10 days until Christmas

10 days until Christmas

Reflections on Christmas

Middle of winter subject to series of ancient holidays,  Christmas is just another one taking many traditions from the holidays.  For centuries people celebrated winter solstice light and birth in the darkest days of winter.  Worse of winter is over people could look forward, longer days and extended sun lights. Why end of December perfect time for celebration for Europe. Live stock was killed during this time to avoid being feed and perfect time to eat stockpiled food.  Most interesting celebration was done for centuries across various cultures and societies.  No longer face the same problems when it comes to food supply slowly whole thing has become more about reflection. Traditions has not died out if anything become even stronger still gather together to keep warm and eat.  Christianity lost control of Christmas in drive of getting it more accepted as the main holiday.

Do enjoy Christmas brings about great deal of reflection.

Middle east…..

Christianity has important place within history of the middle east.  Long term Christianity is suffering from major decline result of political turmoil, high emigration rates, persecution.  Unlikely things are going to change any time soon.  Peaceful existence in many nations has disappeared with expected numbers likely to half at the end of the decade.  Unhelpful talk of relocation with nations reaching wanting only to take in this select group of refugees.

Like many share some of the same values Christianity find this view worrying.

Christmas gifts are always nice but lets not forget the humble beginning and message.