Smite 2 understanding INT/STR

Smite 2: Understanding INT/STR

“Smite 2” is currently in closed alpha, so everything is subject to change. While core mechanics are likely to remain the same, some bugs may exist that could cause problems.

In this version, damage types are divided into physical or magical. Physical damage scales off Strength (STR), while magical damage scales off Intelligence (INT). Penetration is now universally shared across all damage types, and all characters have access to all items, as the class system has been removed. The scaling system is now more flexible, categorized as pure STR, pure INT, or hybrid. Building INT on physical characters does not convert their damage to magical. For example, auto-attacks mostly scale off STR, such as Sol dealing magical damage but benefiting from STR in the carry role.

Below, I’ve listed the characters’ damage types, roles, and general build paths.

Physical Damage

  • Anhur archetype: Full STR, roles include carry or mid. Focuses on ranged basic attacks.
  • Bellona archetype: Full STR, roles include solo or jungle. Focuses on melee basic attacks.
  • Cernunnos archetype: Hybrid, roles include carry or mid. Ranged basic attacks benefit from STR, while abilities provide INT-based utility effects.
  • Chaac archetype: Hybrid, role is solo. Ability-based, with INT-based utility effects beyond just damage.
  • Fenrir archetype: Full STR, roles include jungle, support, and solo. Ability-based with decent melee basic attacks, can build as bruiser or tank.
  • Jing Wei archetype: Full STR, roles include carry or mid. Focuses on ranged basic attacks with bonus critical strike damage.
  • Loki archetype: Full STR, roles include jungle or solo. Ability-based with strong basic attack cancels.
  • Mordred archetype: Hybrid, roles include jungle or solo. Hybrid builds work for full damage, bruiser, or tank, leaning towards STR builds.
  • Neith archetype: Hybrid, roles include carry or mid. Can build for INT-based abilities, STR-based basic attacks, or a mix of both.
  • Odin archetype: Hybrid, roles include jungle or solo. Ability-based with STR, but can also use INT. Performs better as a tank.
  • Susano archetype: Full STR, roles include jungle or solo. Ability-based with strong basic attack cancels.
  • Thanatos archetype: Full STR, role is jungle. Ability-based with strong basic attack cancels.

Magical Damage

  • Anubis archetype: Full INT, role is mid. No mobility, ability-based burst with life steal focus.
  • Ares archetype: Hybrid, role is support. Requires protections and cooldown rate for his passive.
  • Athena archetype: Hybrid, roles include support and jungle. Leans towards INT, protection scaling leads to tanky builds.
  • Bacchus archetype: Hybrid, roles include support and solo. Protection scaling provides bonus damage.
  • Hades archetype: Full INT, roles include solo and mid. Protection scaling adds utility, allowing for bruiser or full-damage builds.
  • Hecate archetype: Full INT, role is mid. Cooldown rate is helpful.
  • Kukulkan archetype: Full INT, role is mid. An exception to building INT, as Transcendence provides 120 INT at max stacks.
  • Sol archetype: Hybrid, roles include carry or mid. Can build for INT-based abilities, STR-based basic attacks, or a mix of both. STR critical strike paths are very strong.
  • The Morrigan archetype: Full INT, role is mid. Ability-based INT damage, with the ultimate allowing transformation into the selected god.
  • Ymir archetype: Hybrid, role is support. Ability-based, with protection scaling increasing damage.
  • Zeus archetype: Full INT, role is mid. INT-only abilities, but the potential for synergy with ranged basic attacks.

The three other major changes are in relics and active items, which have altered the gameplay experience. Now, players are limited to one relic that cannot be changed, and active items have strong effects that resemble relics from earlier versions. As a result, the game has shifted towards a focus on burst damage, mobility, and crowd control. Other changes have also impacted the balance and direction of the game. Many characters are receiving quality-of-life updates, reworks, or being ported over