Video game industry has ignored single player titles. Converting games into a service, heavy focus on microtransactions. Very few big budget single player titles that exist. Indie titles however have taken up the mantle filling the gap in the market. Can be hard to find something in the sea of titles. I have recently rediscovered single player games, been playing mass effect series. I should have played this game years ago. Now realised that I should play more genres. Certain genres just have all but disappeared outside of indie releases.
Describe this game as an action RPG, fixed story but can go along many paths. I do have some criticism with the writing but the scale story wise is massive. Some characters can be hollow lacking any depth. Aliens feel different to each other, reflection of human worse or best traits. Effort has been taken in crafting characters; world building is outstanding. At times characters can feel bit wooden but still something to draws you in.
Actions you take have consequences sometimes not always clear what going to happen. The experience is liner yet highly flexible within the rules created by the designers. Appears to be massive amount of replay value going on here not just in terms of challenge. At times the game can be dumb, things standing still as you damage it. Unclear if any challenge can be found. Combat wise the game is rather simple, yet rewarding accurate well-placed headshots. Not a huge fan of the here better number upgrade but does the job. Still don’t have a clue what half of them do. Simple UI fails to give you information on weapon stats. Vague numbers don’t mean that much and no reference point to look it up. Controls just work but the stamina system is annoying. UI for the first title is rather dated, do wish the remaster did improve it.
Bioware have created world full of different species. Looking forward to completing all three games. Already spent decent amount of time just taking in the world. At times the game can suffer from poor mechanics things just not working. Rather sad that in recent years poor working practises and unsuccessful games have spawned from Bioware. The studio has shown itself to be rather talented, but poorly run with abusive practises. High risk industry can understand the desire to cover any costs making games is costly. At some point need to remember games are about fun.
Most of the things I dislike are minor complaints. Overall, I enjoyed the experience.