Smite meta snapshot and top picks patch 6.2

Smite meta snapshot and top picks patch 6.2

Current meta can be described as pressure with burst. Similar to the late season 5, pressure leads to snowballs. Aggressive pressure is valued for duo, jungle and middle. Solo lane about aggressive rotations, less about lane pressure. High pressure supports block invades, helping to keep carries safe. Both damage roles is about safe lane clear and damage. Higher levels of play low mobility mages are super valued. Hybrid items counter burst for the frontline. Designers have said they plan on balancing around diamond plus. Bronze to plat play similar to each other. Ranked is less about picks more how well you can play. Against experienced players, certain gods become weaker.

Here my top picks and pocket picks.  Mainly been playing these gods in ranked and banning these gods.

ADC – Chiron, Cernunnos, Jing wei, Apollo, Medusa

Support – Geb, Cerberus, Bacchus, Fenrir, Kumbhakarna

Middle Ah Puch, Agni, Kukulkan, Poseidon, Raijin

Jungle – Ao kuang, bakasura, Pele, Ratatoskr, Da Ji

Solo – Vamana, Sun Wukong, Xing tian, Zhong zui, Cabrakan

Why is X god not on that list?

I don’t enjoy playing X god at the moment, view that god as over rated. Could be lacking experience with X god due being banned all the time. Obvious examples Merlin and King Arthur, like merlin but so many jungles who pressure him. King Arthur I find difficult to play well.

Grinding my way towards diamond at the moment currently one division below.