Gun control bring up some questions about the society you want to live in. Want to live in society which mass shootings are normal move to a war zone. When prevention could have stopped these mass shootings you have to ask did was no action taken. Prevention policy common place for many elements of government policy. Example seat belts helped cut deaths from car accidents some how with guns we can’t take any action. Firearm death are now almost more common compared to car accident deaths in America. Data from 2011 is latest data.
Motor vehicle deaths 33,804
Firearm deaths 33,636.
Cost benefit for prevention on many issues creates saving in the long-term. Issue at hand has many factors but gun control changes could have big short-term impact on reducing these numbers. People seek quick fix avoiding other options which they don’t agree with. America has this issue which sadly the evidence backs up from most of the world. Only places which have far more firearm deaths, failed states, war zones and poverty with high crime. Evidence around the world tougher gun control results in less deaths. Harder for criminals to get hold of weapons and use them. However we’re trying to close the stable door after horse has bolted. Lessons learnt from around the world when it comes to solving that problem.
Far more people die from firearms every year over terror attacks yet we respond to unlikely events.
More guns!!!!
War zones are known for being safer over average neighbourhood. Don’t understand why you want more guns to solve problem created by access to weapons. Only argument one can make is these events keep happening. America is only nation which decreases gun laws in response to these events every other nation has harsher laws. Case for stronger background checks and even restrictions. Could be something simple or big restrictions. Standardize gun laws could be part of the solution.
Argument on the changes which could happen over not needing them.
Last point healthcare provisions mainly mental health standardize and free to support people who need it. That is leading onwards to another debate which badly needs to happen.
As an outsider I find the debate interesting along with saddening. American society appears unlikely to ask hard questions against some very powerful vested interest groups.