ways feel Smith show difference between him and Corbyn. Willing to make unpopular decisions like second EU ref. Benefits Labour more than some people think it does. Get the impression that Smith does think about the future. Willing to listen come up with something in the middle.

Biggest problem needs have vision for children and house. Until that happens SNP and Tories can run wild. Don’t believe the centre is dead just populist nonsense is here. One side has been willing to exploit it, question is what happens once the wind blows the other way….

Do have some vagues ideas how tackle this problem.

Smite Thoughts



Started to play smite during closed alpha days on PS4.   Been playing the title for months now.  Racked up decent amount of play time when comes smite.  Here some thoughts on the game, everything from balance to playerbase.  Perception of the game comes from largely casual player who only silver.  On average have around 200 matches in every gamemode apart siege.  Various flaws which trying to improve. Don’t claim to be good player going try structure my opinion.

  • Item dependency
  • God balance
  • Plateau

Item Dependency

Community member Lordwhizzkid posted tweetlonger on subject of item dependency.  Post was important still feel it is important.  Recently lost game due not picking up wraith.  Normally don’t play jungle little weak on rotations and certain gods.   Played enough games in jungle to notice that lost due not picking up wraith.  Could be other factors why I lost when not picking up wraith. Don’t like picking up wraith due poor value it provides.  Lordwhizzkid explains why wrath is terrible.   Nemesis against ratatoskr meant to have slower clear but late game meant to win. 

More examples

Power boots picked up way more often due providing extra clear.   Physical gods even ones with poor scaling want to pick up warrior tabi.  Hunters pick up warrior tabi due helping with clear.  Ninja tabi picked up late game over early game due to the raw power.  Hi Rez understands this problem can see some minor item changes in 3.17.  Magical boots have also seen changes.

Maybe not best example of item dependency.

God balance

Mobility is heavily favoured right, key problem many abilities have damage attached to them.  Example Raijin minor amount of damage on his escape.  Raijin has decent clear can perform from range.  Plus mobility making him safe pick.  Decent amount of burst potential makes his late game strong.   Why pick Ah punch or anubis over raijin?

Ah punch is good in other game modes due smaller lane size.  Area of effect abilities take up most of the lane harder to dodge.   That an example hard to balance every god in every gamemode.    Feel Hi Rez needs to make it early game gods don’t have any late game burst.  Gods with mobility should have lower damage due being safe.


As a player feel like started to plateau, keep losing games due team fights.  Can’t see what done wrong in certain situations.  Maybe the lack of dedicated shot callers I don’t know. Rather frustrating not improving at all not stuck in limbo.   When I play support feel not very tanky.  Could be playing with various people not the same group.  Curious what Hi Rez wants to do for season 4.

Smite Useful Advice To Anybody

Smite Useful Advice To Anybody

Starting playing smite during the closed alpha on PS4.  Only moba I have played up until this point.   Here some general advice to any player.


Should be picking up wards after your first back in conquest.  Every role should be picking up one ward.  Various locations which should have one ward most of the match.  Wards give you vision allowing you avoid ganks.  Every single gamemode wards have use yes even in arena.  Get into the habit of picking wards up.  Can only place 2 at time which means your team has potential 10 wards.   Support can only place 2 leaving deficit of 8 wards missing from the map.   Excuse support should do does not fly given map has 10 major objectives.

Should be warding in every role.

Mini map

Every player should get into habit of checking the map.  Programmer spent time creating the map so use it.  Map contains various bits of information player locations, spawn timers, creeps position and objective information.  Lack of players displayed could be sign of danger.

Team communication

Again programmers spent time creating VGS, provides your team with information.  Should be using it taking note of any call outs. Useful habit to get into, information which can gel team together.  Players missing can cause major trouble in other lanes.

Calling missing

Should be calling players missing.


Every item is situational, understand reason behind each choice.

Counter building is important if certain gods causing you problems.

Bad manners

Bad habit do any sort of bad manners.  Terrible habit which causes even worse behaviour.

Warframe thoughts

Warframe thoughts

Time to discuss Digital Extremes free to play title Warframe.  Genre wise 3rd person action co-op shooter game. Focus is largely on resource collection.  Players are pitted against the environment. Battling various computer controlled enemies.  Each level dropping various resources.  Players can use these resources to craft items.  Players can share resources as clans building specialists items.  Science friction based world set in earth solar system.  Combat is low skill floor can have high skill ceiling. Detailed damage model for all playstyles.  Movement system used offensively or defensively.   Featuring heavy amount of parkour.

Digital Extremes has expanded on the original concept.  Warframe has transformed nothing like the base game.  Formula farm craft better items with fast combat.  Steady flow of updates has kept the player base. Sustaining large dedicated playerbase without significant attention.   Niche success many did not expect to happen. Face value the title looks boring.  Warframe is charming with minor things making players come back. Core feedback loop plus solid community makes warframe worth investing time in.  Opposite end compared to minecraft much more depth. Game does not provide mod support has much more base content.  Comparisons end due fundamental concepts being different.

Biggest problem game becomes rather grindy.  Slow resource collection with random drop rates. Reward tables are not displayed, limited amount information given.  Enjoy playing levels over constant grinding for loot.  Every planet has own design,  levels are procedurally generated.  Feel forced grinding premium currency.  Pigeonhole players due limiting inventory space.  Serious lack of inventory space feels like artificial limit.


Resources play key part in warframe.  Gameplay mechanics are secondary in the feedback loop. Various planets to visit each with different titleset.   Low amount of inventory space feel forced buy premium currency.