Black Ops 3 – Bad Teammates

Black Ops 3 Bad Team mates

Recently Drif0r made a video called Bad Teammates & SBMM! (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 SPECULATION).  Here the video 🙂

Going to discuss his points….

1, Team balancing

Drif0r complains that this game has worse team balancing hinting something is going on.  Always gets terrible/horrible players who never played with controller. Getting way more bad teammates than in the past.  Leading to speculation Treyarch are doing something with the balancing.

Based on my experience with Call Of Duty has never been able to balance the teams.  One team always gets smashed the other team always wins easy or not very close.   Horrible teammates have become common element always remember having terrible ones most of the time.  Noticed no real difference in team mate quality.

Black Ops 3 just like any CoD in my experience has suffered from bad teammates!

2, Killstreaks

Even with the tools to destroy killstreaks being so powerful, killstreaks are still damaging to other teams.

3, Not only one notice this

Vocal minority top 10% of players all in your head.

4, Theory

Good players are given terrible teammates expected to carry them.  Based on his experience believes that is true.   My experience quality of teammates are random and often get terrible teammates.  Result is frustrating game due to various gameplay mechanics.

My view

Don’t believe anything is going on and feels like normal CoD to me.  Plus soloing CoD is annoying frustrating in causal very random game which favours map position.  Recent rumours are nothing but rubbish started be taking tweet out of content.  Explains why the studio does not release full details instead just vague what it sort of did releases.

Black Ops 3 Bad Teammates just down to normal matchmaking system and due to playerbase being rubbish on average. Humans like to see patterns when no patterns exist which what I feel is happening.