Updated: BO3 Classes

Disclaimer:  Yet to use every weapon attachment in the world or gun. Obvious examples LMGs and Snipers with some ARs.  

Gunsmith I have saved my attachments so don’t have to remember or setup every time I change guns.

Assault rifles

Normally run quickdraw/stock everything apart from XR-2/Shevia/M8A7 and KN44.

High cailber used when going for headshots, long barrel would only use it on XR-2/M8A7 or HVK-30. Not sure would be worth using due to lack of ranged maps.

Shevia with stock/Elo

Suppressor for KN44 with stock is not bad.


Extended mag for kuda,  Quickdraw/laser for the VMP, Quickdraw for the Weevil, Fast mags / Extended mags or suppressor, Quickdraw / Stock for the Pharo , Red dot / Quickdraw for the Razorback.


Nothing on the KRM or Quickdraw / long barrel

Nothing on the Brecci or Fast mags / Extended mags

Nothing on the Haymaker or Fast mags / Extended mags

Nothing on the Argus or Quickdraw / Stock

Suppressor can work on the Brecci makes the weapon 2 hit kill with less range.


Normally use the following pretty much

Blind eye/cold blooded for anything that needs to be destroyed and engineer

Flak jacket

Dead silence/Awareness or Dead silence

Tracker/hard wired

Engineer for red wood


Must be noted been running with only two perks as of late for certain gamemodes.  Fast hands/gung ho is good for shotguns plus ghost.




Trophy system



Pretty much every class has black cell or XM-53 on it.  Apart from shotguns which uses a pistol.

Black Ops 3 – Bad Teammates

Black Ops 3 Bad Team mates

Recently Drif0r made a video called Bad Teammates & SBMM! (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 SPECULATION).  Here the video 🙂

Going to discuss his points….

1, Team balancing

Drif0r complains that this game has worse team balancing hinting something is going on.  Always gets terrible/horrible players who never played with controller. Getting way more bad teammates than in the past.  Leading to speculation Treyarch are doing something with the balancing.

Based on my experience with Call Of Duty has never been able to balance the teams.  One team always gets smashed the other team always wins easy or not very close.   Horrible teammates have become common element always remember having terrible ones most of the time.  Noticed no real difference in team mate quality.

Black Ops 3 just like any CoD in my experience has suffered from bad teammates!

2, Killstreaks

Even with the tools to destroy killstreaks being so powerful, killstreaks are still damaging to other teams.

3, Not only one notice this

Vocal minority top 10% of players all in your head.

4, Theory

Good players are given terrible teammates expected to carry them.  Based on his experience believes that is true.   My experience quality of teammates are random and often get terrible teammates.  Result is frustrating game due to various gameplay mechanics.

My view

Don’t believe anything is going on and feels like normal CoD to me.  Plus soloing CoD is annoying frustrating in causal very random game which favours map position.  Recent rumours are nothing but rubbish started be taking tweet out of content.  Explains why the studio does not release full details instead just vague what it sort of did releases.

Black Ops 3 Bad Teammates just down to normal matchmaking system and due to playerbase being rubbish on average. Humans like to see patterns when no patterns exist which what I feel is happening.

Black Ops 3 classes

Below pretty much my core classes for the game so far.

Class: FFA 

Following class designed for FFA features perks which increase total player awareness.  Team death match game modes this class works good in say TDM/KC.

  • Six Sense
  • Tracker or Hard wired or Scavenger
  • Awareness / Dead silence

Combo of awareness/dead silence just to good to pass up when it comes to FFA.  Normally run this 99% of the time in FFA unless people are using loads of equipment or stuns.

Six sense adds to your total awareness can get away with removing the perk if you want extra point. Current meta nobody is running hard wired in FFA which makes perk so good. Tracker or Hard wired or Scavenger depending what meta like, scavenger great for slayers. Awareness / Dead silence combo no good real not to use this combo.

Specialist choice is reaper due to how footsteps currently work appear to be bugged with reaper which useful in FFA.

Class: Objective 

Designed to take objectives in various gamemodes.

  • Flak jacket
  • Tactical mask or Dead silence or Tactical mask / Dead silence
  • Equipment Trophy system or smoke combo with tactician.

Combo choices tactical mask / dead silence or smoke / trophy system.  Enough room to put in two combos not just one.  Can throw in hard wired or tracker 🙂


CODPoints views

CODPoints views

Recently Call of duty black ops 3 has added into the game CODPoints which is currency designed to be used on loot based items.  Crypto keys/liquid divinium can be exchanged for supply drops / gobble gum.  Supply drops give you cosmetic items and gobble gum small buffs when you play zombies.  Given the success of supply drops in advance warfare was obvious system like this was on the way.   Still annoyed it been added into the game and just another cash cow.

Understand studios need to make money but this is the biggest selling game of all time.  Most games add systems like this couple months after release so they can keep supporting them.  Feel like microtransactions have got out of hand and value side of things is low when comes to this deal.