Smite main gods?

Played enough smite now that come to enjoy certain gods more compared to others.  Decided to make 5 gods from each group to be my main gods.  That said likely going to be playing other gods. Can see the gods below being some of my favorites not saying these gods are the best within the game.


Ah assassin’s high damage burst gods which should keep to the jungle supporting teammates hunting other gods.  Don’t have any builds for season 3 yet no idea how build this class.  Weakest class for me however gotten better just suffer from rotation issues.  Yet to play Awillix, Kali been told both are late game ish gods.

  1. Arachne – Less annoying version of loki
  2. Awilix – Yet to play
  3. Fenrir – Easy versatile but lacks crowd control
  4. Thor – Versatile with crowd control
  5. Kali – Late game carry


Below are the following hunters which likely to mainly play, create generic build for all hunters to follow. Class archetype focus is mainly on auto attacks two routes go down attack speed or critical hits.  Gone down the attack speed route over critical due to being rebalanced. End game once you have enough gold switch out the boots to gain more attack speed which increases your damage per second.

Gods like Rama are decent however suffer due having had to aim ults.

  1. Anhur/Artemis
  2. Chiron
  3. Medusa
  4. Ullr
  5. Xbalanque



Broken down the mage archetypes, generic builds won’t work so well here.   Lacking builds for mages in general but got rough idea.

  • Agni – Area of effect
  • Chronos – Magical carry can be built like a hunter or magical mage.
  • Freya – Magical assassins
  • Hel – Healer/burst damage
  • Janus – Burst damage/mobile


Within this god class various archetypes from high damage to high defense.   Tyr comes down to switching stances all the time.  Guan yu can heal his team or minion wave.  Hercules is high damage warrior, Amatreasu attack speed based warrior.  Bellona no idea what archetype she comes under.

Yet to find good builds for each god.

  1. Amatreasu – Speed physical warrior
  2. Bellona – High damage hard hitter
  3. Guan yu – Healer warrior
  4. Hercules – High sustain
  5. Tyr – High damage, high defense


Create generic build for every guardian focus is on protections from every group.   Added each archetype next to the gods on the list below.

  1. Ares – High damage
  2. Athena – Rotating guardian
  3. Geb – Setup
  4. Khepri – Setup/Healer
  5. Ymir – Aggro