How to buff Koumei
I’ve shared my first impressions of Koumei previously—feel free to check it out. After further testing, I have a few minor tweaks and suggestions for improvements.
The first major quality-of-life change would be to reduce her casting times, either specifically for Kumihimo or as a general reduction across all abilities. Currently, Kumihimo is an attack that forms a long, narrow line, applying status effects in a small area. That line looks like a series of X shapes. However, the status effects are random and not controlled by the user, making it feel like a roll of the dice for a chance to apply each effect. Reducing the casting times here is essential. Alternatively, the shape of the attack could be adjusted for easier application and greater consistency, or the gaps between the lines could be narrowed.
For Omikuji, an obvious improvement would be to reduce the number of kills required for challenges at the start. Additionally, allowing players to choose decrees would make this ability more user-friendly. Another option could be to offer a bonus for collecting decrees. Overall, the requirements to complete these challenges need reviewing. A re-roll system with a cooldown would be helpful, and the cooldown period for completing a challenge should be shortened.
With Omanmori, the internal cooldown on charms should either be removed or reduced to 0.2 seconds. Players should be able to recast it before it expires.
As for Bunraku, I think it would be fine with a reduction in casting speed.
I’m not asking for a damage increase, as Koumei is a frame geared towards early players, and I’m unsure how these changes would impact her overall damage output.