Below pretty much my core classes for the game so far.
Class: FFA
Following class designed for FFA features perks which increase total player awareness. Team death match game modes this class works good in say TDM/KC.
- Six Sense
- Tracker or Hard wired or Scavenger
- Awareness / Dead silence
Combo of awareness/dead silence just to good to pass up when it comes to FFA. Normally run this 99% of the time in FFA unless people are using loads of equipment or stuns.
Six sense adds to your total awareness can get away with removing the perk if you want extra point. Current meta nobody is running hard wired in FFA which makes perk so good. Tracker or Hard wired or Scavenger depending what meta like, scavenger great for slayers. Awareness / Dead silence combo no good real not to use this combo.
Specialist choice is reaper due to how footsteps currently work appear to be bugged with reaper which useful in FFA.
Class: Objective
Designed to take objectives in various gamemodes.
- Flak jacket
- Tactical mask or Dead silence or Tactical mask / Dead silence
- Equipment Trophy system or smoke combo with tactician.
Combo choices tactical mask / dead silence or smoke / trophy system. Enough room to put in two combos not just one. Can throw in hard wired or tracker 🙂