How to buff Koumei

How to buff Koumei

I’ve shared my first impressions of Koumei previously—feel free to check it out. After further testing, I have a few minor tweaks and suggestions for improvements.

The first major quality-of-life change would be to reduce her casting times, either specifically for Kumihimo or as a general reduction across all abilities. Currently, Kumihimo is an attack that forms a long, narrow line, applying status effects in a small area. That line looks like a series of X shapes. However, the status effects are random and not controlled by the user, making it feel like a roll of the dice for a chance to apply each effect. Reducing the casting times here is essential. Alternatively, the shape of the attack could be adjusted for easier application and greater consistency, or the gaps between the lines could be narrowed.

For Omikuji, an obvious improvement would be to reduce the number of kills required for challenges at the start. Additionally, allowing players to choose decrees would make this ability more user-friendly. Another option could be to offer a bonus for collecting decrees. Overall, the requirements to complete these challenges need reviewing. A re-roll system with a cooldown would be helpful, and the cooldown period for completing a challenge should be shortened.

With Omanmori, the internal cooldown on charms should either be removed or reduced to 0.2 seconds. Players should be able to recast it before it expires.

As for Bunraku, I think it would be fine with a reduction in casting speed.

I’m not asking for a damage increase, as Koumei is a frame geared towards early players, and I’m unsure how these changes would impact her overall damage output.

Dante, Jade, and Koumei: First Impressions

Dante, Jade, and Koumei: First Impressions


Koumei’s theme centers around randomness, a mechanic core to Warframe’s looter-shooter design. Given that randomness is fundamental to the game, integrating it directly into a frame’s abilities could lead to some interesting gameplay. But how does it play out? Koumei’s abilities are impacted by five dice rolls, each making her abilities more effective based on a high enough roll. Only benefits—no penalties here. Here’s a breakdown of what she does:

Kumihimo creates lines with random elemental status effects. High rolls apply all effects, while lower rolls apply fewer. Each line has a unique status effect and is spaced two meters apart.
Omikuji grants a random decree, challenging you to complete a task. Unlike Duviri’s system, you don’t have a choice here, and there’s a long cooldown after each cast.
Omamori can heal or block incoming damage based on dice rolls and may even grant invulnerability.
Bunraku deals a cone attack based on line of sight, with the number of applied status effects determined by dice rolls.

Koumei’s kit sounds promising in concept, offering randomness that’s generally predictable enough to be practical. But in practice, Kumihimo typically only applies a single status effect, and the scattered damage can be unreliable. You might get unlucky with where each line lands or what effects they apply, often leading to only one status effect taking hold—if an enemy even walks over it. The casting speed here is slow, too; the lines spread only after you cast, forcing you to recast repeatedly in hopes of better results. Not ideal for a caster frame, as her damage output feels too low for the risk you’re taking with these rolls.

Omikuji brings back the downside of Duviri’s decree mechanic, offering random challenges without player input. While random decrees might sound cool, the lack of choice means you can end up with something almost worthless, and the cooldown for earning another can feel punishing. In shorter missions, this ability feels rather wasted as you’re unlikely to earn many decrees per round.

Omamori has some defensive utility but still feels too random. With internal timer limits and dice rolls impacting the number of charms, it’s unreliable for survival.

Bunraku is Koumei’s only reliable damage source, but even it suffers from inconsistent damage types. However, it’s easier to apply than Kumihimo, which is a plus. Overall, while her kit provides variety, Koumei’s randomness and lower base power end up making her feel frustrating to play. Though she has potential for high status output when luck’s on your side, she seems destined for the bottom tier without major quality-of-life updates. It’s disappointing for a frame that had an entire update named after her. New players can find her on Earth, but she requires some advanced mods to make full use of her status effects. On the bright side, her theme song is great! Go give the soundtrack a listen.

Build suggestions alone can’t help reduce frustations with low damage output, slow casting speed. Natural talent helps with casting speed, but damage is to random. Problems are to great for modding to address. Just can’t recommended playing her at the moment not even for star chart.


Pros: High potential for status output
Cons: Low damage, inconsistent effects, random decrees add little, not beginner-friendly


Jade’s theme is angelic jade light, which offers a mix of support and offense. I really liked her original concept art, which brought me back to the game after a long break. The idea of an angel frame is fresh in Warframe, where we’re often cast as demons by NPCs—her look and lore give her a unique place among frames. Her passive ability provides two aura mod slots, which is quite handy. Overall, her concept is strong, though her gameplay can feel a bit clunky at times. Here’s what she brings to the table:

Light Judgment heals and deals heat damage.
Symphony of Mercy boosts strength, damage, and shields per second, allowing players to pick the enhancement they need.
Ophamn Eyes lowers enemy defense, slows them, and deals heat damage. It can revive allies, though it’s not the most effective tool for that.
Glory on High grants flight and activates a heat-powered exalted pistol, which can detonate judgments. Unfortunately, movement in this form is limited, often causing you to hit the ceiling in narrow areas.

On paper, Jade’s abilities seem well-rounded, and she feels balanced as a frame that can support teammates while dealing decent heat damage. Her Symphony of Mercy adds versatility to her role, letting you adjust to team needs on the fly. However, the restricted movement in Glory on High impacts her survivability since she relies on mobility to dodge damage. Limited testing in Steel Path shows that Glory on High has okay scaling, though there are still concerns about it. A few tweaks to her aerial mechanics could make her playstyle smoother. Overall, though, Jade is promising and has a good balance between support and offense.

Build Suggestions: Focus on heat mods to enhance her heat damage output. Range with strength with fire rate is something to consider. Glory on High output can be increased with fire rate.

Playstyle blends defensive and offensive, not just a purely focused support role. You can do that but pure focus on that is wasting the oppounity.


Pros: % healing, heat damage, strong buffs, defense reduction, two aura slots
Cons: Restricted movement in Glory on High, survivability linked to her exalted form


Dante’s theme centers around being a seeker of knowledge and keeper of Orokin history—a librarian isn’t exactly the most thrilling concept in a looter-shooter, but it surprisingly works here. His passive scans enemies into the codex, which might not be groundbreaking but suits his lore. Honestly, I didn’t have high expectations, but he’s turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Dante combines power and flexibility in a way that feels genuinely effective. Here’s a breakdown of his abilities:

Noctua is an exalted tome weapon dealing either slash or radiation damage.
Light Verse grants overguard and increases health.
Dark Verse deals slash damage in an X-shape in front of you.
Final Verse allows you to combine verses to create unique spells:
Triumph (two Light Verses) creates a boosted Light Verse.
Tragedy (two Dark Verses) applies slash, heat, and toxin damage over time in an area.
Wordwarden (Light followed by Dark) summons a Noctua copy that attacks at 50% of your damage.
Pageflight (Dark followed by Light) increases enemy damage taken and applies a small amount of slash damage.

Dante is a true caster frame that manages to support and deal damage effectively. His primary damage source, Noctua, is versatile, making him flexible without being overpowered. My biggest concern here is scaling; Noctua might struggle in higher-end content. Simple yet effective, his kit requires a bit of planning with Final Verse, allowing you to focus on either support or pure damage depending on your needs. This versatility is refreshing, but relying heavily on Noctua for most of his damage can be a bit limiting. Overall, Dante is a strong addition that’s fun to play and offers a satisfying balance between offense and support.

Build Suggestions: Given Noctua damage heat focused build seems to be the way to go. Strength seems to be the way to go but have not played enough to settle on final direction.

Everything beneifts from each other so just chain stuff together and enjoy the spell book fun.


Pros: Overguard and increased health, versatile damage types, flexible verse combinations, can act as a weapon platform and status primer
Cons: Noctua’s scaling may struggle at high levels

Closing Thoughts on Dante, Jade, and Koumei

All in all, Dante and Jade stand out with their balanced support and damage capabilities, giving players a solid set of tools without overshadowing other frames. Both bring a unique feel to the game, and their abilities are fun to use. For builds, focus on Noctua for Dante, with a generalist approach to benefit the rest of his kit, and emphasize Glory on High for Jade to get the most out of her abilities. Koumei, however, needs significant quality-of-life updates to become viable. Quick comparison: Jade is more ability-focused, and Dante is a bit more weapons-focused. I plan on using both Dante and Jade during Steel Path and other high-level content. Two out of three solid frames isn’t bad at all!

Warframe brief thoughts on Qorvex

Warframe brief thoughts on Qorvex

Here are my thoughts on Qorvex, using the Warframe wiki. I won’t give much detail but a rough overview of how it works instead. Qorvex based on my experience is a caster health tank. Traditional health tanks have leaned towards being more like weapons platforms. Using my tier list, an example of health tanks and casters. So we now have a hybrid.

How do I rate him? The average frame leaning towards below average. Still useable but has some problems that can be addressed. Some minor quality-of-life changes will go a long way, just making the gameplay loop feel better. Lack of self heal or armour stripping feels odd given what others similar to him can do and where to unlock him.

The Gameplay pool appears to be a pillar, the guard followed with the wall before blasting.


3-metre punch-through on weapons. The old passive was adding radiation damage, disappointed that was changed. I’m guessing it was changed due to messing with damage spreads.

Chyrinka pillar

The base range here is just 7 metres which is well tiny. Casting this will force you towards the ground, with the line of sight check. It rather weak ability that does not fit into the rest of the design. Want to stay near the pillar but that rarely happens due to very limited benefits.

Containment Wall

Straight line attack with line of sight checks, again grounded but this time with long animation. Anything is flying you can forget about hitting it. Any sort of geometry can block this attack. Designers love to put boxes and clutter around the map, stairs also block it. Crowd control is rather weird here, the slamming effect can do odd things.

Disometric Guard

Status cleanses and immunity is strong, nothing really bad to say here. The trade-off is no heal or armour strip.

Crucible Blast

Grounded once more with boxes able to block the beam. The duration is just 2 seconds, does decent damage during that short period.

Rather frustrating just how long the cast animations can be. Not only that but you fixed it in place. Making it so you’re mobile or less stuck in place would also be nice.

Quality of life changes

The pillar needs a range increase, increasing this to at least 14m I like to see 20m. The wall should be cone shape that would slam everybody into the centre. A bonus of being able to hit airborne targets. I would like to see some sort of healing or armour strip added. Guard having some healing would be nice. An Armour strip could be added to the wall. Blast can slowly move or increase the duration. Just doing the first two changes would be a major improvement for him.

Warframe Duviri paradox circuit probability – incorrect

Warframe Duviri paradox circuit probability

Durviri Paradox added a new game mode called Circuit. Inspired by a Tenno complaining about the crap weapons being most common. No weighting system so we can do some simple maths. *Correction weighting system does exist for weapons you don’t own and do own, along with warframes.

A pool of weapons and frames excluding prime and kit guns. Frames have 5 rolls, weapons 2 each for ne.

51 Frames

140 Primary

106 Secondary

162 Melee

The outcome you want / total count = probability, rolls can’t be repeated so you need to remove 1 each time. I decided to use 10 and 20 for the outcome number.


10/51 = 19.61%

40/50 = 64%

39/49  = 79.59%

38/48 = 79.16%

37/47 = 78.72%

Likely to get something useful but still possible to get something awful.

Weapons primary, secondary and melee in that order.

20/140 = 14.29%

20/106 = 18.87%

20/162 = 12.35%

Minus 1 from both totals, ^2 for the second roll gives you the likelihood of something you wanted.

(119/139)^2 = 73.29%

(85/105)^2 = 65.53%

(141/161)^2 = 76.69%

7 in 10 still have 3 chances of getting something you disliked. Based on experience, more extensive weapon stocks reap a benefit here. Sometimes you can be unluckily forced to use default mods which suck on steel path.

* I fully expect I have made a mistake with the maths.

Warframe Tier list 2022

Warframe Tier list 2022

Broken up war frames into archetypes, should make any tier list easier to create.  Each frame can be seen as a tool, support, DPS, tanks, crowd control and farmer frames. Many frames have similar uses with loads of overlap. Brief description of each archetype. 

  • Support – Frames which offer buff and debuffs, various bonuses which benefit the squad. 
  • DPS – Damage focused frames who kit or parts focus on it. 
  • Tanks – Frames which offer some survival tools allows them to absorb damage. 
  • Crowd control – Focus on controlling enemies
  • Farmer – Make it easier to frame resources or increase the odds

Rating system what does each tier mean. 

S completely broken, A great, B good, C niche, D rework is required

Ideally you want everything in A or B, C some minor changes and D needs big changes. Meta can shift making things in C still good just not used. Minor changes could be required for C, mix of changes between big and small needed for D. Some frames straight up need reworks. 

Minor rework

  • Equinox
  • Trinity 
  • Inaros
  • Loki
  • Limbo
  • Volt

Full rework

  • Atlas
  • Chroma
  • Hydroid
  • Frost
  • Limbo
  • Nyx
  • Yareli
  • Valkyr

Support frames

  • S
  • A – Rhino, Protea, Octivia, Wisp
  • B – Harrow, Oberon, Xaku
  • C – Trinity
  • D – Valkyr


  • S
  • A – Gara, Ember, Mesa, Octavia, Saryn, Mag, Garuda, Protea, Titania
  • B – Ash, Baruuk, Larvos, Ivara
  • C – Excalibur, Equinox, Nyx, Yareli, Volt
  • D – Atlas, Hydroid

Crowd control

  • S
  • A – Nova, Octavia, Vauban, Limbo
  • B – Ivara
  • C – Frost, Loki
  • D – Nyx


  • S
  • A – Gauss, Nezha, Wukong, Zephyr, Hildryn, Revenant
  • B – Atlas, Rhino, Oberon, Harrow, Mirage, Larvos, Ivara, Nidus, Grendel
  • C – Chroma, Inaros, Loki, Volt
  • D – Frost, Valkyr

Farmer frames

  • S
  • A – Nekros, Khora
  • B – Xaku
  • C – Limbo
  • D – Atlas, Hydroid


Warframe farming prime parts

Warframe farming prime parts

Time is valuable so here how I farm prime parts for ducats and to sell. Farming prime parts for ducats, elite onslaught offers the best returns. Giving you radiant relics, from a giant pool of relics. Higher chance for rare or uncommon parts from radiant. Specific prime parts you want quickest missions with highest drop chance. Generally find focusing on low relic drop tables best. Bounties normally offer one relic not every single one from the pool. Not always the relic you want to farm, which means going with the slower options. Various resources showing the places to farm. Official drop table or 3rd party sites using that data. Relic packs can give you a head start but require massive amounts of time investment.

Nightwave Wolf of Saturn week 2 tips

Nightwave Wolf of Saturn week 2 tips

Nightwave challenges are time sinks not that difficult. Just require some time investment to complete each one. Rewarded for spending time doing the challenges. Here some general tips to help you complete this weeks challenges. Obvious example Syndicate missions need 10 which takes some time to do.

Deal X damage to kill X enemy, doesn’t need be the dominate element to trigger. Weapon with corrosive heat builds, toxin or electric or heat would count. Other words specific load outs are not required. Warframe powers count towards this challenge.

10 perfect animal captures can be bit random. Stealth frames make this easier, Irava sleep arrows need be direct hits. Need to be patience watching wind direction, plants give you a general idea. Hunt the lower tier animals without a good sense of smell.

Pick up 8 rare mods, random luck involved here. Normally would be time consuming requiring hundreds of mobs to die.  The index located on Neptune, high chance each enemy can drop rare mods.  Loot table contains rare mods, not that bad in terms of time needed.

Kuva challenge without life support requires some way to generate life support. Nerkos with despoil , atlas or hydroid can also generate more loot. Time sink challenge that not difficult to complete. If you do find this hard I recommend you bring a DPS frame. Converting life support to Kuva also stops accidentally life support usage.  Can convert to kuva without fear of the challenge failing. Bring a friend to do both challenges at once.

Complete three waves of elite onslaught any DPS frame is good here. ESO provides a good source for ducats normally can find public squads without much trouble. Saryn is queen in this mode but not required. Can bring a support frame and help any DPS if you want.  Can complete eximus unit challenge here at the same time.

Other challenges like Assassination missions I recommend phroid invasion mission. Honestly just pick whatever boss you enjoy the most.

Warframe wolf of saturn bye alerts

Warframe wolf of saturn bye alerts

Surprise update has hit warframe, no fan fair just global platform release. Patch notes can be found here. Introducing nightwave radio show presented by mystery host Nora night. Replacing the alert system and XP related challenges. Alert system was time based random alerts offering players certain rewards. Certain mods would turn up at 1 am just when you wanted to sleep. Nightwave small bits of lore, tier rewarded, quests which unlock rewards and currency to unlock old alert rewards. Designers have hinted that new stories are coming with new rewards. Rewards are meant to be time limited no idea if they are going to repeat. No confirmed length how long each season is going to last. Old alert UI remains so alerts have not fully disappeared. Various game modes are still linked with this UI. Nightwave progress can be viewed at any time during missions. Welcome change which allows you to check in game. Functions similar to the syndicate reward system. Some key differences battle pass like tiers rewards, can pick what reward you want. Goal behind this system giving players some goals after the star chart. Vets have extra content with some big goals to work towards.

Some minor complaints around the UI elements it has replaced. Update has been quite enjoyable.

Warframe some thoughts on adaptation

Warframe some thoughts on adaptation

Adaptation provides damage resistance up to 90% for 20 seconds. More information on Adaptation you can view the warframe wiki entry. Face value the mod looks super strong. Important to understand the flaws 1, lethal damage 2, stacking damage 3, mod slots are valuable 4, Weak to AOE damage

Lethal damage still ends up being lethal no matter how much you resist it. Unlike say quick thinking which could save you or operator immunity frames.  

Stacking the damage is required to gain the full effect. Needs be refreshed every 20 seconds. Majority of time the damage resistance is going to be physical types. I don’t know what damage heavy gunners or lancers do. 

Mod slots are super valuable, need be certain power level to be worth it. In cases which adaptation can replace or reduce, likely the worth using it. Good example is quick thinking prime flow frames. Prime flow can be replaced with something else. 

Important to understand majority of warframe content is star chart level. Won’t be necessary given how we normally use one mod for survival. Slot that is normally just base health.  When to use the mod is rather complicated based on content you plan to do plus build. 

Brief testing showed this mod to be weak against rockets or anything AOE.

Situational mod which provides much needed effective health. Frames which can use it damage resistance frames or natural tanks or healing focused frames. Examples Atlas, Gara, Nidus, Nova, Oberon, Nerkos, Mesa, Inaros, Trinity, Wukong. About 1/3 of the current frames can use this mod. 

Love the design around this mod what it opens up build wise. Powerful tool for end game content creating some interesting choices players must make. Willing to admit that only have brief experiences with this mod at the moment. My views are subject to change could do. Don’t think this mod is required or needed in 95% of cases.

Warframe Feedback

Warframe Feedback


  • Rewards should scale based on missions difficulty
  • Higher amount credit alerts
  • Higher amount resource alerts


  • Should separate mission objectives
  • Assassins missions against other Syndicates
  • Syndicates relics


  • Should separate mission objectives
  • Relics
  • Higher credit awards per mission
  • Better rewards in general
  • Higher resource drop rate

Endless missions

Relics increase the odds of rarer relics. Allow players to earn more than one relic per rotation. Allow players to earn relics with void traces per installed.


Prime parts allow players to reuse relics but can’t get the same item again. Increase odds on rarer items further you go. Allow players to earn double or triple the parts.

Void traces

Void traces increase the possible amount earned. Could be done by changing the total or small increases so lower variation. Standardise void traces earned after certain rotation. Endless void trace missions allow players to fuse void traces into relics per round.