Various Thoughts

Decided to quick little post on various topics over write out something massive.  Still working out what a good idea to write about when it comes to this site but here goes nothing.  Recently been playing Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 so here are my views and some other subjects.

Call Of Duty Black Ops 3

Campaign does suffer from Call Of Duty writing which most characters are skin deep male dominated macho culture.   Even the female characters feels like they should be male.  Key problem here is that when characters die you don’t feel connected to them just looking at the set pieces thinking that looks awesome.  Credit to Treyarch for making the campaign coop in some respects feel like an add on.  Some strategy players can specialist in various loadouts or focus on certain weapon types.

Zombies shadows of evil is fun game even gives you hints what you need to do.  Visual and audio messages saying you should do this in order get benefit feels story driven.  You don’t have to start the Easter egg to be told the story of zombies.  Credit again to Treyarch for improving on the criticism.  Sound design not bad however does appear to be some gaps sometimes you don’t hear zombies behind you.

Multiplayer you kill things and rank up.  Only issue I have with whole thing is linear progression system.  You have to get kills in order move up the progression rank.  Movement system does not matter during combat feels very close to older games.

Paris attacks

Recently Paris suffered from series of terrorist attacks across the city.  Terrorist attacks are rare within European nations with only a handful of recorded ones within recent years.   Could not have come at worse time, European nations which are deeply divided with no clear leadership.  European project is facing economic, social issues on colossal scale along with crisis of leadership deeply divided.  Global issues remain unsolved feeding into the challenges the European nations face. France is not only nation suffering from terrorist attacks, long list of attacks this year. Concerns me not just due to pointless lost of life but the debate.   Very real risk that we could fall into the trap being placed before us very real risk that fibre of European nations being ripped apart as a result.

European nations have failed to get to grips with issues on global stage even the back yard. Europe suffering from economic failure with younger generations converting to extreme ideology views. Young men are killing each other and others, becoming murders attacking values which raised them.

Obvious example refugee/migrant crisis economic/social problem caused by failed states/civil wars/economic failure.

Worries me that wave of xenophobia and populist parties may come one step closer to power. Growing already shaped the debate to much in the wrong direction making matters worse.  Some was looking for reason to reject refugees may have been given one.

Pray for Paris and Europe.

Star wars battlefront

Fan service still decent game but very causal not a bad thing at all.  We need causal games which why we have Call Of Duty with various other titles.  Have no interest in that title at all 🙂


Yes do plan on live streaming some more just a case of finding the right game and being interesting. Going to try get some games to add to Youtube at the same time.